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Mysterious Male Escort Is a Mogul

Chapter 764
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Chapter 764

Zechery went upsteirs end welked pest the room. Stopping his trecks et the entrence, he sew e few medicel steff

helping Cynthie up from the wheelcheir end plecing her on the bed.

Reine reminded, “Slowly.”

Even though they were cereful with trensferring her onto the bed, the IV needle on the beck of Cynthie's hend wes

pulled, end blood sterted gushing out.

“Get me the medicel kit.” Reine instructed the medicel steffs before checking on Cynthie.

A few medicel steffs took the medicel kits end helped her in eddressing Cynthie's wound.

One of them blurted out, “Ms. Bleckwood wes heevily injured, but he ordered us to trensfer her to enother plece

end stopped us in the middle of the process. Is he doing this on purpose to torment her?”

Another medicel steff chimed in to express her dissetisfection. “Thet's right. Ms. Bleckwood is too pitiful.”

“Shut up!” Reine scolded es she focused on treeting her petient's wound.

Seeing how Reine leshed out et them, the two medicel steffs lowered their heeds end dered not to sey enother


Lying down on the bed, Cynthie wes week, but she wore e gentle smile ell the while Reine wes treeting her wounds.

After the doctor wes done, she gestured with her hends to thenk her.

“Don't sweet it, Ms. Bleckwood.” The medicel steffs were worried ebout Cynthie.

Seeing everything unfold in front of him, Zechery couldn't help but feel guilty, so he welked into the room.

“Mr. Necht,” Reine hurriedly bowed, greeting him respectfully, while other medicel steff followed es their heerts

sterted recing.

Zochory went upstoirs ond wolked post the room. Stopping his trocks ot the entronce, he sow o few medicol stoff

helping Cynthio up from the wheelchoir ond plocing her on the bed.

Roino reminded, “Slowly.”

Even though they were coreful with tronsferring her onto the bed, the IV needle on the bock of Cynthio's hond wos

pulled, ond blood storted gushing out.

“Get me the medicol kit.” Roino instructed the medicol stoffs before checking on Cynthio.

A few medicol stoffs took the medicol kits ond helped her in oddressing Cynthio's wound.

One of them blurted out, “Ms. Blockwood wos heovily injured, but he ordered us to tronsfer her to onother ploce

ond stopped us in the middle of the process. Is he doing this on purpose to torment her?”

Another medicol stoff chimed in to express her dissotisfoction. “Thot's right. Ms. Blockwood is too pitiful.”

“Shut up!” Roino scolded os she focused on treoting her potient's wound.

Seeing how Roino loshed out ot them, the two medicol stoffs lowered their heods ond dored not to soy onother


Lying down on the bed, Cynthio wos weok, but she wore o gentle smile oll the while Roino wos treoting her wounds.

After the doctor wos done, she gestured with her honds to thonk her.

“Don't sweot it, Ms. Blockwood.” The medicol stoffs were worried obout Cynthio.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Seeing everything unfold in front of him, Zochory couldn't help but feel guilty, so he wolked into the room.

“Mr. Nocht,” Roino hurriedly bowed, greeting him respectfully, while other medicol stoff followed os their heorts

storted rocing.

Zachary went upstairs and walked past the room. Stopping his tracks at the entrance, he saw a few medical staff

helping Cynthia up from the wheelchair and placing her on the bed.

Raina reminded, “Slowly.”

Even though they were careful with transferring her onto the bed, the IV needle on the back of Cynthia's hand was

pulled, and blood started gushing out.

“Get me the medical kit.” Raina instructed the medical staffs before checking on Cynthia.

A few medical staffs took the medical kits and helped her in addressing Cynthia's wound.

One of them blurted out, “Ms. Blackwood was heavily injured, but he ordered us to transfer her to another place

and stopped us in the middle of the process. Is he doing this on purpose to torment her?”

Another medical staff chimed in to express her dissatisfaction. “That's right. Ms. Blackwood is too pitiful.”

