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My Three Darlings by Anonymous

Chapter 50
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Chapter 50

Eliza bought some essentials for going to Sea World the next day and hurriedly returned to the hotel. “So

the beautiful auntie lives here!” A little girl with sparkling eyes sat on the sofa in the lobby of the hotel.

She wore a white chiffon dress. Her excitement was evident as she watched Eliza enter the elevator.

“Such fate!” “Mr. Benton, can I go meet her?” Julian frowned and reached out to hold her hand. “Stay out

of trouble!” Liliana looked up at him with grievances and whined, “Mr. Benton…” “Liliana.”

The man crouched down and looked at her with a stern gaze. “You are young. There are many things

you do not understand. “You cannot act so impulsively. What if this beautiful auntie you mention is

married and has children of her own? “Am I to set foot in her marriage then?” The little girl pouted at

Julian’s words and kept her mouth shut. “Okay, be good now.” He ruffled her hair and said, “I am here for

work. You should not mess around.” “Alright.” Although she was not happy about it, she nodded

obediently and spoke no more of it. However, without his knowledge, she used two of Mr. Benton’s

autographed photos to trade for information from the receptionist. She got the information that the

beautiful auntie stayed in Room 2302! Therefore, under her relentless pestering, Julian agreed to take

Room 2303. .


As she had slept the entire journey there, Eliza found herself wide awake that night. After tossing and

turning to no avail, she decided she might as well get up. So, she put on her coat and went out to the

corridor to get some fresh air. It was midnight and the corridor was empty. Eliza leaned against the

window at the end of the corridor as she scrolled through

news back in Krine on her phone. Roseane’s fans had kicked up a fuss online as the script for “Snowy

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Night” had been changed without prior notice. Some of the content which Roseane had filmed previously

have gone to waste because of that. Jay’s fans continued to promote on the Internet how kind he was

and how despicable Madeleine was. Eliza was a tad annoyed by those articles. Just as she was about to

turn off the phone, an article caught her attention. “Breaking news! Julian Benton spotted with five-year-

old daughter! Who could the mother be?”

Eliza clicked on.it for more information and saw a picture of the back view of a . little girl dressed in a

white chiffon dress. The little girl’s back view looked familiar. Eliza sent a screenshot of the article to

Graciana. Graciana had been a fan of Julian Benton for three whole years. She dreamed of marrying him

every single day. Eliza wondered if Graciana would break down when she saw that news the next


Right then, the elevator dinged behind her, indicating that it was stopping on that floor. Then, she heard a

mess of footsteps. She turned around almost instinctively. The air was infused with the scent of blood.

Two men came out of the elevator. A man in a black suit who had a gaping wound that was still bleeding

on his shoulder was held up by another man. “Mrs. Valentine…” Noah, who was holding Beau up, looked

at Eliza in shock. “Why are you…” Beau’s eyes, which had been tightly shut, snapped open. His pale

face held no expression. “It’s late. Why are you not asleep yet?” Eliza was stunned for a moment before

she rushed over hurriedly. “What happened to you?” She had stood too far away from him to notice

earlier on, but now that she got close to him, she realized just how deep the wound on his shoulder was.

“It’s nothing.” Beau patted her on the shoulder lightly and said gently, “Don’t you have plans for

tomorrow? “Go catch some rest.” But how could she possibly fall asleep knowing that he was in such a

state? Eliza did not have the time to figure out why Beau appeared in the hotel she was staying in nor did

she have the time to ask why he was staying in the room next to hers.

She went over and propped Beau up on the other side and helped him make his way into the room.

Maybe because he was too badly injured, Beau passed out on the couch the moment he entered the

room. “Why didn’t you go to the hospital?” Crouching in front of the couch, Eliza asked as she anxiously

rummaged through the first aid kit. “Mr. Valentine said that he cannot go to the hospital.” Noah fetched a

basin of hot water. “The people who stabbed Mr. Valentine are waiting for news of his injury. “So not only

can we not go to the hospital, but we will also have to act like nothing out of the ordinary had happened.

“Otherwise, they would have gotten what they wanted out of their evil scheme.” Eliza paused as she took

the gauze out from the first aid kit. “Does he have to put himself in such a precarious position just so that

they do not get what they want?” “This isn’t too bad, is it?” Noah frowned as he gave Eliza a hand with

tending to Beau’s wound. “Mr. Valentine has always been like this. “He said that preventing them from

getting the results they hope for is the best revenge.” After that, he sighed lightly. “Mrs. Valentine, don’t

fret it. “This is just a minor injury for Mr. Valentine. “You probably do not know about it, but in the fire five

years ago, he…” Noah stopped mid-sentence. Eliza cut open the fabric on Beau’s shoulder with a pair of

scissors. “What happened during the fire five years ago?” “Well, five years ago..” Noah heaved a sigh.

There was a distant look in his eyes as he reminisced. “Mr.

Valentine almost risked being crippled for life. “He was badly injured when saving both Braint and

Demarion from the terrible fire. “He only managed to recover to his current state after two years of

treatment.” Eliza’s hand trembled for a brief moment as she dressed the wound. So, that means… The

rumors going around were not entirely hogwash. At the very least, it was true that Beau had been

through a huge fire five years ago, and he had also suffered serious injuries because of it… “It must have

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been tough on him too.” Eliza sighed and handled his wound with even more care. “But it was fortunate

that he managed to rescue Braint and Demarion.” “It was a shame that the boys’ mother was not saved.”

Noah shook his head and headed to the washroom. Eliza’s hand trembled ever-so-slightly. Did Braint

and Demarion’s mother… pass away in that fire? No wonder they had never mentioned it in front of her.

She finished dressing Beau’s wound in silence. Finally, with Noah’s help, she moved him from the couch

to the bed. By then, it was already late into the night. She sat on the edge of the bed and quietly studied

his impassive face. It seemed that for the entire time they had known each other, he had been the one

looking out for her and helping her every time. She felt like she had never helped him with anything nor

had she really taken the time to understand this man. Eliza could not even begin to understand the pain

he felt because of the fire five years ago, how he had lost his lover, almost lost his two children, as well

as the physical pain of the burns. Noah said that he had been depressed for a long, long time after that

fire five years back. Had the two children not grown up, he would never have pulled himself together.

Just hearing that from Noah made Eliza feel sad. Noah also said that every time Beau was injured, he

would force himself to hold out alone. He would not let anyone know about his pain and suffering,

choosing to endure

everything on his own instead.

Unless he was very seriously injured, he would always deal with it himself.

Eliza reached her hand out and lightly traced the silhouette of his face. Beau was actually… very lonely,

wasn’t he? The world only knew about his arrogance, nobility, and aloofness. But he was, in fact, just an

ordinary man who was also capable of being hurt and had a past that he would rather not speak of.

Almost instinctively, Eliza reached out to hold his hand.



“You’ll always have me by your side in the future. “You don’t have to hold out all alone.”