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Save Myself from Desperation by Cara Agnes

Chapter 85
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Chapter 85

“You!” Matthew’s face turned ashen.

The bet was that if he won, he and Ashley would never again have a sibling relationship in this lifetime.

Matthew pondered angrily, ‘Okay, Ashley would rather lose to me on purpose to sever our sibling ties

forever, right?! So be it! What’s the big deal anyway?! Just a sister, as if I’ll ever cry and beg Ashley to

become my sister again! I will never!’

Having won the bet, Ashley was finally relieved from having to endure Matthew’s nauseating voice.

She put down the shooting gun and left the shooting range with Joseph and Bryce.

With the Ramos family members around, Ashley had lost even the moo to play.

But as soon as Ashley took a step, Jeremy immediately followed her, cautiously calling out. “Ashley…”

Ashley gave him a cold glance and said sharply, “Move aside.”

Jeremy felt a piercing pain from her indifferent look. It was as if his heart, was being torn apart.

But who could he blame? He had caused this situation himself.

It was Jeremy who had pushed his own sister away.

He wondered sadly, ‘How could I have been so blind before, not to see Ashley’s worth?’

Watching Ashley’s retreating figure, Jeremy clenched his fists and determinedly thought, ‘No matter

how much effort and hard work it takes, I will earn Ashley’s forgiveness.”

Jeremy turned around and looked at the target, where Ashley had scored

0.8, 0.4, and 9.6 points. He took out his phone, snapped a photo, and proudly posted it on Facebook.

He captioned it: [Look, my sister shot these. Isn’t she amazing?!]

Jeremy’s Facebook friends were instantly perplexed, with one of them


Chapter 85

thinking, ‘Are you okay, bro??”

The next moment was even more shocking when Jeremy solemnly posted another update.

[Note: It was my own sister who shot these, not that disgusting person. Jessica.]

His friends were bewildered once again.

Another one pondered, ‘Why does it feel like Jeremy has become obsessed with praising his sister

lately? And the person he was praising was Ashley, which was really shocking.”

After posting on Facebook, Jeremy glanced toward Matthew and Jessica. and openly taunted. “Some

people try all their life and still can’t measure up to Ashley’s level!”

Matthew immediately glared at him, exclaiming, “Jeremy!”

Jessica remained silent, with her nails digging into her palms and

her lip.

She thought, ‘I didn’t expect that wretched Ashley to be so skilled in shooting. Well, it’s better this way.

Now, Matthew will never restore hi sibling relationship with Ashley. Then, Matthew’s love will forever be

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mine alone!”

After Ashley, Joseph, and Bryce left the shooting range, Bryce received a phone call about an urgent

matter and had to leave immediately.

Before leaving, Bryce looked at Ashley and reminded her, “Don’t forget. about the variety show The

Shape of Music’ in three days.”

“I haven’t forgotten, Ashley replied.

Never missing a chance to banter, Bryce retorted, “It’s not that I’m trying to be helpful, but rather I’m

concerned that those important people tend to forget things.”

Ashley retorted with a smile, “It’s good that you recognize I’m an important one.”

Bryce was momentarily at a loss for words.

He thought in annoyance, ‘Damn it. I can never win an argument




Chapter 85


Joseph, however, seemed intrigued. “Ashley, I heard the famous Ash is going to make a public

appearance on The Shape of Music. If you meet Ash, don’t forget to get an autograph for me!”

Ashley was momentarily caught off guard and fell silent.

Joseph continued speculatively, “I wonder what Ash looks like. Perhaps he’s a middle-aged man,

maybe even a bald one. There’s a saying, right? The lesser the hair, the more talented the person is!”

Ashley didn’t know how to react to that either.

Bryce was equally speechless.

Joseph; noticing their reactions, blinked innocently and asked, “Why are you looking at me like that?

Did I say something wrong?”

With a subtly amused smile, Bryce agreed, “Yeah, you’re absolutely right. You’re quite the genius.”

Since Bryce had other matters to attend to, he exchanged a few words. and left.

Joseph and Ashley then decided to explore other areas of the club, continuing their day.

Soon after, Joseph received a phone call. After hanging up, he looked at Ashley with a grin and said,

“Ashley, Valentin is coming over.”

He pondered, ‘No wonder Valentin is coming so late. He was preparing a gift for Ashley’

Remembering the sober kiss from yesterday, Ashley angrily frowned, “So what if he’s coming.”

