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My Wife Is a Superstar (Ning Tan)

Chapter 330
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But it did not matter that the conversation could not go on. What mattered was Nan Chen was only giving Ning Ran

a scare.

Turned out he was not really absent. He was only trying to remind Ning Ran to not offend him or else he would

make her life miserable.

In the end, Ning Ran attended the meeting feeling like she didn’t belong. She wanted to escape from the awkward

situation but Nan Chen would not let her go.

Nevertheless, she was lucky enough to grab the seat beside Nan Chen before Ouyang Qing did. After all, of all the

people present, she only knew Nan Chen.

In fact, it was not only gawky for Ning Ran, but it was the same for everyone else.

All of them had come with an ulterior motive or intention. They were, in reality, very distant but they put on their

merry facade and kept the show going.

“Chen, it must have been hard for you all these years but you’ve done a fantastic job, and we’re very proud of

you.” Nan Zhiyuan praised Nan Chen in a fatherly tone.

“I’m just doing what I should,” answered Nan Chen placidly.

Nan Chen had no need for Nan Zhiyuan’s recognition. After all, as a disgrace of the Nan family, he had no right to

comment on Nan Chen.

But Nan Chen did not retort him. Besides, it was not necessary either.

It was enough for everyone to retain mutual respect since they would not meet one another on a daily basis.

Ouyang Qing had ordered red wine but Nan Chen refrained from drinking it because he still had other matters to

deal with after the meeting.

The same goes for Ning Ran. As such, Ouyang Qing ordered a glass of iced juice for her.

“She’s on her period so she can’t have ice,” Nan Chen said.

Upon hearing his words, everyone turned silent.

Ning Ran’s face flushed red immediately, spreading from her face all the way down to her neck.

What the hell just happened? Who would ever speak like that?

Did you forget that there are elders around, and a male elder at that.

Luckily, Nan Zhiyuan did not hear him and he asked Bai Hua who was sitting next to him, “What did Chen say?”

Smiling wryly, Bai Hua replied, “Oh, he said she’s not feeling well and can’t have a cold drink.”

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“I see, let’s replace it with a hot drink then.”

Meanwhile, when Nan Chen saw that Ning Ran was blushing, he felt that it was rather odd.

Isn’t it normal for girls to have period? What is there to be embarrassed about?

She’s such a bold person usually; why is she so shy now? What a weird woman!

On the side, Ouyang Qing’s face was very gloomy and there were glints of hatred flashing across her eyes.

Even though she knew that Ning Ran was close with Nan Chen, she had never expected them to be so close to the

extent that Nan Chen knew when Ning Ran was having her period.

It might not be unusual for other boys to try to be sweet and caring for girls during their menstruation period, but

when it came to Nan Chen, who was known to be a distant and aloof man, the fact that he would care about such

trivial thing was something inconceivable for Ouyang Qing.

How close must they be for him to know about her period?

This might be just an insignificant matter to others, but for Ouyang Qing, it was a huge blow.

“Come on, let’s toast for the reunion of our family,” suggested Nan Zhiyuan.

Ouyang Qing, whose heart was currently filled with resentment, forced out a smile and said, “Welcome back, Uncle

Nan. Congratulations on your family reunion.”

Nan Chen’s face was emotionless as he raised his glass that was filled with water.

Aside from alcohol and water, he never had other drinks.

A family gathering was supposed to be casual and harmonious, but for the Nan family, it looked like a business


Even Ning Ran could feel the awkwardness in the air and she could not wait to escape from the meal.

After reluctantly staying there for a little while, Nan Chen told them he had an important meeting to attend and

needed to leave.

“Chen, there’s something I need to discuss with you, alone,” Nan Zhiyuan said.

“Sure, let’s go outside and talk. There’s a waiting area over there,” replied Nan Chen.

Both men then walked over to the waiting area on the balcony.

“Chen, have you visited your Grandpa recently?” Nan Zhiyuan asked.

