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My Wife Is a Superstar (Ning Tan)

Chapter 928
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Chapter 928 Spectacular

At six in the evening, Ning Ran, in the company of Wang Xiaoou, arrived at the entrance of the hotel where the

celebratory dinner was held.

Even though the event was a normal celebratory banquet, many of the movie's fans had gathered nearby upon

learning of the event.

The sudden influx of people resulted in a traffic jam along the nearby streets.

Under normal circumstances, the production company had to liaise with the local authorities for major events

involving their stars. The reason was so that the authorities could make the necessary traffic arrangements to

prevent jams and chaos.

However, the company didn't do so this time due to the minor scale of the banquet. Little did they expect a crowd

to gather, creating havoc at the scene.

Fortunately, the authorities responded swiftly. They quickly got the situation under control and brought order to the


Half an hour before the banquet started, Nan Chen announced that he was skipping the event due to an important

meeting he had.

From a priority standpoint, Star Entertainment was only one of Nanshi Corporation's entertainment companies,

while I Am You was considered one of Star Entertainment's many projects.

Therefore, it wasn't a big deal for the CEO of Nanshi Corporation to miss such an event.

Usually, he would send the deputy CEO or a high-ranking personal assistant to represent him, which was already a

reflection of the high regard he held for a particular project.

Nonetheless, many reporters were expecting Nan Chen to be there due to his relationship with Ning Ran.

Now that his absence was announced, many of them were disappointed, as they missed another rare opportunity

to take pictures of him.

However, not everyone was upset about it. Huang Zichao, the male lead, was particularly happy with the turn of


As the movie mainly revolved around the female lead, Huang Zichao's role in it was limited despite his character

being romantically linked to the female lead. Following the movie's success, everyone only remembered Ning Ran's

spectacular performance and could barely recall Huang Zichao was in it.

Despite the limited screen time he had in the movie, Huang Zichao's star power was undeniable. The moment he

arrived, he attracted the attention of almost all the reporters and guests present.

The event kicked off with the director and producers thanking the crew. Thereafter, the focus of the event shifted

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to Ning Ran and Huang Zichao.

By the standards of the entertainment industry, Ning Ran was still considered a newcomer, while Huang Zichao—

already famous—was naturally considered her senior.

When asked by the reporters what he thought about Ning Ran's performance in the movie, Huang Zichao

responded with a single word—spectacular.

The reporter then followed up with a loaded question, “Who do you think is more crucial to the success of the

movie? You or Ding Mi?”

Huang Zichao replied without hesitation, “Of course it's her.”

Thereafter, a bespectacled reporter with long hair pressed further. “In that case, do you admit leeching off her


The vicious nature of the question naturally embarrassed Huang Zichao.

Consequently, Ning Ran shot a glare at the reporter when no one was looking.

Ruan Anxi cracked an insidious smile when he caught her gaze.

“I think we feed off each other's success. That said, I'm still grateful to be part of this movie together with Ding Mi. I

also look forward to more opportunities for collaboration in the future,” Huang Zichao replied awkwardly.

Thereafter, the host of the event invited the male and female leads for a dance.

Caught by surprise and haven't danced in a long time, Ning Ran was worried that she would make a mistake, giving

the reporters a reason to write tabloid trash.

However, since the host had suggested it and Huang Zichao had extended his hand, Ning Ran was left with no

choice but to steel herself and play along.

Meanwhile, Ruan Anxi, who was having a good time taking photographs, was upset by the sight of Huang Zichao

placing his hand on Ning Ran's hip.

Who gave you the right to dance with her? You are clearly leeching off her glory in the movie. Yet you refuse to

admit it?

Hence, Ruan Anxi approached Ning Ran and began taking photos furiously.

While the leads were dancing, it was understood that photographers should keep their distance. However, Ruan

Anxi didn't care and moved close to them on purpose.

His proximity triggered Huang Zichao's displeasure. What's wrong with this reporter? Why is he taking photos in our


When Ning Ran gave him a look, Ruan Anxi pretended not to notice.

Thereafter, he stuck out a leg to trip Huang Zichao when the latter wasn't looking.

As a result, Huang Zichao stumbled on his feet and almost fell to the ground, causing the crowd to break out in


When the dance came to an abrupt end, the embarrassed Huang Zichao tried to maintain a smiling face.

Once Ning Ran left the dancefloor, Wang Xiaoou went up to her and helped her prepare for an upcoming interview.

Such interviews were usually done in their own time under normal circumstances, but this was an exception, as the

entertainment magazine was rushing to print.

