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Revenge On Love Rats After Rebirth by Olivia Marsh

Chapter 759 USB Content
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Chapter 759 USB Content In the castle, Osvaldo watched Selena leave without chasing after her or saying anything to comfort her.

His unusual behavior left the people in the castle puzzled. The old butler seemed to have guessed something and dismissed the other servants before approaching Osvaldo with a worried look. "Master, is it true that you have something to do with the Turner family?" Osvaldo had noticed Selena's abnormal behavior recently.

The young woman no longer personally handled matters related to the Riddle family.

She had sent Hattie away, collected her graduation certificate in advance, and no longer went to the Olympus Group... All signs indicated one thing.

Selena was leaving! Everyone in the castle knew they were married, but they also knew that Selena and Osvaldo were not truly husband and wife.

Except for last night, they had never spent the night in the same room.

Osvaldo looked at the old butler with his ghostly eyes, radiating intense danger and coldness. "She said she wouldn't blame me!" The old butler was not optimistic. He shook his head. "Madam may be unfeeling, but she is also loyal. She doesn't like the Riddle family, and the young master of the Turner family is her only relative. If he has any trouble, Madam will be sad, even if she doesn't say so." Once it was found out that Osvaldo was involved, would they still be able to be husband and wife without resentment? But the old butler also understood Osvaldo. When it came to matters concerning Selena, he would definitely leave no room for the Turner family.

It was more likely that he knew those people were targeting the Turner family but did nothing about it, or that he was pushed to the limit by the news of Selena's departure and secretly contributed to it.

After all, everyone knew that the head of the Anderson family had a soft spot for Lady Nevaeh's daughter, and Selena had been exposed as not being Alberto's biological daughter. Aimost everyone knew that she was definitely the daughter of the Turner family.

People in the aristocratic circle were always good at watching a show and enjoying the .

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The fact that the research institute and those families were openly suppressing the Turner family meant that they were certain that the Anderson family would remain indifferent to the Turner family's situation.

The only way they could have this understanding is because of what Osvaldo did.

Osvaldo's eyes were cold and there was not a hint of extra expression on his face.

He looked in the direction Selena left for a good while before speaking, "He won't die.” The old butler breathed a sigh of relief and asked again, "What about the Turner family?" Osvaldo didn't speak, just stared at the night outside the window.

The old butler instantly understood.

The fate of the Turner family ultimately depended on Selena's choice.

At the same moment.

In the hospital.

Alberto is scolding Leah.

Leah reveals that Selena is not his daughter and tears off the last shred of his dignity, causing Alberto to hate her to the bone.

"You animal, you killed your brother, hurt your mother, tortured your father... how could | have given birth to someone like you?" Leah leaned against the wall with a thick layer of gauze wrapped around her wrist, her face as pale as a ghost.

Hearing Alberto's words, she coldly chuckled, "If | became an animal, isn't it all your fault? You passed on your despicable blood to me and made me a bastard since birth... My mother and | fell to this point because of the sins you created!" If it weren't for this man's greed and the big lie he told, taking Lady Nevaeh's wealth for himself, she wouldn't have had the chance to enter the gates of the wealthy and meet Lady Nevaeh at such a young age.

She was grateful for the twenty years of luxury this man had given her, but she also hated that she was a bastard from the beginning to the end.

Alberto's face twisted in anger, "You bitch, do you even know what the consequences will be if this matter is exposed?” Previously, he had always hidden behind Selena's father's reputation.

Even if Selena hated him, she wouldn't dare to kill him.

But once Selena discovered the truth, that heartless devil wouldn't let him go! Alberto trembled at the thought of Selena's cold eyes.

Leah looked at Alberto contemptuously, then turned her head to look at the dark sky outside the window with a sinister smile, "Dad, don't worry, Selena won't have another chance to come and hold us accountable..." Without certainty, how could she tell the results of the paternity test for those two hairs to the people in capital? That phoenix, who had been trampled under her feet since childhood and was wandering outside, would never have a chance to go home again.

Alberto was shocked when he heard her words, "What did you say?" Leah was probably anxious, or maybe excited. She tore off the bandage on her hand, revealing the deep scar on her wrist, and fresh red blood dripped down.

She looked at the blood and smiled slightly, "I said, if there's no family left, why bother going home? Selena is destined to be a pitiful worm without anyone's care in her life..." She wanted Selena to have nothing to rely on! She wanted Selena to taste the pain of gaining and losing her loved ones in an instant! She wanted Selena to see with her own eyes who would end up with nothing between the two of them.

Alberto looked at Leah's twisted and distorted smile on her face, suddenly feeling a chill of fear.

He thought Leah might have gone crazy...

But Alberto was inherently selfish, and for him, nothing was more important than his own life.

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He threatened viciously, "You did this, if Selena comes looking for us in the end, you tell her that it's all your own doing, don't involve me!" Leah couldn't bear to watch his behavior.

She didn't know why, but she suddenly remembered the description of Selena's biological father by the people in capital.

Unparalleled in the world.


Compared to her own stupid, selfish, ignorant and cowardly father, it really made Leah feel as if she had eaten a fly.

Since Selena had taken all the good things, then Selena naturally deserved to die! In the Riddle family villa, Selena opened a video.

It was a vibrant forest.

All that could be seen was green, with branches and leaves flourishing, and colorful flowers clustered together. The lush green leaves rustled gently in the wind, making a soft rustling sound.

Lady Nevaeh, in her teenage years, stood in a carpet of flowers and grass, taking pictures with a camera in hand. White flowers adorned her long black hair, and warm sunshine shone down on her, casting a shower of golden light.

Suddenly, a tender yellow flower fell from the sky and landed precisely in the girl's arms.

Lady Nevaeh was stunned for a moment, then looked up slightly, seeming to meet someone's gaze.

The girl in the video smiled, raised the camera in her hand, and "click", a flash of silver light flashed by.