“Not very often, I’m a little occupied at the moment.”

“Is he in good health?”

“Not bad. His blood pressure’s a little high, but that’s all.”

“Ah, that’s good to hear then. It’s his birthday soon.”


“Well, the thing is… Now that your mother and I are back, and as you know, Grandpa had no intention of letting us

into the house, I was wondering if you could…”

“No.” Nan Chen rejected at once.

The rejection came so suddenly and swiftly that Nan Zhiyuan was a little perplexed.

“But I haven’t even finished yet.”

“I know what you’re going to say, and the answer is no.”

“You know what I’m going to say?”

“You wanted to ask me to persuade Grandpa to let you attend his birthday celebration.”

“Yes, that’s right, you’ve got it. That’s what I want to say.”

“And I already told you. No.”

“Why? I’m your Grandpa’s son and he’s having his birthday celebration soon, it’s only natural that I should attend.”

Nan Zhiyuan was getting anxious.

“Then tell Grandpa yourself.”

“You know full well he hasn’t forgiven me. He coddles you the most and has the highest regard for you. If you can

help to put in some good words for us, the situation might be different.”

“No.” Nan Chen was adamant about it.

“Why? I’m your father. Can’t you even do me such a small favor?”

“I can try my best to help in other things but I will not help you regarding Grandpa’s birthday celebration.”

“But what’s the reason?”

“Do you still remember what Grandpa said back then? That you and Mom are never allowed to come home forever.

The only reason you’re back this time is because Mom’s ill and it has already been very lenient of Grandpa to allow

you to return. If I ask him about this again, he would never agree and I would be abashed.”

“You can try, can’t you? Who knows? he might agree to it.” Nan Zhiyuan was unwilling to give up just yet.

“No.” Nan Chen turned him down again.

Nan Zhiyuan’s patience was wearing thin and he was on the verge of lashing out.

“Nan Chen, no matter how great you are, you’re still my son. What kind of attitude are you showing your old man?”

Nan Chen kept quiet.

He had anticipated that Nan Zhiyuan would get mad.

Nevertheless, regardless of how Nan Zhiyuan yelled, Nan Chen remained indifferent and silent.

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“So all in all, you won’t help me, right?”

“I can’t help you with this, I’m sorry.”

“If you won’t help me, I’ll speak directly with your Grandpa then!”

“You should be doing that from the very beginning.”

The discussion between Nan Zhiyuan and Nan Chen was very heated outside. Likewise, the atmosphere within the

private room was also extremely tensed and awkward.

Both Ouyang Qing and Bai Hua were staring at Ning Ran who kept eating quietly without paying attention to them.

“How did Chen know that you’re on your period?”

Bai Hua had asked the question that was bugging Ouyang Qing all the while.

Not only was Ouyang Qing troubled by this, but Bai Hua also found it hard to accept.

Nan Chen is set for greatness. How can he get involved with such an insignificant actress?

Ning Ran paused her eating and pondered on how to answer the question.


“You better tell the truth and don’t try to deceive me,” Bai Hua uttered in an icy tone.

Ning Ran smiled and replied, “Before I answer your question, I’m curious about something. May I know why are you

interested in this matter, Madam?”

Ning Ran’s question had Bai Hua tongue-tied. She’s right, I’m his mother, not his girlfriend, what am I getting

jealous for?

“It doesn’t matter why I’m interested, you still have to answer my question because Nan Chen is my son, and I have

the right to know about matters that concern him.”

“But what you asked concerns me, not him.” Ning Ran smiled.


“Aunt, it’s okay if Ran doesn’t want to talk about it. Chen is very caring toward his subordinates so that might be the

reason why he knew,” said Ouyang Qing.

Bai Hua could not understand why Ouyang Qing was siding with Ning Ran on this, but she knew that Ouyang Qing

had always been as sly as a fox. Therefore, Bai Hua reckoned that the other woman must have her own reason for

doing so and decided to play along.

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