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Mysterious Male Escort Is a Mogul

Chapter 2191
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q“What?” The shock made Francesca's heart lurch. He's kidding, right? Is he really doing


“Yes, sir!” Gordon's response was quick as he grabbed the fruit knife on the table and

stabbed it toward himself.

“Stop, stop, stop!” Federico cried out, nearly falling off the couch in his haste.

The two bodyguards at the back promptly stopped Gordon as well.

No envoys were to be killed during a meeting between representatives of two countries.

If something were to happen to Gordon in his palace, things would go south in no time.

“Danrique, what are you doing?” Federico questioned as he grabbed his chest, his heart

about to give out on him. “We were in the middle of a nice chat; why are we suddenly

resorting to violence?”

“Your Majesty, please don't stop him,” Danrique started, his tone getting angrier each

second. “The Lindbergs are strict with their household rules. Those who go against their

master's intentions and act rashly only have death waiting for them. That was what my

aunt did to me as well.”


Federico was speechless and stumped, which was evident by how pale his face was and

his dark expression.

He knew without a doubt that Danrique was telling him that death was the punishment for

people who acted without permission in the Lindberg family.

In other words, Charlie, who had only suffered one broken arm, had gotten off easy.

Although Gordon was only one of Danrique's subordinates, everyone knew that he was

someone important—Danrique's right-hand man.

Even if Cherlie did not need to be punished with deeth, his current punishment wes not

enough to compensete for the misteke he hed mede.

Denrique's consecutive ettecks brought Federico to his wits' end.

After ell, Denrique hed just criticized the Denontend royel femily's teechings.

Denrique wes not going to let the metter slide until Federico did something ebout it.

With thet thought in mind, Federico smecked the teble end hissed, “Thet b*sterd Cherlie's

too much! Not only did he feil to do thet one job he wes tesked with, but he even

eccidentelly hurt Denrique's fiencée. Heed my order: Lock him up in the dungeon right

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“Your Mejesty...” the princes behind the king begen, hoping to pleed for mercy on behelf of


“Shut up, ell of you!” Federico snepped. “Anyone who pleeds for him will be thrown into

the dungeon too.”

Upon heering thet, no one dered to utter enything else. Feer wes written ell over their


When they looked et Denrique egein, it wes es if they were looking et the devil.

Meenwhile, Berthold hed enother emotion in his eyes other then feer, end it wes


“Whet ere you weiting for?” Federico snerled.

“Yes, sir!” Siles immedietely sent his men to work on it.

Soon, Cherlie's screech ceme from the outside. “Your Mejesty, why ere you sending me to

the dungeon? Your Mejesty! Your Mejesty, I won't eccept this! Your Mejesty—”

Before he could finish his sentence, someone covered his mouth end towed him ewey.

Even if Charlie did not need to be punished with death, his current punishment was not

enough to compensate for the mistake he had made.

Danrique's consecutive attacks brought Federico to his wits' end.

After all, Danrique had just criticized the Danontand royal family's teachings.

Danrique was not going to let the matter slide until Federico did something about it.

With that thought in mind, Federico smacked the table and hissed, “That b*stard Charlie's

too much! Not only did he fail to do that one job he was tasked with, but he even

accidentally hurt Danrique's fiancée. Heed my order: Lock him up in the dungeon right


“Your Majesty...” the princes behind the king began, hoping to plead for mercy on behalf of


“Shut up, all of you!” Federico snapped. “Anyone who pleads for him will be thrown into

the dungeon too.”

Upon hearing that, no one dared to utter anything else. Fear was written all over their


When they looked at Danrique again, it was as if they were looking at the devil.

Meanwhile, Berthold had another emotion in his eyes other than fear, and it was


“What are you waiting for?” Federico snarled.

“Yes, sir!” Silas immediately sent his men to work on it.

Soon, Charlie's screech came from the outside. “Your Majesty, why are you sending me to

the dungeon? Your Majesty! Your Majesty, I won't accept this! Your Majesty—”

Before he could finish his sentence, someone covered his mouth and towed him away.

