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Silly Bride novel (Winnie and Xavier)

Chapter 245
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“Sure.” Winnie curled her lips in confidence while gazing at Harold. “I believe you’ll be surprised when

you see what I came up with, Mr. Horton.”

Harold smiled faintly. “We’ll see about that, then. Take Ms. Vivian into the lab, Seven.”

“Yes, Mr. Horton. Please come with me, Ms. Vivian.” The man referred to as Seven immediately

escorted Winnie into the laboratory.

The room was small with an experiment desk full of bottles and lab apparatus right in the center.

Against the walls were racks filled with an array of chemical reagents and ingredients. There was also

a surveillance camera on the east corner of the ceiling.

Observing Winnie’s every move behind the camera was Harold.

“Do you really trust this woman, Mr. Horton?” a bodyguard keeping his eye on the surveillance footage

next to Harold asked.

Harold narrowed his eyes as his lips played into a malicious smirk. “I would most prefer to, but if she

dares try to fool me, I’ll make her life a living hell.”

Back inside the laboratory, Winnie had already scanned everything she could lay her eyes on and

matched them with the recipe ingredients she had in mind.

Even while doing so carefully, she didn’t forget where she was.

The woman had noticed Seven leave as soon as he led her in here.

Two other people inside the laboratory had also left right away, but there was still one more person

remaining in a corner.

Winnie didn’t think this was a mistake on that person’s end. Rather, she believed that Harold had

deliberately planned it.

He’s probably arranged for this guy to assist me or steal my recipe.

Still, she played it cool, pretending to put all her attention on her task at hand.

It was only when she proceeded to grab some methadone hydrochloride that she acted as though she

had just spotted someone else inside the room, for the rack containing the chemical so happened to be

right behind that man.

“Who are you? What are you doing in here?” she yelled.

“I’m here to assist you,” the person replied at once.

“Assist me?” Both their voices came out sounding slightly distorted due to the gas masks they were


Winnie had a difficult time discerning whether this person was of young or old age, nor could she

confirm if he was, in fact, Professor Riley White.

“When did I say I needed an assistant? You’re a drug maker too! Do you think I don’t know what you’re

up to? Don’t take me for an idiot! Seriously, I can’t believe you’re trying to steal my recipe!”

The woman pretended to be furious, even going as far as to remove the person’s gas mask.

The latter clearly hadn’t expected her to lash out directly like that and was caught off guard.

As a result, his face now lay bare in front of Winnie, who recognized him instantly.

It’s him! This is the man I’ve been looking for, although he looks so different in person compared to the


Winnie had already scrutinized his pictures before setting out, but all the images she came across were

from five years ago.

The pictures portrayed Riley as a man who looked to be in his fifties despite actually being over sixty.

Not only that, but his skin looked especially well-nourished, and there wasn’t a single gray hair on his

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However, his face was now full of wrinkles, and all his hair had turned gray. He had also lost an ear,

and his eyes looked bleak.

Winnie couldn’t help but frown when she saw the state Riley was currently in.

What on earth could these guys have put a chemistry professor like him through for him to turn out this


With a clench of her fists, Winnie turned and walked in the direction of the surveillance camera.

She then looked up and removed her gas mask before making the rage in her voice known to Harold.

“Mr. Horton! Don’t you think you’re being very unreasonable right now? We haven’t even started

working together, but you’re already getting someone to watch my every move? Are you going to have

me killed once this guy figures out the recipe?”

“I think you’ve misunderstood my intentions, Ms. Vivian,” replied Harold. “I let my subordinate stay and

assist you because both he and I figured that you may not be accustomed to a new environment like

this. But if you really don’t need any help, I can send him away. To be honest, I really enjoy working

with someone like you, Ms. Vivian. You’re the type who says exactly what’s on your mind instead of

keeping it to yourself. I understand your worries, so I’ll do my best to address anything you regard as a

problem right away. Please have faith in my sincerity. Have I not brought you to my laboratory, after


Winnie scoffed in response, “You sure are eloquent, Mr. Horton.”