The reporter then followed up with o looded question, “Who do you think is more cruciol to the success of the

movie? You or Ding Mi?”

Huong Zichoo replied without hesitotion, “Of course it's her.”

Thereofter, o bespectocled reporter with long hoir pressed further. “In thot cose, do you odmit leeching off her


The vicious noture of the question noturolly emborrossed Huong Zichoo.

Consequently, Ning Ron shot o glore ot the reporter when no one wos looking.

Ruon Anxi crocked on insidious smile when he cought her goze.

“I think we feed off eoch other's success. Thot soid, I'm still groteful to be port of this movie together with Ding Mi. I

olso look forword to more opportunities for colloborotion in the future,” Huong Zichoo replied owkwordly.

Thereofter, the host of the event invited the mole ond femole leods for o donce.

Cought by surprise ond hoven't donced in o long time, Ning Ron wos worried thot she would moke o mistoke, giving

the reporters o reoson to write tobloid trosh.

However, since the host hod suggested it ond Huong Zichoo hod extended his hond, Ning Ron wos left with no

choice but to steel herself ond ploy olong.

Meonwhile, Ruon Anxi, who wos hoving o good time toking photogrophs, wos upset by the sight of Huong Zichoo

plocing his hond on Ning Ron's hip.

Who gove you the right to donce with her? You ore cleorly leeching off her glory in the movie. Yet you refuse to

odmit it?

Hence, Ruon Anxi opprooched Ning Ron ond begon toking photos furiously.

While the leods were doncing, it wos understood thot photogrophers should keep their distonce. However, Ruon

Anxi didn't core ond moved close to them on purpose.

His proximity triggered Huong Zichoo's displeosure. Whot's wrong with this reporter? Why is he toking photos in our


When Ning Ron gove him o look, Ruon Anxi pretended not to notice.

Thereofter, he stuck out o leg to trip Huong Zichoo when the lotter wosn't looking.

As o result, Huong Zichoo stumbled on his feet ond olmost fell to the ground, cousing the crowd to breok out in


When the donce come to on obrupt end, the emborrossed Huong Zichoo tried to mointoin o smiling foce.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Once Ning Ron left the doncefloor, Wong Xiooou went up to her ond helped her prepore for on upcoming interview.

Such interviews were usuolly done in their own time under normol circumstonces, but this wos on exception, os the

entertoinment mogozine wos rushing to print.

The cover girl of the latest edition was supposed to be another actress, but the runaway success achieved by I Am

You caused the magazine to switch to Ning Ran instead.

As a result, they needed to interview her and have a photoshoot immediately.

The tightness of the schedule resulted in them conducting it during the celebratory dinner.

After she was led to a hotel room where all the equipment had been set up, Ning Ran had her photos taken under

the auspices of the photographer.

Subsequently, they let her choose the pictures that she liked before sending them for post-production editing.

Next came the interview. Ning Ran was asked a few questions about the movie's creative direction, which she

answered comprehensively.

When it came to the final question, the reporter hesitated before asking. “I have a personal question for you, Ms.

Ding. What is your relationship with Mr. Nan?”

Ning Ran let out a gentle chuckle. “It's the one you have in mind.”

The reporter responded with a laugh of his own. “The relationship I'm thinking of is a little complicated.”

“It is. In fact, it's more complicated than you think,” replied Ning Ran.

“Okay. In that case, can I take it that half the success you enjoy today can be credited to Mr. Nan?” the reporter


“He's an exceptional boss, and I'm extremely grateful to him for giving me the opportunity to act in this movie,”

Ning Ran answered with a smile.

The reply struck the perfect balance by acknowledging Nan Chen's contribution without diminishing her own


Even though he provided me with the opportunity, I was still the one who acted in the movie. The movie wouldn't be

seeing such success at the box office if I was terrible in it.

“All right, on to the last question. Do you think you stand a chance to win the best actress award this year for your

performance in the movie?”

It was another loaded question. If Ning Ran were to answer yes, it would look like success had gotten to her head.

On the other hand, the opposite answer would make her look like a hypocrite. It was, after all, the dream of every

actress to win such an award.

“Hmm, let me think. If I don't win, I'm prepared to buy myself a trophy and carve my name on it. I'll then take a

couple of photographs and share them with my friends as if I did win. What do you think about the idea?” Ning Ran

commented with a grin.

Her reply amused the reporter. “That's a wonderful idea. That said, I still hope that you'll win the real thing.”

“Thank you for the kind words.” Ning Ran heaved a sigh of relief.