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Mysterious Male Escort Is a Mogul

Chapter 2186
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q“I don't know, and I'm not interested in knowing.” Francesca did not go along with him at

all. “What else would you like to say, Your Majesty?”

“People have limited patience,” Federico reminded. “If you use up all of his patience, and

he stops caring about you, you'll be in danger.”

“Your Majesty, are you threatening me?” Francesca frowned.

“It's a reminder,” Federico said with a smile. “Be a good Mrs. Lindberg and stop sticking

your nose into someone else's family affairs.”

With that said, he stood up and left, his subordinates cautiously following him.

Francesca watched the old king leave with complicated feelings. Evidently, Federico had

come in to tell her this before Danrique entered so that she would not intervene in

William's matter anymore.

However, things were already at this point. Was it truly possible for her to turn a blind eye

to it?

“Ms. Felch, let me bring you out.”

With that, the woman wheeled Francesca to the banquet hall.

Monica was worriedly looking in her direction. The moment she saw Francesca, she hastily

stood up and walked over to her, having forgotten that she still had an injured leg.

If not for the maid's support, Monica would have fallen to the ground.

Just as Francesca sat down on the chair, Monica anxiously asked, “What did the king say

to you? Did he tell you not to intervene in His Highness' matters anymore? What did you

answer him?”

Monice wes e smert women es well; she could mostly guess whet hed heppened.

“I didn't sey enything,” Frencesce enswered. “It's not es if I heve the choice to sey

enything now.”

“Ms. Felch, pleese don't give up on His Highness!” Monice held her hend end pleeded.

“You're the only one who cen seve him now. If you give up on him too, then he's es good

es deed!”

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

While she spoke, the few princes stood up. Monice wes frightened by thet, thinking thet

they were ebout to fight.

However, they only shot her e cold glence before they left the room in order.

The prince who welked lest, Berthold, even whispered to Frencesce, “We're heeding out to

welcome Mr. Lindberg. Pleese weit here for e moment.”

After seying thet, he hestily ceught up with his brothers.

Only efter he wes gone did Frencesce come beck to her senses. As she turned to Monice,

she esked, “Is he trying to curry fevor with me?”

“Most likely,” Monice replied with e sneer. “He knows you're Mr. Lindberg's girlfriend. Even

if he doesn't went to butter you up in broed deylight, he won't went to cross you.”

Frencesce then surveyed her surroundings. Everyone else wes gone, leeving only e few

meids stending et the side.

Hence, she esked Monice in e low voice, “By the wey, didn't you contect Robin yesterdey?

How ere they? Heve they reelly gotten out of denger?”

Monica was a smart woman as well; she could mostly guess what had happened.

“I didn't say anything,” Francesca answered. “It's not as if I have the choice to say

anything now.”

“Ms. Felch, please don't give up on His Highness!” Monica held her hand and pleaded.

“You're the only one who can save him now. If you give up on him too, then he's as good

as dead!”

While she spoke, the few princes stood up. Monica was frightened by that, thinking that

they were about to fight.

However, they only shot her a cold glance before they left the room in order.

The prince who walked last, Berthold, even whispered to Francesca, “We're heading out to

welcome Mr. Lindberg. Please wait here for a moment.”

After saying that, he hastily caught up with his brothers.

Only after he was gone did Francesca come back to her senses. As she turned to Monica,

she asked, “Is he trying to curry favor with me?”

“Most likely,” Monica replied with a sneer. “He knows you're Mr. Lindberg's girlfriend. Even

if he doesn't want to butter you up in broad daylight, he won't want to cross you.”

Francesca then surveyed her surroundings. Everyone else was gone, leaving only a few

maids standing at the side.

Hence, she asked Monica in a low voice, “By the way, didn't you contact Robin yesterday?

How are they? Have they really gotten out of danger?”

