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My Talented Babies & Genius Wife

Chapter 370 Kiki, I forbid you to cook for Quinn
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To capture a man's heart, first capture his stomach ......

Christ’s hand stopped in the mid-air. Back then, when Kiki cooked for him, did she also want to capture his stomach

and then his heart?

Kiki, I want you to capture my heart, can you, again, come and capture my stomach like before?

Seeing Stephen eat several more pieces of sweet and sour pork, Christ's eyes were so red that he almost ate


That was the sweet and sour pork that Kiki made for him, that was his sweet and sour pork, who was Stephen to

eat his sweet and sour pork!

Christ felt mad that he wanted to snatch that plate of sweet and sour pork from Stephen to prevent him from

continuing to eat it.

Quinn smiled and spoke leisurely, "Stephen, I loved Kiki when I was a teenager, my heart has long been full with

Kiki. She has no need to grab my stomach, I can't run away from her!"

"Instead, I've been making loving meals for Kiki every day lately, trying to catch her stomach."

"Quinn, that's all you've got!" Stephen gave Quinn a disgusted look, but still asked Quinn for a teacher, "Quinn, why

don't you also teach me how to make love meals, I also want to catch my Fairy Freya's stomach ......"

Before Stephen could finish his sentence, Fabian, who was sitting next to him, had already stepped on his foot


"Stephen, Freya is Fitz's wife, don't take advantage of Fitz's absence to steal her! Believe it or not, I'll tell Fitz and

have Fitz beat you up!"

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"Pryce, we're all friends, can you not be so obvious in your favoritism towards Fitz? What's wrong with me pursuing

my fairy Freya in an open manner? What's wrong with Fitz and Fairy Freya getting married and having children?

Can't I be a male mistress?"

Freya almost choked to death on her saliva!

"Stephen, that's enough!" Fabian saw that Stephen's words were getting more and more outrageous, so he couldn't

help but open his mouth and say.

Bradley was also determined to defend his boss's position, and he also spoke up quite righteously, "Even if you want

to be a mistress, you have to have the opportunity to take advantage of it! Boss and Miss Freya are so close, do you

think you have a chance?"

"Who said I didn't have a chance!" Stephen said excitedly, "Fitz didn't even come over to keep Fairy Freya company,

I saw it just now, Fairy Freya called Fitz and he didn't answer, who knows which goblin had seduced Fitz!"

Hearing this from Stephen, Fabian and Bradley, who knew the inside story, didn't bother to talk to him.

There's no such thing as a goblin! This is Kieran's big move! When he makes his big move, all goblins will have to

stand aside!

Quinn ate Kiki's food for the first time, he was happy and kept helping Kiki with food, "Kiki, you're too slim, eat


Kiki looked at the food piled up in front of her, helpless to the extreme. Was Quinn feeding the pigs?

Despite this thought, Kiki nodded politely at Quinn.

Seeing that, Christ could not eat. He was so angry that he wanted to smash the table so that Quinn would not

continue to court Kiki's attentions.

"Christ, these sweet and sour pork is indeed quite delicious ......"

Before Penny could finish her sentence, Christ pushed several pieces of sweet and sour pork onto the plate in front

of her, "Eat more if it's good!"

After giving Penny several pieces of sweet and sour pork, Christ regretted it. This was the sweet and sour pork that

Kiki had made for him, why would he give it to Penny?

Christ clutched his chopsticks, he really wanted to snatch these sweet and sour pork from Penny's plate, but he was

a noble and cool domineering CEO, how could he do such a childish thing!

He could only quickly picked up the few pieces of sweet and sour pork left on the plate on the table into his bowl,

even if he didn't eat them, he didn't want other men to eat the sweet and sour pork Kiki made for him.

"Hey hey! Christ, don't go too far!" Stephen, who loved Kiki's sweet and sour pork, was so angry that he almost

jumped when he saw that the plates on the dining table were empty inside.

"Christ, shame on you! Why did you take away all the sweet and sour pork! Can't you at least save a piece for me!"

Christ raised his eyebrows coldly, of course he wouldn't say this is the sweet and sour pork that Kiki made for me, I

forbid you to eat it.

He spoke coldly, "Penny likes sweet and sour pork."

What he meant by this was obviously that he had chucked in so many sweet and sour pork ribs, all for Penny.

Penny didn't expect Christ to suddenly be so considerate towards her, she was so happy that she smiled, "Christ,

thank you, I love the sweet and sour pork you plucked for me!"

Christ silently corrected Penny in his mind, he didn't want to give Penny sweet and sour pork! All the sweet and sour

pork was his! Even the ones on Penny's plate were his!

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Penny felt that since Christ was so sweet to her, of course she had to be nice too, she took a piece of fish and sent

it towards Christ's mouth, "Christ, try it, this fish is also good."

Christ subconsciously frowned. These chopsticks had been used by Penny and were still covered with Penny's saliva,

who would want to eat Penny's saliva!

When she saw Penny and Christ tonight, Kiki decided to treat them like air, but she, but she was still not calm and

collected enough.

Christ and Penny show their love for each other in public, helping each other with food and it hurt Kiki’s heart.

Kiki opened her mouth, still with a feeling of breathlessness. Fortunately, her mobile phone rang in time for her to

leave with it openly, to answer the phone outside and get some air in the process.

It was from Catherine, who expressed her gratitude to Kiki. The song "One Thought", which Kiki had recorded for

her TV series, had just been posted on the Internet and had reached number one on the Gold Songs Chart. Over a

night, Kiki became heat, as well as the TV show she directed.

Kiki did not expect the response to 'One Thought' to be so good. After hanging up the phone, she was just about to

go back and share her joy with Freya, but when she turned around, she met the gloomy eyes of Christ.

"Kiki, who told you to cook for Quinn! You're really doing everything to please Quinn! Kiki, why are you so ......"

"Christ, you want to say I'm a bitch, don't you?" Before Christ could finish his sentence, Kiki interrupted him, "At

least I don't pester the person who hates me!"

"Kiki!" Christ's eyes were scarlet, he didn't know what was wrong with him, he originally wanted to talk to Kiki

properly, but in front of her, he always was easy to be angry.

"Kiki, you've just been fucked by me and you're already busy pleasing Quinn, you're so fucking dirty!" Christ fiercely

pressed Kiki against the wall, "Do you think that if Quinn were to see with his own eyes that you were so dirty under

me, would he throw you away like trash?!"