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Secretly The Billionaire Boss by Debbie chocolate

Chapter 60
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Chapter 60: Prioritize

It was lunch break and Grey decided to eat at one of Hercules’ restaurants. It was time to start using

his membership card

A soft knock sounded on the door as Grey was putting the files together

He hesitated and looked up, yes, come in

Maria walked inside with a document “Here’s the total materials on the ground,” she declared and


the documents on the table in front of him. It also includes the matenals we brought on Monday. That

aside, the engineers were able to gather 20 surveillance cameras yesterday,” she announced

Wow!’ Grey felt impressed. That’s great. If they could come up with 20 more today or perhaps double

their hustle and come up with 30. We will be able to deliver tomorrow,” he observed

* Yes,” Maria nodded briefly ” Though, we could deliver by 2 oclock tomorrow afternoon So, even if they

didn’t finish it today. They could round it off tomorrow before we leave for delivery

Grey thought about it briefly and gave a short nod of his head. “Nice, I’m glad that you are really doing

your job as a supervisor It’s lunchtime, I’m on my way out So, let’s talk after I’m back,” he informed and

grabbed his phone

Maria nodded again. “You are going to the restaurant, can I tag along?” She wondered aloud

Grey stared at her for a moment. You want us to go together?”

Maria smiled and nodded quickly “I will really appreciate it

Maria realized that Grey was someone very important. Somehow, she could see it without even

investigating it. It was the only reason behind Jane’s change of mind,

Grey shrugged, surrendering to her request. “It’s alright. Let’s go.”

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Maria got inside the car and marveled at the inner decorations She couldn’t help but think the car was

worth a lot of money,

At first, when Grey first came to work, she had thought he was one useless man but her thoughts

concerning him were slowly changing

“So, where are we going?” She asked suddenly as the car took a left turn

*5stars Restaurant,’ he responded and pulled to a stop in front of the restaurant. He looked over to

Maria and noted the surprised look on her face “Are you coming?”

Maria couldn’t talk and instead nodded

5 stars is one of the most popular and great restaurants in the city Its foods are top-notch and very

expensive. Whoever can afford the food is very rich, unless it’s the membership card the person is

using Well, getting the membership card wasn’t an easy thing

Maria and Grey walked inside the enormous building and marveled at the lobby Does the restaurant

have a lobby? 11 seemed like 5stars was designed to be one of the best. Also, seats were always

booked according to how early or how rich someone is.

“Look at who we have here, Cindy proclaimed suddenly

Grey craned his neck to look at who the speaker was

“Grey?” Philip called with a smile

“Do you know that Grey was fired? Cindy stated amazingly and pulled Kevin closer to herself. She

seemed to be having a huge crush on him, maybe that was why she was always lying to him

*Seriously? So, he’s back as a delivery man?” There was a teasing smile on Kevin’s face and a funny

tone in his voice

Mana looked back at Grey, with confusion. “What is happening?”

“Nothing, just let’s focus on why we are here. We have a lot of things to do in the office, remember?

Grey whispered to Maria

But why is Grey in this type of restaurant? Can you afford it? Or is it going to be from Avery’s money?”

Philip bombarded Grey.

Grey turned to him.” How I will afford it shouldn’t be of your concern.”

Cindy laughed. *The boy is trying to talk I guess he found his voice back recently,’ she sneered

The waiter moved closer to Kevin. Welcome, sir. I received a call that someone important was coming

over I guess it’s you. Please, follow me.”

Cindy looked at Grey and pulled out her tongue at him She felt satisfied and happy

“I think you have it all wrong. Grey said suddenly just as they were about to turn and walk away “The

person you are expecting isn’t Kevin, it’s

What the fuck are you saying?” Philip barked up

Greg brought out his phone.” Here, you should check my number, and then, you can confirm

The waiter regarded Grey for a moment, then he moved closer to him. She took the phone and gave it

to the receptionist

The receptionist took a while, then looked up again. “Yes, he’s right. Mr Grey made a reservation here

some hours ago,” she confirmed

Grey smiled and took his phone “So, I should be attended to “.

“No, it doesn’t matter We got here before him,” Cindy insisted, with a flicker of annoyance

Kevin looked at her “Calm down, alright,” then he looked up at the waiter. “We will be getting a VIP

table We have a Hercules membership card.”

The waiter’s eyes went wide and dark with shock You do?”

Kevih nodded and brought out the gold membership card “Here.”

Cindy smiled, pleased. Then, she looked at Grey. “The boy is trying to spend his wife’s money but he

doesn’t know how things work here.”

The waiter turned to look at Grey.” I’so sorry Mr. Grey but we will have to attend to Mr. Kevin before we

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

come back to you,” she explained softly

Philip laughed. The useless fool is trying to compete with Kevin, He doesn’t dare.”

Mania looked at Grey again, skeptical of what was really happening.

“I have a card too.” Grey said suddenly. shocking everyone again

Maria looked at Grey “Did you say that you have a membership card? She asked surprised. She heard

about the card but she has not been able to see 11

Grey nodded at her, then he got his black card out of his pocket.” Here’s my membership card.”

“A black membership card? It was the receptionist that noticed. There was a shock in her eyes as she


“I’m sure he stole the card from somewhere,” Cindy hinted.

“Yes. Even though he did. I’m sure the gold card is way higher than the black card, Philup added

quickly, with pride

The waiter rushed forward and took the card from Grey. Then, she read the name on it. “The name on

it was Grey Fox

“I’m sorry but the black card surpasses the gold one,” the Receptionist declared, shocking everyone


“What? Is it a real card? I mean I have never seen a black Hercules membership card,” Kevin


The waiter shrugged. It’s a limited card and only the best members are offered this card. And, it had his

name on it. So, you will have to excuse me,” he looked at Grey, with a nice smile on his lips. ” I’m sorry

sir, can we go sir? I will show you to your table.”

Kevin was shocked. His card was passed down to him by his father. So, how come the black card has

an inscription of Grey’s name on it? Philip was more than shocked while Cindy felt a sudden stab of