“This has nothing to do with eloquence, Ms. Vivian. If you approach the other two, those brutes aren’t

going to be as easy to deal with as I am. Besides, don’t you feel the safest when you’re here?”

Winnie glared at the camera in brief silence. “You’re a sly one, aren’t you, Mr. Horton? But I’ll have you

know that I’m extremely pissed off right now—so much that I have to do something to vent.”

“Of course,” Harold said with a chuckle. “You can do whatever you want as long as you give me the

goods. You can even go outside and tear this building apart when you’re done.”

“Ha!” Winnie was amused. “Of course I’m not capable of doing that, but you know my temper. I can’t

wait that long, so you wouldn’t mind if I just punched him a couple of times, right?”

She stopped talking to Harold at once and walked straight toward Riley.

The latter appeared slightly dumbfounded after hearing what she had said, but he had no intention of

running away at all.

With her back against the camera, Winnie furrowed her brows at Riley before throwing a punch at his


There was quite some force involved, and the man immediately fell to the ground, writhing in pain.

Then, Winnie pulled him back up from the floor and swiftly whispered something into his remaining ear.

Riley’s eyes gleamed as soon as he heard her words.

He turned to her in disbelief.

Winnie hastily stepped aside to block the camera from detecting the change in Riley’s expression.

“Get your ass home and look after your grandkids instead, you old geezer! What are you even still

doing here inside a lab at this age?” she spat before hurling him toward the door.

While sprawled out against the door, Riley couldn’t help but glance at her.

She had just mentioned his granddaughter, Yulissa, whom he had not seen for a long time.

The only way he could obtain any news on Yulissa was through Harold, who would only feed him tiny

snippets of information about her each time.

After Riley left, Winnie poured all her attention back into work.

As it was her first time, she stumbled a little as she couldn’t properly grasp the right amount of catalyst

during the reaction, so her first attempt was a failure.

Still, she was confident in herself and quickly moved on to the second try.

Meanwhile, Christopher could only remain on the ground floor since he was prohibited from entering

the laboratory which was located in the basement.

Despite that, he didn’t waste his time idling around. Using a washroom break as an excuse, he

explored the building layout as much as he could.

Upon returning, the man coincidentally bumped into Riley emerging from the floor below and tugged

along by two men.

This was Christopher’s first time seeing Riley in the flesh after lurking here for such a long time, and

emotion swirled within him. I swear I’m going to bring him back home.

A few hours later, Winnie finally removed her gas mask.

She had long been drenched in sweat after wearing her protective gear for so long, and the high

temperature certainly didn’t help either. After making an OK sign at the camera, she slumped into a


Harold and a few others made their way into the laboratory in protective gear immediately after

receiving her gesture.

Winnie handed him a beaker before pounding on her own shoulder lightly. “This is it. It’s not a lot. Get

someone experienced to give it a try.”

“Thank you for your hard work, Ms. Vivian.” Harold took the beaker and handed it to a subordinate

before turning back to the woman. “I’ll be sure to reward you highly when this is over.”

“As you should,” Winnie responded haughtily.

Smiling, Harold said nothing more and turned around to watch his subordinate inspect the product.

The latter had already taken a sip of it and immediately began to stagger backward.

“Seven?” Seeing such a huge reaction from his subordinate caused a frown to replace Harold’s smile.

He turned back to Winnie, preparing to question what kind of concoction she had just made.

Suddenly, the subordinate let out a boisterous laugh. “This is it! This is some good stuff! I feel


Harold’s mood took a turn for the better after he saw the man lose himself.

“Incredible!” he exclaimed, spinning around and grabbing Winnie by the shoulders. “You’re

unbelievable, Ms. Vivian. You managed to create it at a purity level of ninety-four point seven percent!

You’re a godsend. You must be tired now. Come, let’s go outside and have Chris give you a shoulder

rub, and then we’ll have a hearty meal for lunch. How about that?”