Joseph scratched his head, asking, “Ashley, did you really have a fight with Valentin?”

“We didn’t,” Ashley replied curtly.

Joseph immediately felt relieved, thinking, ‘Good, they didn’t fight.’

However, the next second, Ashley said, “I’ve cut ties with him.”

Joseph was bewildered and pondered, ‘Cut ties?? That sounds even more serious than a fight!”



Chapter 851

Once Valentin had arrived, Joseph noticed that Ashley had indeed cut ties with Valentin completely.

They didn’t even utter a single word to each. other.

Joseph was getting worried, but then he saw Valentin seemed to be. enjoying the situation.

‘Great, he is not in a panic, but I am. They might appear to have cut ties, but in reality, they’re flirting!’

Joseph thought resignedly.

Joseph quickly found an excuse to leave, giving Valentin and Ashley some space alone.

‘Where else can you find such an observant, helpful, and cute cousin like. me?’ Joseph pondered


After Joseph left, Ashley gave Valentin a warning glance beside her and walked ahead without saying a


Valentin raised an eyebrow and leisurely followed her.

Not far away was the horse field, with its endless green grass and a cotton candy-like clouds floating in

the blue sky. A cool breeze broug comfort as they walked.

After a few steps, Ashley suddenly heard a thud from behind.

She then turned around to look.

Ashley then found Valentin’s tall figure looming over her. Having lost his balance, he fell toward her

while reaching out to hold her.

Ashley was stunned and immediately rendered speechless.

Valentin held her and said in a light, magnetic voice, “Sorry, I tripped and lost my balance.”

Ashley immediately looked at the ground, her lips twitching slightly. “The ground here is very flat, and

there’s not even a small stone here. How can you trip?”

He chuckled sensually, “My left foot tripped over my right.”

Ashley was rendered speechless.

She pushed Valentin away and warned sternly, “I’m currently cutting ties with you. Please don’t talk to

me. Thank you.”



Chapter 85

Valentin’s eyebrows lifted slightly, then casually said, “So, Miss, who is currently cutting ties with me,

are you thirsty after playing all this time? Would you like something to drink?”

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Upon hearing his question, Ashley did indeed feel a bit thirsty.

However, she remained resolute and held her ground.

Ashley glared at Valentini with puffed cheeks and turned her head away, ignoring him.

Amused by her reaction, Valentin couldn’t resist ruffling her hair and asked, “I also have your favorite

green grape glazed cake. Want some?”

Ashley was instantly tempted after hearing him, and she swallowed hard.

She mused. ‘He actually remembers my favorite dessert.

But Ashley resisted the temptation, swatting away Valentin’s hand, showing her resolve not to eat.

He looked down with a soft chuckle, his Adam’s apple bobbing slightly, his voice teasing and alluring. “I

made it myself. How about giving it a try, Miss?”

Ashley was taken aback, thinking, ‘He made it himself?”

A guess suddenly popped into her mind, wondering. ‘Did he come here. so late because he had made

me a dessert?”

Still, Ashley refused to give in to the sweet temptation because she hadn’t forgotten about their ongoing


With a haughty huff, she turned and was about to walk away.

However, Valentin suddenly wrapped his arm around Ashley’s shoulder, leading her toward an indoor

area. “Come on, Ashley, be a good girl and give it a try.”

Jessica had something to discuss with Ashley, so Jessica quietly slipped away from Jeremy to find her.

As soon as Jessica arrived, she saw Ashley being affectionately embraced by a man as they entered a

room decorated with understated yet. luxurious furnishing.



Chapter 85

From Jessica’s angle, she could only see their backs,

But it was already enough to shock her. Jessica pondered, ‘I would never mistake Ashley’s figure, but

who is that man hugging her? Why are they so intimate? Ha, no wonder Ashley has been doing so well

since leaving the Ramos Villa. It seems she has climbed the social ladder and is being kept by a man!

Jessica’s expression darkened, and she immediately followed them.

She thought determinedly. I must find out who this man keeping Ashley


Jessica caught up to the steps and was ready to push the door open..

However, a waiter dressed in a black and white uniform approached her, saying. “I’m sorry, miss, but

this area is not open to the public.”

Jessica was momentarily taken aback, then scoffed arrogantly, looking down her nose. I’m a paying

customer at this club. Are you saying I can’t move freely around? What a joke!”

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