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My Talented Babies & Genius Wife

Chapter 404 The Wedding Surprise
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At the sound of this voice, Penny's face changed dramatically, and she turned her face suddenly, as if she had seen

a ghost, and stared deadly at the stereo behind her.

How can it make such a sound?!

Who on earth would want to do this to her?

It's Kiki, the bitch, isn't it?

She should have killed her earlier, she shouldn't have let her live this long!

Just now, when Christ suddenly shouted out Kiki's name, the guests were shocked, and now, when such a voice

suddenly came out from the stereo, there were even more shocked.

Even Christ, whose expression did not fluctuate, could not stop his eyebrows from beating wildly a few times, and

his heart seized up uncontrollably.

Christ's heart would seize so hard, not because he was jealous of Penny's indiscretion with another man, but in fear.

Yes, Mr. Birkin of Arkpool City, who had always been so high and mighty, was now afraid. He was afraid that, next,

he would hear more truths than he was willing to admit.

He was afraid to know that Kiki was in fact innocent.

"What the hell is going on here? How did such a phrase suddenly appear inside the audio? How does this sound like

...... how does it sound like Miss Wallace's voice?"

In reaction, the guests could not control their shouts of surprise.

"This is clearly Miss Wallace's voice! How could Miss Wallace say that the child in her belly is not Mr. Birkin's? Could it

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be that Miss Wallace has been with another man behind Mr. Birkin's back?"

"But I heard before that Miss Wallace was pregnant with Mr. Birkin's child. So it was not the truth?"

"If that's true, Mr. Birkin has really been cuckolded by Miss Wallace!"

"Poor Kiki, because of this child, she was personally sent to prison for five years by Mr. Birkin!"


The voice in the stereo continued, "Christ never touched me, even when he was drunk and I climbed into his bed."

Penny was so shocked that she frantically rushed over to the stereo and sternly ordered the staff aside, "Turn off

the stereo! Turn it off!"

Her family hadn't expected such a sudden turn of events either, and Dylan and Penny’s parents couldn't care less

about their status image and yelled at the staff as well, "Who told you to play this stuff! Turn it off!"

Seeing that the staff remained indifferent, Dylan was so angry that he jumped to his feet, "Turn it off! Turn it off

now! If you don't turn it off, I'll kill you all!"

Those few staff members completely ignored Dylan, they had the backing of Mr. Fitzgerald, they would still be

afraid of Dylan?

Although they didn't turn off the sound, there was a brief pause in the sound. Thinking that the sound wouldn't

come back on, Penny hurriedly grabbed the microphone in the host's hand to cleanse herself.

"Don't misunderstand, someone must have played a prank to ruin my wedding with Christ.”

If Penny had not spoken, everyone might not have been so sure that the owner of the voice was Penny, but as soon

as she opened her mouth, no one doubted who the owner of the voice really was anymore.

Just as Penny said this, her voice rang out again on the stereo, "The next night, I went to the bar to get drunk, I got

drunk and unconscious, and when I woke up, I found ......"

Penny suddenly turned her face, she could no longer control the panic and rage in her heart, she viciously

threatened the staff, "I said turn off the sound! Believe it or not, I'll have Christ sack you now!"

Penny saw that they were completely indifferent, she hurriedly had to unplug the stereo, Dylan and his parents also

came forward to help, the stereo was unplugged, but the sound still continued to ring in the air.

"I was bullied by a strange man. Can you imagine what a bolt from the blue that was for me, Diego? And to add to

my pain, I found out that I was pregnant."

Penny looked around in bewilderment as she tried to find the culprit making the noise, but she couldn't.

That voice, still like a magic sound, penetrated everyone's ears.

With such a large venue, there must be a lot of sound on site, but where are they all hidden away? Why couldn't

she find them!

"Stop that! Stop that!" Penny covered her ears hard, the sound would ruin her! Why was this voice, it just wouldn't


"I really love Christ and I'm afraid I'll lose him, I can only pretend that what's in my belly is his child."

"I told Christ that I was pregnant, but I was afraid to have that child because I was worried that Christ would find out

that it wasn't his child. So, I had to take a risk and kill the child in my belly with my own hands and frame Kiki in the


"Diego, wasn't I despicable? But I really felt bad at that time, Kiki was shameless, she stole my Christ, I was really

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obsessed, I just wanted to snatch my Christ back."

The sound in the audio came to a screeching halt.

Penny dropped to the floor in dismay, it was over, it was all over!

Now, everyone knew that she was shameless, that she was pregnant with someone else's child, and she wanted to

blame it on Christ, and that she had viciously killed her own child and framed Kiki! She was completely ruined!

She's never going to turn over again!


She was not resigned to it!

Today, she had married her beloved Christ as she wished, and she was just one step away from becoming the

rightful Mrs. Birkin. How could it be ruined?

Penny wiped away the tears at the corners of her eyes, ignoring the scornful or mocking or disgusted looks from

the crowd on stage, she straightened her chest and said word for word, "I was framed!"

"I am innocent and have never done anything wrong to Christ, someone deliberately set me up!"

"It's Kiki! She can't see me well! She can't see me and Christ in love! She's deliberately trying to break me up with

Christ, she's trying to hurt me! You can't be fooled by Kiki! You can't be fooled by Kiki! Yes, you can't be fooled by


After saying this, Penny turned around again in a hurry, and she clutched Christ's hand hard, "Christ, you can't be

fooled by Kiki! Kiki is trying to divide our relationship! Christ, you have to believe me! I only have you in my heart,

how could I possibly betray you!"

"Christ, Kiki killed our child and she tried to ruin our wedding, she's so vicious, you mustn't let her get away with it!"