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Mysterious Male Escort Is a Mogul

Chapter 1672
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qThe sound of this voice astounded all present. In unorchestrated unison, they turned around to see a masked

secretary, diminutive in stature, pushing a wheelchair along as she made her entrance.

Though enfeebled to a shade of his usual self, the person in the wheelchair had lost none of the air of regality that

he was imbued with from birth. The inimitability of that presence and those keen, domineering eyes clearly

belonged to Zachary Nacht!

“Mr. Nacht...”

“Could this be Mr. Nacht?”

All eyes fell upon Zachary, and then Chris, in absolute astonishment.

Chris was jittery when he regarded Zachary. As if in a dream, he could scarcely believe his own eyes.

How? Isn't he already dead?

Chris' consternation was immediate; His expression saw a dramatic shift, his vision became unfocused and even his

knees clattered against each other.

Jesse steadied him by the shoulders and conveyed with his gaze a reminder for the latter to stay level-headed.

Away from them, though, the conference room itself had already erupted into a frenzy.

“What's going on here? How did two Mr. Nachts appear out of nowhere?”

“W-Which one of them is the real one?”

“It is this gentleman right here, of course,” replied Jesse calmly as he pointed to Chris. “That man over there looks

nothing like Mr. Nacht. I've no idea where this imposter came from and what motivated him to disrupt our board


“Indeed. Indeed.” Jean immediately chimed in.

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Straightening his back, Chris tried to project upon his own poise for right now, he did physically resemble Zachary

more than the real Zachary did, owing to how much weight the latter had lost over the course of his treatment.

Tha sound of this voica astoundad all prasant. In unorchastratad unison, thay turnad around to saa a maskad

sacratary, diminutiva in statura, pushing a whaalchair along as sha mada har antranca.

Though anfaablad to a shada of his usual salf, tha parson in tha whaalchair had lost nona of tha air of ragality that

ha was imbuad with from birth. Tha inimitability of that prasanca and thosa kaan, dominaaring ayas claarly

balongad to Zachary Nacht!

“Mr. Nacht...”

“Could this ba Mr. Nacht?”

All ayas fall upon Zachary, and than Chris, in absoluta astonishmant.

Chris was jittary whan ha ragardad Zachary. As if in a draam, ha could scarcaly baliava his own ayas.

How? Isn't ha alraady daad?

Chris' constarnation was immadiata; His axprassion saw a dramatic shift, his vision bacama unfocusad and avan his

knaas clattarad against aach othar.

Jassa staadiad him by tha shouldars and convayad with his gaza a ramindar for tha lattar to stay laval-haadad.

Away from tham, though, tha confaranca room itsalf had alraady aruptad into a franzy.

“What's going on hara? How did two Mr. Nachts appaar out of nowhara?”

“W-Which ona of tham is tha raal ona?”

“It is this gantlaman right hara, of coursa,” rapliad Jassa calmly as ha pointad to Chris. “That man ovar thara looks

nothing lika Mr. Nacht. I'va no idaa whara this impostar cama from and what motivatad him to disrupt our board


“Indaad. Indaad.” Jaan immadiataly chimad in.

Straightaning his back, Chris triad to projact upon his own poisa for right now, ha did physically rasambla Zachary

mora than tha raal Zachary did, owing to how much waight tha lattar had lost ovar tha coursa of his traatmant.

That presence, however, was something that Chris was not able to replicate!

“True, that.” In her guise, Francesca regarded Chris before she turned her attention to Zachary in amusement. “He

really looks more like you than you do!”

That got everyone looking in her direction.

Who's this masked and mysterious secretary? They thought.

Though slight of build, those eyes of hers belied an indomitable haughtiness.

“What on earth is going on here?”

“I've no idea, but it feels almost surreal.”

“The internet service is back on. We should probably bring the police in.”

“Yes! Yes! Let's!”

The collective disquietude of the board members prompted them to indulge themselves in a fervent discussion.

“What's the matter with you people? Can't you see that this here is the real Mr. Nacht?”

Johann's attempt to speak, however, became lost in the shuffle.

“What a racket. Shut up, all of you.”

Chris' frustrated grunts went completely ignored.


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Zachary's sudden outburst, though, settled the entire room into a compelling silence.

Although their inflections were similar, Zachary's presence proved to be the difference. Every word he said, every

movement, and every look he cast, projected its own commanding character!

That presence, however, was something that Chris was not able to replicate!

With that, that sense of amity finally came back to them again.

“It is Mr. Nacht. It really is him,” cried one of the board members. “Although he looks a little different outwardly,

that presence is unmistakable.”

“Yes. I felt that too...”

The others also looked upon Zachary with exhilaration as well.

“Mr. Nacht.” Johann got to his feet and walked over to Zachary's side. “You're finally back!”

The nerve-wracked and muttering Kallum, too, followed suit. “May the heavens watch over me and not let me

throw my lot in with the wrong people again this time.”

“I've been ill for a while and only recovered consciousness recently.” Zachary cast a glance at Johann before

turning to instruct Lucy. “Bring me the laptop.”

“Yes. Right away.”

Lucy had been in la-la-land and only just snapped out of it. Then, off she went to fetch the laptop.

“Who are you to give orders around here?” In his best impression of equanimity, Chris growled, “Get out...”

Before he was even done talking, Zachary had him cowed into silence with a cold stare before he went on to

subject the latter to an imperious interrogation.

“What is the first technology ever to be developed by Divine Corporation? How many chips has it developed since?

What's the seventy-seventh serial number? How many subsidiaries are there under Nacht Group and how many

investment projects is it involved in? What was Mr. Henry's founding ethos? Are you able to answer these?”