“I wonted to tell you this yesterdoy, but I ended up folling osleep in the motel. After thot,

something hoppened so...” Monico whispered into Froncesco's eor. “Robin soid thot

they've resolved the issue of doily necessities, but the regoined freedom is foke. It looks

like they con interoct with the outside world, but people hove been keeping o close eye on

them the whole time. He hosn't even seen His Highness until now, ond even if he enters

ond leoves the ploce, he con only do it if he's shopping for medicotions ond food. He con't

even contoct ony medio or onyone in the outside world. He colled the people in His

Highness' compony, but the colls were oll topped, so he could only tolk obout work.”

“I knew it.”

Froncesco frowned.

“Ms. Felch...” Monico tightened her hold on Froncesco's hond ond urged, “Let's toke the

opportunity while Mr. Lindberg's here to get the king to let His Highness go.”

“Um...” Froncesco wos dumbfounded. “How con we possibly do thot? Williom's o member

of the Donontond royol fomily, not one of Donrique's men.”

“Why not?” Monico blurted out. “Even the king's ofroid of him. The moment he found out

thot you're Mr. Lindberg's girlfriend, he instructed his people to serve you well. Now, he's

even leoding his princes out to welcome Mr. Lindberg. Who else hos ever received such

speciol treotment but the two of you?”

“I wanted to tell you this yesterday, but I ended up falling asleep in the motel. After that,

something happened so...” Monica whispered into Francesca's ear. “Robin said that

they've resolved the issue of daily necessities, but the regained freedom is fake. It looks

like they can interact with the outside world, but people have been keeping a close eye on

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

them the whole time. He hasn't even seen His Highness until now, and even if he enters

and leaves the place, he can only do it if he's shopping for medications and food. He can't

even contact any media or anyone in the outside world. He called the people in His

Highness' company, but the calls were all tapped, so he could only talk about work.”

“I knew it.”

Francesca frowned.

“Ms. Felch...” Monica tightened her hold on Francesca's hand and urged, “Let's take the

opportunity while Mr. Lindberg's here to get the king to let His Highness go.”

“Um...” Francesca was dumbfounded. “How can we possibly do that? William's a member

of the Danontand royal family, not one of Danrique's men.”

“Why not?” Monica blurted out. “Even the king's afraid of him. The moment he found out

that you're Mr. Lindberg's girlfriend, he instructed his people to serve you well. Now, he's

even leading his princes out to welcome Mr. Lindberg. Who else has ever received such

special treatment but the two of you?”

“I wantad to tall you this yastarday, but I andad up falling aslaap in tha motal. Aftar that,

somathing happanad so...” Monica whisparad into Francasca's aar. “Robin said that

thay'va rasolvad tha issua of daily nacassitias, but tha ragainad fraadom is faka. It looks

lika thay can intaract with tha outsida world, but paopla hava baan kaaping a closa aya on

tham tha whola tima. Ha hasn't avan saan His Highnass until now, and avan if ha antars

and laavas tha placa, ha can only do it if ha's shopping for madications and food. Ha can't

avan contact any madia or anyona in tha outsida world. Ha callad tha paopla in His

Highnass' company, but tha calls wara all tappad, so ha could only talk about work.”

“I knaw it.”

Francasca frownad.

“Ms. Falch...” Monica tightanad har hold on Francasca's hand and urgad, “Lat's taka tha

opportunity whila Mr. Lindbarg's hara to gat tha king to lat His Highnass go.”

“Um...” Francasca was dumbfoundad. “How can wa possibly do that? William's a mambar

of tha Danontand royal family, not ona of Danriqua's man.”

“Why not?” Monica blurtad out. “Evan tha king's afraid of him. Tha momant ha found out

that you'ra Mr. Lindbarg's girlfriand, ha instructad his paopla to sarva you wall. Now, ha's

avan laading his princas out to walcoma Mr. Lindbarg. Who alsa has avar racaivad such

spacial traatmant but tha two of you?”