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My Wife Is a Superstar (Ning Tan)

Chapter 769
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Chapter 769

Nan Chen couldn't help but find Lu Jingyuan's reaction amusing.

He knew that she was drunk, but he was curious as to what Ning Ran had said to get her all riled up.

Even so, he chose not to hold it against her and went back into the study room, which he had transformed into a

makeshift workspace.

Noticing that Lu Jingyuan was still trying to go after him, Ning Ran grabbed her by the arm and said, “That's

enough, Jingyuan! He didn't take advantage of me or anything! He wasn't the director! This is all a


“Huh? What do you mean? Didn't you say you were going to sleep with a director?” Lu Jingyuan asked in confusion.

“Yes, I was supposed to sleep with a director, but Nan Chen isn't the director. He somehow ended up in that room,

and I got pregnant with his kids. That's what happened.”

The effects of Lu Jingyuan's intoxication were really starting to kick in and confuse her even further.

“I don't understand this! I don't understand a word you're saying!” she exclaimed while shaking her head.

“You don't need to know that much about this. Now come sit down while I pour you a glass of water,” Ning Ran

replied softly while helping her toward her chair.

Lu Jingyuan had calmed down a lot by the time Ning Ran handed her a glass of water.

“I'm sorry. Did I overreact and embarrass myself in front of Mr. Nan?” Lu Jingyuan asked.

“It's fine. He knows not to take it to heart. Besides, you meant well. Oh, by the way, how about your kids? How did

you get pregnant with them?”

Noticing how drunk Lu Jingyuan had gotten, Ning Ran decided to ask her some personal questions as well.

Despite how confused Lu Jingyuan was a moment ago, her head became clear when she talked about herself.

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“Oh, my kids? I'll tell you about them some other time!”

Ning Ran got a little angry when she heard that.

What? Has she been pretending to be drunk this whole time? Why would she ask so much about my past but refuse

to talk about her own?

“Why would that have to wait? We're having a great chat right now, aren't we? Come on, tell me!” Ning Ran insisted

after taking a sip of her water.

“Why are you so nosy? Those are my private affairs,” Lu Jingyuan said with a chuckle.

“Really? You're going to say that after asking me about my past?”

“I don't know who their father is. We met each other in the dark too.” Lu Jingyuan looked up at the sky. “Maybe he's

one of the stars in the sky.”

Ning Ran waved at her. “Oh, come on! Don't tell me you had sex with an alien?”

Lu Jingyuan burst out laughing when she heard that.

It had been a long time since she had felt this happy.

“Who knows? Maybe Yunxue and Yunbing are aliens,” Lu Jingyuan said casually.

That was when Ning Ran realized something.

Lu Jingyuan may be drunk, but she always sobers up whenever I ask about her private affairs. Looks like I won't be

getting any information out of her...

“Fine. I won't ask you about them, then. Would you like some fruits?” Ning Ran asked.

Lu Jingyuan shook her head. “No. I need to head back now. I will be returning to the capital tomorrow. We'll

continue our chat some other day.”

She staggered a little as she got to her feet and started walking out of there.

“Hey, wait up! I'll send you back!” Ning Ran shouted as she ran after her.

It was already half past ten by the time Ning Ran returned.

Nan Chen played the role of a babysitter by bathing his kids and tucking them in. He was going through some

emails when Ning Ran came in.

“Have you sobered up yet?” he asked, glancing at her through the corner of his eye.

“What are you talking about? I wasn't drunk at all! Lu Jingyuan was the one who had too much to drink, not me!”

“What did you tell her? Why was she so worked up? Are you two teaming up against me now?”

“Oh, please! You're Sir Chen! We would never dare go against you! What happened tonight was just a

misunderstanding. She asked about my past, so I gave her a brief summary of it. I tried to ask her about the father

of her kids, but she refused to say a word. She's a really cunning one!”

“Why does it matter who the father is?” Nan Chen asked.

“Because I'm curious! I wanted to know how a pretty woman like her ended up raising her kids all by herself! I told

her about Luo Fei, and she thought you were that director. That's why she wanted to confront you earlier. As I said,

this is all just a misunderstanding.”

Nan Chen nodded. He didn't actually take her words to heart, as he knew it was just the booze doing the talking.

“You shouldn't be too nosy. Curiosity kills the cat.”

“Well, I am nosy and curious! Oh, this reminds me, the kidnappers who abducted her and the kids have all been put


“You've told me that,” Nan Chen replied with an impatient expression.

“Oh, really? Never mind, then.”

Nan Chen shut down his laptop and motioned to Ning Ran to take a seat. “I wanted to talk to you about this.”

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Ning Ran quickly sat down when she saw the solemn look on his face. “Go on. I'm listening.”

“Those men were from an organization. In other words, there are plenty more of them who will probably come

after us for revenge. You must be extra careful. I think you should head back to Flower City and lie low for a while.

The filming can wait.”

“What? But we're almost done filming here! I can't delay it any longer!”

“But your safety comes first. Those men are bound to try to avenge their fallen, and we don't know what they're

capable of. They're a vicious bunch. I doubt they'll let you off easy.”

Nan Chen's explanation made perfect sense.

Ning Ran understood what he was trying to say, but she didn't want to delay the filming process because of this


The production team had paused their work countless times in the past because of her. She couldn't bring herself

to cause them any more trouble.

She knew the director wouldn't dare say no to Nan Chen because he was the boss, but she felt bad for making

things difficult for them.

Given the fact that there were hundreds of people on the production team, postponing the filming process even by

a day would cause them to suffer huge losses.

“If they're that determined to get their revenge, then they'll definitely follow us all the way to Flower City. We'll still

have to face them anyway. Besides, I'll be filming quite a lot in the future. You don't expect me to go into hiding

every time there's danger, do you? I believe we should just stand our ground and face what comes our way. There's

no such thing as a risk-free environment.”

Nan Chen fell silent for a while before asking, “By the way, who do you think wanted to kidnap you?”

“Most likely Ding Fei. I bet she's at it again.”

“Don't you feel that her methods are very similar to a certain someone's?”

“I do. But how could it be her?”