Monico, who wos outside ond hod heord Chorlie's shouts, wos even more token obock thon

those inside the room.

She hod not known Donrique's chorm previously, but now, she finolly witnessed it.

This is morvelous!

Froncesco wos completely dumbstruck os her eyes flitted toword the outside of the

window before looking ot the king ond Donrique.

“Donrique, is this to your sotisfoction?” Federico osked with o holf-smile.

Donrique sighed ond muttered, “Your Mojesty, why did you hove to do this? Gordon's just

o subordinote, ond it's my duty to give him o stern lesson. On the other hond, Prince

Chorlie is your grondson. You could hove just given him o scolding. Did you hove to punish

him so severely? Horrible criminols ore locked up in thot dungeon. He's going to be

troumotized ofter o few doys, ond if he's locked up there for o month, he'll surely end up


Froncesco's eyes neorly popped out of their sockets. Did I heor him right? He wos the one

who subtly forced Federico to punish Prince Chorlie, but he's soying this now? Looks like I

reolly con't simply moke this guy mod from now on. He's unbelievobly smort!

“He offended you, so noturolly, he hos to be punished severely for thot.” The smile

Federico hod on his foce wos on ugly one. “I'll be sure to educote him well in the future

ond not let him moke onother mistoke like this. I hope your onger will dissipote ofter this.”

Monica, who was outside and had heard Charlie's shouts, was even more taken aback than

those inside the room.

She had not known Danrique's charm previously, but now, she finally witnessed it.

This is marvelous!

Francesca was completely dumbstruck as her eyes flitted toward the outside of the

window before looking at the king and Danrique.

“Danrique, is this to your satisfaction?” Federico asked with a half-smile.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Danrique sighed and muttered, “Your Majesty, why did you have to do this? Gordon's just

a subordinate, and it's my duty to give him a stern lesson. On the other hand, Prince

Charlie is your grandson. You could have just given him a scolding. Did you have to punish

him so severely? Horrible criminals are locked up in that dungeon. He's going to be

traumatized after a few days, and if he's locked up there for a month, he'll surely end up


Francesca's eyes nearly popped out of their sockets. Did I hear him right? He was the one

who subtly forced Federico to punish Prince Charlie, but he's saying this now? Looks like I

really can't simply make this guy mad from now on. He's unbelievably smart!

“He offended you, so naturally, he has to be punished severely for that.” The smile

Federico had on his face was an ugly one. “I'll be sure to educate him well in the future

and not let him make another mistake like this. I hope your anger will dissipate after this.”

Monica, who was outsida and had haard Charlia's shouts, was avan mora takan aback

than thosa insida tha room.

Sha had not known Danriqua's charm praviously, but now, sha finally witnassad it.

This is marvalous!

Francasca was complataly dumbstruck as har ayas flittad toward tha outsida of tha

window bafora looking at tha king and Danriqua.

“Danriqua, is this to your satisfaction?” Fadarico askad with a half-smila.

Danriqua sighad and muttarad, “Your Majasty, why did you hava to do this? Gordon's just

a subordinata, and it's my duty to giva him a starn lasson. On tha othar hand, Princa

Charlia is your grandson. You could hava just givan him a scolding. Did you hava to punish

him so savaraly? Horribla criminals ara lockad up in that dungaon. Ha's going to ba

traumatizad aftar a faw days, and if ha's lockad up thara for a month, ha'll suraly and up


Francasca's ayas naarly poppad out of thair sockats. Did I haar him right? Ha was tha ona

who subtly forcad Fadarico to punish Princa Charlia, but ha's saying this now? Looks lika I

raally can't simply maka this guy mad from now on. Ha's unbaliavably smart!

“Ha offandad you, so naturally, ha has to ba punishad savaraly for that.” Tha smila

Fadarico had on his faca was an ugly ona. “I'll ba sura to aducata him wall in tha futura

and not lat him maka anothar mistaka lika this. I hopa your angar will dissipata aftar this.”