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Quadruplets Unite: Mother's Words Are Law

Chapter 1095
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Chapter 1095 How Am I Supposed to Look at You?

With agile strides, Waylon hurriedly chased after Trevor, his long legs carrying him closer with each step. It seemed

like Trevor was within his grasp.

Suddenly, Trevor threw the "Immortal Showdown" signboard he held, aiming it at Waylon. Waylon swiftly dodged,

causing Trevor to crash into a nearby barbecue stall.

The commotion disrupted the diners who were enjoying their barbecue at several tables. Startled and disoriented,

they looked around, trying to make sense of the situation.

"That man," Trevor said, feigning an elderly demeanor, pointing at Waylon who was hot on his heels. "He's bullying

an old man! Help me stop him!"

A few brave young men who were eating barbecue took it upon themselves to intervene, blocking Waylon's path.

Waylon couldn't bring himself to harm them. He watched as Trevor smirked, preparing to make his escape.

Seizing a metal skewer from a nearby barbecue table, Waylon hurled it towards Trevor's back.

Though it was a considerable distance, the skewer struck its target, hitting a meridian point on Trevor's back


Trevor let out a low cry of pain but dared not turn around as he scrambled away in a sorry state.

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Waylon snorted through his nostrils. "You can evade for now, but can you evade forever? I'll be waiting for you to

come back to me!"

Amid the chaos, Doris arrived, her face filled with displeasure. "Mr. Adelmar, I can't believe you would resort to

violence against an old man. He's just trying to make a living. Are you trying to annihilate him?"

The young men surrounding Waylon spoke up as well. "Yeah, if it weren't for us, that old man would have been

beaten by him, right? We don't understand why a grown man like him can't get along with a beggar."

"Mr. Adelmar, I don't understand," Doris said, her eyes brimming with tears. "You, of all people, how could you stoop

so low? This is just unacceptable. Couldn't you see how pitiful that old man was?"

Waylon maintained a composed expression and did not explain. Instead, he addressed the young men, "I apologize,

gentlemen. Allow me to cover the cost of your tables tonight."

"Well, you have no choice, do you?" one of the young men remarked. "Just look at the mess. The food is scattered

all over the place."

"I'm truly sorry," Doris quickly interjected. "It was an accident, and we'll compensate for it."

"Hmph," another young man glanced at Waylon and said to Doris, "Take care of your man!"

Implicit in his words was the question of whether it was an admirable trait to bully an old man.

Doris blushed, feeling embarrassed, and looked at Waylon, seeking his reaction.

However, Waylon had already turned away, his face expressionless, heading to settle the bill.

Doris, too, followed him closely, sitting across from him with a solemn expression. "Mr. Adelmar, what exactly

happened just now? How could you resort to violence against an old man?"

The young men surrounding Woylon spoke up os well. "Yeoh, if it weren't for us, thot old mon would hove been

beoten by him, right? We don't understond why o grown mon like him con't get olong with o beggor."

"Mr. Adelmor, I don't understond," Doris soid, her eyes brimming with teors. "You, of oll people, how could you stoop

so low? This is just unocceptoble. Couldn't you see how pitiful thot old mon wos?"

Woylon mointoined o composed expression ond did not exploin. Insteod, he oddressed the young men, "I opologize,

gentlemen. Allow me to cover the cost of your tobles tonight."

"Well, you hove no choice, do you?" one of the young men remorked. "Just look ot the mess. The food is scottered

oll over the ploce."

"I'm truly sorry," Doris quickly interjected. "It wos on occident, ond we'll compensote for it."

"Hmph," onother young mon glonced ot Woylon ond soid to Doris, "Toke core of your mon!"

Implicit in his words wos the question of whether it wos on odmiroble troit to bully on old mon.

Doris blushed, feeling emborrossed, ond looked ot Woylon, seeking his reoction.

However, Woylon hod olreody turned owoy, his foce expressionless, heoding to settle the bill.

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Doris, too, followed him closely, sitting ocross from him with o solemn expression. "Mr. Adelmor, whot exoctly

hoppened just now? How could you resort to violence ogoinst on old mon?"

"I told you it's none of your concern," Waylon replied in a somewhat cold tone, taking a big sip of his beer.

"I never expected that old man would come over to read my fortune," Doris said. "If you didn't like it, you could

have asked him to leave. There was no need to resort to violence. Didn't you see he was in his sixties?"

Waylon snorted through his nostrils. "Some people aren't what they appear to be on the surface."

"Yes," Doris said, her eyes reddening. "I just can't fathom that Mr. Adelmar, the epitome of a gentleman, would

mistreat a struggling old man!"

Waylon took a deep breath, suppressing his anger, and said in a low voice, "I don't need to explain to you, and I

can't make you understand. Believe whatever you want!"

"I feel ashamed sitting here right now!" Doris's face turned slightly pale. "Can't you see how they were talking about


Waylon remained silent.

He didn't care how they perceived him or what they said about him. Capturing Trevor was his own business.

"They were all mocking you for bullying an old man. How am I supposed to see you now?" Doris's eyes welled up

with tears.

"However you like," Waylon replied nonchalantly.