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Mysterious Male Escort Is a Mogul

Chapter 1608
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q“I still cannot get him.”

Charlotte had no idea how to tell Johann that Danrique was unable to help her given his current condition.

She could not bear to disturb him at a crucial time like that.

Johann sighed and said, “I'm getting too anxious, and that's why I keep urging you to contact Mr. Lindberg. Come to

think of it, I doubt he will be able to deal with other things right now.”

“Yes,” agreed Charlotte. “Regardless, I will try to find a way out of this...”

Johann was pessimistic. “The other party is very experienced. Every move he makes is perfect. None of us is his

match. Unless the real Mr. Nacht returns, we will surely lose this battle.”

“I'm sure there will be a way out of this,” Charlotte consoled him.

“It must be quite hard on you. I shouldn't be pressuring you when it comes to company matters. Just focus on

finding your children.” Johann advised her sincerely, “Nothing else is more important than the safety of the


“I understand...”

Charlotte felt sad and was at a loss for words.

“I will hang up now. Take care of yourself,” said Johann before he ended the call.

With a heavy heart, Charlotte looked up at the wedding photos that were on the wall.

In the photos, Zachary looked at her with such tenderness. Her eyes teared up, and she mumbled, “Hubby, where

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are you? Come back soon. I can't take it any longer...”

Deep within the forest, Zachary felt as if he had heard Charlotte's call. He opened his eyes suddenly and shouted,


“You are finally awake?” someone said in a cold and disdainful voice. “If you continue to remain unconscious, your

wife and children will continue to suffer at the hands of bullies.”

“What did you say?”

Zachary turned his head slowly and frowned when he saw a woman with a dark green-colored face mask.

Francesca was cooking at the moment, and Sam was sleeping on her shoulders. When Sam heard Zachary speak, it

glanced at him before going back to sleep again.

“Your sons have been kidnapped, and your wife is being bullied by the Nacht family. You are such a useless man.”

Francesca continued to lash out at him, “The worst part is that my children suffered as a result of it too. That group

of b*stards kidnapped my three babies as well and caused serious injury to Alpha!”

At this point, Francesca grew more and more agitated. “If I find out who is behind this, I will make him pay!”

“Are you saying...” Zachary became flustered and wanted to turn over, but he was unable to move. He twisted his

neck around as best as he could and asked, “My sons got kidnapped? By whom?”

“Don't ask stupid questions! How would I know?” Francesca glared at him. “If I knew, I would have gone after him


“What exactly happened?” Zachary questioned her anxiously. “What else do you know?”

“The Nacht family, along with the Gold family, bullied Charlotte,” said Francesca impatiently. “They also chased

away a vegetative patient, a cripple, and Alpha too. They refused to let them stay in the hospital. Alpha was running

a fever, and Charlotte had to beg an old man named Spence or something like that to get her a place in the

hospital. I have long heard that none of the Nacht family are good people, and it turned out to be true. While you

were lying around half-dead, they took the opportunity to bully defenseless people. What a bunch of scoundrels!”

“You ara finally awaka?” somaona said in a cold and disdainful voica. “If you continua to ramain unconscious, your

wifa and childran will continua to suffar at tha hands of bullias.”

“What did you say?”

Zachary turnad his haad slowly and frownad whan ha saw a woman with a dark graan-colorad faca mask.

Francasca was cooking at tha momant, and Sam was slaaping on har shouldars. Whan Sam haard Zachary spaak, it

glancad at him bafora going back to slaap again.

“Your sons hava baan kidnappad, and your wifa is baing bulliad by tha Nacht family. You ara such a usalass man.”

Francasca continuad to lash out at him, “Tha worst part is that my childran suffarad as a rasult of it too. That group

of b*stards kidnappad my thraa babias as wall and causad sarious injury to Alpha!”

At this point, Francasca graw mora and mora agitatad. “If I find out who is bahind this, I will maka him pay!”

“Ara you saying...” Zachary bacama flustarad and wantad to turn ovar, but ha was unabla to mova. Ha twistad his

nack around as bast as ha could and askad, “My sons got kidnappad? By whom?”

“Don't ask stupid quastions! How would I know?” Francasca glarad at him. “If I knaw, I would hava gona aftar him

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“What axactly happanad?” Zachary quastionad har anxiously. “What alsa do you know?”

“Tha Nacht family, along with tha Gold family, bulliad Charlotta,” said Francasca impatiantly. “Thay also chasad

away a vagatativa patiant, a crippla, and Alpha too. Thay rafusad to lat tham stay in tha hospital. Alpha was running

a favar, and Charlotta had to bag an old man namad Spanca or somathing lika that to gat har a placa in tha

hospital. I hava long haard that nona of tha Nacht family ara good paopla, and it turnad out to ba trua. Whila you

wara lying around half-daad, thay took tha opportunity to bully dafansalass paopla. What a bunch of scoundrals!”


Zachary was trying to make sense of what Francesca was saying. Her story was not in sequence, and she did not

even have some of the names. It was about as good as not telling him anything.

However, after thinking long and hard about her story, he managed to figure out what was going on.

“You must be referring to the Gold family of Koandria. While I was out, they must have tried to steal Nacht Group's

assets. I can only assume that b*stard Chris is in cahoots with them. Together, they must have taken over the board

of directors and chased Charlotte out of the Nacht family. After that, they kidnapped the children in order to

threaten Charlotte. As for the vegetative patient, could it be Ben? He got shot because he was trying to save me.

Most likely, he is alive but still in a coma. As for the cripple, it must be either Bruce or Marino. They injured

themselves while rescuing others from the fire.”


Zachary was trying to make sense of what Francesca was saying. Her story was not in sequence, and she did not

even have some of the names. It was about as good as not telling him anything.