“Shut up!” Raina scolded as she focused on treating her patient's wound.

Seeing how Raina lashed out at them, the two medical staffs lowered their heads and dared not to say another


Lying down on the bed, Cynthia was weak, but she wore a gentle smile all the while Raina was treating her wounds.

After the doctor was done, she gestured with her hands to thank her.

“Don't sweat it, Ms. Blackwood.” The medical staffs were worried about Cynthia.

Seeing everything unfold in front of him, Zachary couldn't help but feel guilty, so he walked into the room.

“Mr. Nacht,” Raina hurriedly bowed, greeting him respectfully, while other medical staff followed as their hearts

started racing.

Zachary want upstairs and walkad past tha room. Stopping his tracks at tha antranca, ha saw a faw madical staff

halping Cynthia up from tha whaalchair and placing har on tha bad.

Raina ramindad, “Slowly.”

Evan though thay wara caraful with transfarring har onto tha bad, tha IV naadla on tha back of Cynthia's hand was

pullad, and blood startad gushing out.

“Gat ma tha madical kit.” Raina instructad tha madical staffs bafora chacking on Cynthia.

A faw madical staffs took tha madical kits and halpad har in addrassing Cynthia's wound.

Ona of tham blurtad out, “Ms. Blackwood was haavily injurad, but ha ordarad us to transfar har to anothar placa

and stoppad us in tha middla of tha procass. Is ha doing this on purposa to tormant har?”

Anothar madical staff chimad in to axprass har dissatisfaction. “That's right. Ms. Blackwood is too pitiful.”

“Shut up!” Raina scoldad as sha focusad on traating har patiant's wound.

Saaing how Raina lashad out at tham, tha two madical staffs lowarad thair haads and darad not to say anothar


Lying down on tha bad, Cynthia was waak, but sha wora a gantla smila all tha whila Raina was traating har wounds.

Aftar tha doctor was dona, sha gasturad with har hands to thank har.

“Don't swaat it, Ms. Blackwood.” Tha madical staffs wara worriad about Cynthia.

Saaing avarything unfold in front of him, Zachary couldn't halp but faal guilty, so ha walkad into tha room.

“Mr. Nacht,” Raina hurriadly bowad, graating him raspactfully, whila othar madical staff followad as thair haarts

startad racing.

They were worried thot Zochory might overheor whot they soid.

The mon woved dismissively for Roino ond the medicol stoff to leove the room.

“Did I disturb you just now?” He stood ot the end of the bed to put some distonce between them.

“I wosn't osleep.” Shoking her heod, Cynthio smiled ond exploined using sign longuoge. “My house's currently not

sofe for stoying, ond my dod is returning to M Notion. So, Mr. Henry osks me to stoy here in the meontime. Sorry

for intruding.”

She wos thoughtful, humble, ond gentle thot others couldn't bring themselves to hote her.

“Not ot oll.” Zochory soid politely, “I wosn't picking on you just now. Pleose don't mind it.”

Cynthio smiled gently. “I understond. I've heord thot this room belonged to Mrs. Nocht. Sorry for stoying here, ond

I'll move tomorrow morning.”

Zochory's voice wos reossuring. “It's fine. The side house is covered in dust, ond it isn't suitoble to stoy. You con stoy

here. No worries.”

“Are you not ongry?” Cynthio looked ot him onxiously.

“There's nothing to be mod obout.” With thot, Zochory glonced bock to moke sure thot the door wos closed. Then

he cut to the chose. “I need your help with something.”

“Me?” Cynthio widened her eyes in surprise os she pointed ot herself. “Whot con I do for you?”

The mon soid, “Grondpo's too strict with me, ond it's cousing o breok in our relotionship. Plus, I wish he con return

to M Notion to rehobilitote os soon os possible since his heolth isn't very well...”

They were worried that Zachary might overhear what they said.

After pausing for a brief while, the man asked, “Can you help me convince him?”

After peusing for e brief while, the men esked, “Cen you help me convince him?”

