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Saat Matanya Terbuka

Bab 1760
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Bab 1760

“Jun, kamu masih memanggilnya Saudara Elliot ?!” Tammy menatapnya dan bertanya, “Bukankah kamu

mengatakan bahwa kamu tidak memiliki kontak dengannya?”

Jun tersipu: “Sebenarnya, itu karena dia. Abaikan saya, itu sebabnya kami berhenti menghubungi.

Tammy: “Hehe, orang-orang mengabaikanmu, dan kamu masih bertingkah seperti anjing!”

“Tammy, berhentilah memarahi. Ada pepatah yang mengatakan, tetap antre dalam segala hal di masa depan. Kita

tidak perlu memutuskan hubungan dengan Saudara Elliot karena perceraian mereka. Bagaimana jika keduanya

berdamai di masa depan? Jika itu masalahnya, betapa memalukannya kita! Jun mengungkapkan pemikirannya, “Ini

tidak seperti yang terjadi.”

Tammy tidak bisa menahan tawa, “Menurutmu apakah mereka berdua bisa kembali bersama? Beraninya kamu

memikirkannya! Elliot hampir menusukkan pisau ke leher Avery.”

Jun berdehem: “Saya ingat Avery menikam Saudara Elliot dengan pisau sebelumnya, dan menikam Saudara Elliot

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

langsung ke ICU. Bukankah mereka berdua berdamai nanti? “

Tammy berkedip, dan ingatan itu berangsur-angsur muncul.

“Apakah kamu pernah menonton ‘Journey to the West’?” Jun menggoda dengan nada santai, “Lihatlah Tang

Sanzang (Tripitaka atau biksu Tang), master dan magang, Sun Wukong (Raja Kera) berapa kali mereka putus dan

putus dalam proses melewati sembilan puluh sembilan-delapan puluh- satu kesulitan. Apakah kamu baik-baik saja?”

Tammy menatapnya dengan ekspresi kaget: “Lalu menurutmu siapa Tang Sanzang (Tripitaka atau biksu Tang) dan

Sun Wukong (Raja Kera) ?!”

Jun: “Aku tidak memikirkannya secara khusus. Saya hanya berpikir mereka sedikit mirip.”

“I…I think Elliot is the Monkey King and Avery is the Tang monk.” Tammy followed this topic, her mind widened, “No,

every time the Monkey King is right, it is the Tang monk who misunderstands the Monkey King… So Avery is the

Monkey King, Elliot is a Tang monk… and that’s not right! How could that b*stard Elliot be a merciful and

compassionate Tang monk? Tang monk dumped him a hundred streets!”

“Okay, don’t be angry. I just said it casually. We still think What food do you want to buy!” Jun avoided the topic.

Tammy: “Eat mutton hot pot! I want to cook mutton as soon as it’s cold.”

Jun said, “Does Avery and Hayden like it? Don’t just the two of us like it. Anyone likes it if we buy whatever we want

to eat.”

“Avery is not a picky eater, she can eat anything except spicy.” Speaking of which, Tammy was moved, “Avery’s

personality is also the same, she treats the people around her like this. People are very tolerant. It must be Elliot’s

fault that she doesn’t get along with Elliot.”

Jun said weakly, “Brother Elliot is also nice to the people around him.”

Tammy: “He ignores you, and you still speak for him! “

Jun: “Didn’t Avery ignore you for a few months before? Allow Avery to heal in silence, but can’t let Brother Elliot be


“You want to be mad at me?” Tammy resisted the urge to tug at his ears, to reason with him, “Elliot stole Avery’s

Tate Industries, and now he is going to destroy Avery’s AN Technology. Is this something normal people can do?”

Jun: “This’s not true. But I think Brother Elliot must be mad, otherwise he wouldn’t be so cruel.”

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Tammy: “He’s mad? He left his wife and children and went to Yonroeville to find a mistress and an illegitimate

daughter, and he was still mad. “

Jun: “Stop! Let’s stop talking about this…”

“I have to. I can’t stand it anymore. I have to scold him!” Tammy took out her phone and planned to find Elliot “He

doesn’t answer the phone, right? Then I’ll text him!”

Tammy opened whatsapp, found Elliot’s avatar, opened the dialog box, and turned on the crazy voice mode.

——Elliot, you are f*cking human! When Avery met you, it was like eight lifetimes of blood mold! Poisonous bees are

not as poisonous as you! The Tate Industries is not yours alone, why did you hand over the company to the new

person in charge without Avery’s consent?

——Anda masih ingin menjatuhkan Teknologi AN? ! Apa gunanya bagimu untuk membunuh Avery tanpa bayaran? !

Apa yang Anda lakukan, seluruh dunia sedang menonton! Termasuk ketiga anak Anda! Ketika saya kembali ke

rumah, saya akan memberi tahu Layla betapa buruknya Anda pada Avery! Saat Layla dewasa, Layla pasti akan

meninggalkanmu secepat mungkin!

Setelah Tammy berpidato panjang dua kali tanpa terengah-engah, Jun menepikan mobil ke pinggir jalan dan


“Tammy, cukup!” Jun mengerutkan kening dan menghentikannya.

Tepat ketika Jun akan memberi tahu Tammy untuk berhenti bersikap impulsif, ponsel Tammy berdering.