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My Wife Is a Superstar (Ning Tan)

Chapter 861
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Chapter 861 Terrible Ends

Meanwhile, right as Ning Ran reached the entrance, she received a particularly “grand” welcome.

When Shi Jie's fan club received news about the music video, they arranged for a group of die-hard fans to make a

white banner protesting against the making of a music video with Ning Ran and Shi Jie in it.

On those banners were words like: Don't let the crone ride Shi's coattails!

Give Shi back! Don't taint him!

Your shamelessness will be your downfall! Get lost, crone!

The banner looked frightening, and anyone would have thought that they were protesting something more serious.

Those people were kept outside the school compound by security, and since they could not see their favorite star,

they became even more agitated and loud.

When Ning Ran's car drove past them, they waved their banners and their fists. Some even pointed their middle

fingers at the car.

Alas, they were actually unsure which car was Ning Ran's, so they pointed their middle finger at every car that went

into the school.

Worried that Ning Ran would be affected by their behavior, Wang Xiaoou quietly consoled her by saying, “Most of

Shi Jie's fans are kids. They're minors, so don't take their behavior to heart.”

Ning Ran was unbothered, however. In fact, she found their banners and the words amusing. She had heard of

many things being the key to someone's downfall, but she rarely came across people criticizing another's

shamelessness as the other person's downfall.

There are so many shameless people in this world. Are you saying all those shameless people will end up terrible?

Empty heads, rashness, and childishness were the main features of young people, but Ning Ran did not think of

them as anything. People who were still young like them did not need to bear many responsibilities—they merely

needed to love and hate in simple terms.

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“I don't mind,” Ning Ran muttered, smiling and shaking her head. “They have the right to express their opinions.

Stars become stars with the support of their fans. I don't think it matters to me that they're going up against me to

support Shi.”

“Really?” Wang Xiaoou was still worried.

“Yes. They're just children. Why should I take their words to heart?” Ning Ran chuckled.

“That's nice. It's good to have a mindset like yours,” Wang Xiaoou said, feeling much more relieved.

As they spoke, they reached the filming site, and the car came to a stop. Shi Jie came over and greeted, “Ms. Ding!”

“Hello, Shi. You've grown a little taller since the last time I saw you,” Ning Ran teased.

“You're messing with me again! But Ms. Ding, you look even prettier than before,” Shi Jie remarked with joy in his


“I'm serious about you getting taller. Is the director here? I'd like to greet him first.”

“Director Xie is over there, but...” Shi Jie trailed off before smiling.

Ning Ran could see the awkwardness in his smile. On her way to the site, she had heard that Xie Dazui was strict

toward artistes, so she guessed he was going to assert his dominance later.

Xie Dazui was talking to a staff member at the side. He had a beard, and he had a fierce look. He looked more like

he belonged in the streets as a gang boss than in the art industry.

“Hello, Director Xie. I'm Ding Mi,” Ning Ran carefully greeted as she walked over to him.

“You're very late for someone who isn't a big shot,” Xie Dazui instantly criticized as he looked at Ning Ran from

head to toe.

Ning Ran glanced at the time and said, “Please don't say that. There's still half an hour left before the agreed time.

I'm early, not late.”

Xie Dazui only scoffed before falling silent.

His lack of response prompted Ning Ran to sheepishly walk away, but she was annoyed.

It's not as if I owe you anything. I'd have ignored it if you were just glum, but who are you trying to act cool for? Shi

Jie's the one who invited me to this. I can understand his fans protesting against me being in a work with him, but

you, as a director, are doing the same as them?

“Go and prepare yourself. The filming will start in five minutes,” the director then said.

Five minutes? Is he messing with me? I can't even finish my makeup in five minutes.

Ning Ran usually went around without makeup unless she had filming or unless she was going to attend major social

events. Otherwise, she would only put basic skin care.

Hence, she only applied light makeup before leaving the house that day—she did not even use any lipstick.

Wang Xiaoou wanted to reason with the director, but Ning Ran stopped her with a look.

They had yet to start filming, and Ning Ran did not wish to have a falling out this early.

However, Shi Jie could not bear watching in silence anymore. “Director Xie, Ms. Ding just arrived, and she hasn't

had any time for preparation. Five minutes wouldn't be enough for makeup. At the very least, she should have half

an hour's time, right?”

The director took a glimpse at his watch. “The sunlight is suddenly at its perfect brightness. It'll be too bright if

we're any later. I have my standards in filming, and it's her problem if she's late. I won't give extra time to the

actors. You have four minutes left.”

“Director Xie, this is too—”

Shi Jie started protesting, but Ning Ran stopped him. “It's fine. Let's not argue about this anymore. Five minutes it


Since Ning Ran only had five minutes, redoing her makeup was out of the question.

Hence, she changed into a white shirt and a pair of black pants before taking off her earrings and necklace. Then,

she tied her hair up into a simple ponytail.

When Ning Ran walked toward the camera, she was slow.

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She was doing her best to recall the way her teachers carried themselves, moved, smiled, and talked.

It was then everyone realized the expression on Ning Ran's face changed as the way she carried herself changed

as well.

She was an artiste a moment ago, and it was obvious from the way she smiled and acted. There were habits

formed from frequent attendance at social events.

However, those habits were fading away as Ning Ran ambled toward the camera. The look in her eyes seemed

purer, and the way she walked seemed more solemn.

Xie Dazui noticed Ning Ran's change, of course. As an experienced director, he knew that Ning Ran was immersing

herself in the setting.

All the excellent actors had to immerse themselves before filming to play their roles.

Many actors even remained as their characters throughout the period of filming. They shed away their own selves

to ensure that they would stay in character.

Despite that, not many actors could actually immerse themselves fully into the story, especially actors who trended

on the internet. They often had empty looks in their eyes, and their expressions were stiff. They were merely acting

for the sake of acting—there was nothing deeper than that.

However, Xie Dazui felt that the woman in front of him was becoming more and more like a middle school teacher.

Every profession had its unique qualities, and the professionals in that field had similarly unique demeanors that

could be obvious or subtle.

A middle school teacher had to have a certain degree of somberness, for she could not be all smiles with the

students all day. However, she also had to be of a certain degree of friendly, for she, too, could not be grim with

them all the time. That would be more like a military instructor than a teacher.

The somberness and friendliness were qualities that everyone could see manifesting on Ning Ran.

Xie Dazui was taken aback. He never thought that Ning Ran would be able to use her expressions and demeanor to

display the most important qualities of a middle school teacher.

After the surprise was a wave of excitement. He could foresee the smoothness of the filming that day. He was sure

that he would wrap up that scene in less than ten takes.