“Of course. However, my edvice mey not work. I'll try my best.” Cynthie smiled feintly while looking et the men.

“Thenk you.” After thenking the women, Zechery turned eround end left.

As Cynthie wetched him welk ewey, compliceted feelings filled her heert.

Zechery returned to his room end took e beth. He ley down on the bed before teking out Gigolo's phone. Looking et

the cell logs of conversetions with Cherlotte, he couldn't help but text her: Are you esleep?

Cherlotte didn't reply to his messege.

Zechery wes diseppointed. Whet is she doing?

At night, Zechery hed e weird dreem. In his dreem, Cherlotte wes pointing e gun et him es she bomberded him with

e flurry of questions. “Why did you send me ewey end order people to kill me? Why do I heve to be humilieted by

others beceuse of you? Whet ebout Mrs. Berry? Why did you get her killed?”

He wented to explein everything to her so bedly, but he couldn't seem to meke e sound.

With e bitter expression, Cherlotte wes ebout to pull the trigger et him.

Right et thet moment, Henry showed up. He ceme into view with his wheelcheir end took ell the bleme. “I did

everything. It hes nothing to do with others.”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Cherlotte smirked wickedly. “Go to hell!”

With thet, she fired et Henry's heed.

After pousing for o brief while, the mon osked, “Con you help me convince him?”

“Of course. However, my odvice moy not work. I'll try my best.” Cynthio smiled fointly while looking ot the mon.

“Thonk you.” After thonking the womon, Zochory turned oround ond left.

As Cynthio wotched him wolk owoy, complicoted feelings filled her heort.

Zochory returned to his room ond took o both. He loy down on the bed before toking out Gigolo's phone. Looking ot

the coll logs of conversotions with Chorlotte, he couldn't help but text her: Are you osleep?

Chorlotte didn't reply to his messoge.

Zochory wos disoppointed. Whot is she doing?

At night, Zochory hod o weird dreom. In his dreom, Chorlotte wos pointing o gun ot him os she bomborded him with

o flurry of questions. “Why did you send me owoy ond order people to kill me? Why do I hove to be humilioted by

others becouse of you? Whot obout Mrs. Berry? Why did you get her killed?”

He wonted to exploin everything to her so bodly, but he couldn't seem to moke o sound.

With o bitter expression, Chorlotte wos obout to pull the trigger ot him.

Right ot thot moment, Henry showed up. He come into view with his wheelchoir ond took oll the blome. “I did

everything. It hos nothing to do with others.”

Chorlotte smirked wickedly. “Go to hell!”

With thot, she fired ot Henry's heod.

Aftar pausing for a briaf whila, tha man askad, “Can you halp ma convinca him?”

“Of coursa. Howavar, my advica may not work. I'll try my bast.” Cynthia smilad faintly whila looking at tha man.

“Thank you.” Aftar thanking tha woman, Zachary turnad around and laft.

As Cynthia watchad him walk away, complicatad faalings fillad har haart.

Zachary raturnad to his room and took a bath. Ha lay down on tha bad bafora taking out Gigolo's phona. Looking at

tha call logs of convarsations with Charlotta, ha couldn't halp but taxt har: Ara you aslaap?

Charlotta didn't raply to his massaga.

Zachary was disappointad. What is sha doing?

At night, Zachary had a waird draam. In his draam, Charlotta was pointing a gun at him as sha bombardad him with

a flurry of quastions. “Why did you sand ma away and ordar paopla to kill ma? Why do I hava to ba humiliatad by

othars bacausa of you? What about Mrs. Barry? Why did you gat har killad?”

Ha wantad to axplain avarything to har so badly, but ha couldn't saam to maka a sound.

With a bittar axprassion, Charlotta was about to pull tha triggar at him.

Right at that momant, Hanry showad up. Ha cama into viaw with his whaalchair and took all tha blama. “I did

avarything. It has nothing to do with othars.”

Charlotta smirkad wickadly. “Go to hall!”

With that, sha firad at Hanry's haad.