Winnie raised her hand to hit her shoulder again. “I do feel a little sore. That’s a pretty good suggestion,

Mr. Horton. It’s true that I need to get some fresh air. Let’s go.”

“Yes, let’s.” While speaking, the man even helped her up personally.

Winnie shot him a profound glance. “You’re quite the flexible one, Mr. Horton. You used to be so wary

of me, but now you’re actually trying to butter me up.”

Harold’s lips remained curved. “Butter you up? Not at all. Helping you up is nothing more than a polite


Winnie merely smiled and said nothing. Had she not known about this man’s history, she might have

ended up getting charmed by his good looks and dashing smile.

It was past one in the afternoon by the time they returned to the ground floor and saw the light.

Both Winnie and Harold were hungry by now, so they headed straight for lunch.

Knowing what to do now, the man immediately had Christopher pour Winnie a cup of coffee.

As the latter two were constantly under Harold’s watch, they only communicated when it was part of the

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Halfway through lunch, Harold suddenly requested Winnie to make another batch of goods at a much

larger volume.

“No,” the woman said without a second thought. “That’s impossible.”

Harold’s expression clouded over in an instant. “Why not? Didn’t it turn out well just now?”

Winnie sliced a piece of meat and put it into her mouth, not glancing at the man even once.

“I could do it because I wanted to show you that I was able to, Mr. Horton. But now that I’ve already

proven my abilities and worth, why should I do it again? To be frank, we haven’t discussed the terms

and conditions either. I can’t do anything until we’ve negotiated what’s in it for me. I hope you


Harold paused briefly before breaking into a smile. “So that’s what you mean. I thought there was a

problem with the formula. Sure. Name your terms.”

“Okay.” Winnie put down her fork and knife before turning to Harold. “I want half of the proceeds from

every subsequent trade.”

Harold frowned. “Did I hear you wrongly, Ms. Vivian? You want half of the proceeds?”

“You heard me loud and clear, Mr. Horton. I’ll provide the goods, and I don’t care about anything else.

But I want half the proceeds, so it’s fifty-fifty between you and me.”

The crease between Harold’s brows deepened. “Let’s get this straight, Ms. Vivian. I’m providing you

with the place and all the ingredients. I’m also in charge of sourcing our clients while at the same time

having to bear all the costs of any injury or death that occurs during the trading process. How can I look

after my men if I have to give you half the proceeds?”

“But I’m the only one who can provide such quality goods,” Winnie insisted while beaming and rising to

her feet. “I have to use the restroom. Give it some thought, Mr. Horton.”

Someone placed a gun against her head the moment she stood up.

Winnie took a deep breath. “I hate it when someone points their gun at me. It dirties my hair.”

While speaking, she stepped back and grabbed the gun.

“Shoot me in my hand instead of my head. I won’t be able to make the goods if my fingers are gone.”

“What the hell are you doing? Put the gun down!” Harold ordered, refusing to let anything happen to

this woman whom he now regarded as highly important. “Didn’t you hear Ms. Vivian say she has to use

the restroom? Hurry up and take her there.”

Winnie smiled at the subordinate. “Let’s go.”

In truth, she was just trying to stall time. The formula’s wrong, and the goods will react to each other

and fail if made in large quantities. But the weight’s calculated in kilograms.

She was aiding and abetting evil with every batch she made.

That was why she had cited such drastic terms. She knew that he would never agree; if he didn’t, they

could continue their negotiations, and she could then use the opportunity to draw more useful

information from him.

Harold’s gaze darkened as soon as Winnie left.

“What do you think of this woman?” he asked Christopher while continuing to peer at her back with

narrowed eyes.

Christopher frowned furiously. “She’s nothing but a pompous ingrate! She would’ve long been dead if

she weren’t actually of use.”

Harold gritted his teeth and scoffed, “It’s always the capable ones who have such fiery tempers, but

since she likes you, do your best to please her. It’ll be even better if you manage to get your hands on

the recipe. Hang in there, and follow her closely when we get back. I’m leaving her to you.”

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