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Silly Bride novel (Winnie and Xavier)

Chapter 251
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“What about the Big Black Bear that you’re looking for? They haven’t shown up until now.”

“There’s no time for us to think about that now. If we can’t deal with both at the same time, we’ll do one

at a time.”

Christopher hummed in agreement before nodding. “I understand what you mean, but once we leave

this place, it’ll be extremely difficult to enter their circle again.”

“I know.” Winnie hung her head to look at her feet. “We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it. For now,

Harold has given me time to take a shower and change my clothes, so no one’s following us. Let’s

hurry up and start working.”

“All right.” Christopher surveyed their surroundings. “There isn’t anyone around. Harold will surely need

to wash up too. We have, at most, half an hour.”

“Yes. If nothing goes wrong, half an hour will be more than enough for us.”

As they spoke, they rushed back as quickly as they could.

Once they locked the doors and the windows, they entered the bathroom together.

Christopher’s phone was special. There were two systems installed, and when he activated the hidden

system, he soon contacted his department.

While he was making his report, Winnie was busying herself at the side with a pen and paper. She was

jotting down everything she had seen on Harold’s computer earlier.

When she was done writing, Christopher took photos of the information and sent them to his


After ending the call, Christopher let out a heavy sigh of relief. As he exited from the hidden system, he

said to Winnie in sincerity, “Thank you. Without you, I might need to spend more time and more effort to

get all this information.”

Winnie, too, felt much more relieved after sending out the information. She flashed a smile at

Christopher and said, “You’re too courteous. Also, it’s what I should do. Furthermore, you’re my friend.

I’m willing to lend you a helping hand for this.”

However, Christopher shook his head, his eyes reddening. “No, no. It’s not that I’m being courteous.

I’m not thanking you on my own account. I’m thanking you on behalf of my department.

You’ve helped us lower the casualty rates of innocent people. Everything you’ve done today will save

and have saved many lives and families. My department has asked me to thank you.”

Thinking of the blood, sweat, and tears that heroes like Christopher had sacrificed, Winnie found her

throat tightening. She shook her head.

“No, I’ve only done something minor. The ones who should receive the thanks are you guys, but I’ll

accept the gratitude from you and your department.”

“Mm.” Christopher inclined his head. In the next second, he lifted his arm and gave Winnie a military


Winnie’s heart melted, and she chuckled. “It’s my honor.”

With that, she tore the paper she wrote on into shreds and flushed them down the toilet bowl.

After that, Winnie looked at the ring on her ring finger and said, “Xavier, we’re moving forward with the

schedule. We’ll be executing the plan tonight. If you hear this, please respond.”

As soon as she finished speaking, she received a message on her phone.

It was from Xavier. Xavier: Got it. Don’t worry. Begin the plan when you see my signal after the sun

goes down. Be careful.

Winnie touched her ring. “I got it. You too. I’ll go and prepare now. We’re about to move out.”

Ten minutes later, Winnie was all done with her washing up.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

When she got dressed and stepped out of the bathroom, she noticed Christopher missing from the


Winnie guessed that Harold had sent someone over to get her while she was showering, so

Christopher had gone outside.

With that thought in mind, she glanced out of the window and slowly clipped her hair before exiting the


Indeed, Christopher was talking to Harold’s bodyguard outside.

Once Christopher saw her, he took a step closer and said, “Let’s go. Let’s not make Mr. Horton wait for


Winnie smiled at him. “Mind your attitude.”

Christopher sucked in a deep breath. “This way, please, Ms. Vivian.”

Winnie then hooked her arm around his and leaned her head against his shoulder. “That’s about right.”

Not long after, they reached the spot where the car was parked at.

By then, Harold was already in a clean set of clothes and was waiting on the patio.

Even from afar, he could see Winnie linking arms with Christopher. Hence, the moment the two of them

approached him, he began teasing, “Vivian, I was thinking of having you sit in my car as a fulfillment of

our previous promise, but it looks like you might prefer sitting beside Chris.”

“You’re right.” Winnie lifted her head to take a glimpse at Christopher with a frivolous smile. “He’s my

new favorite, but I might get sick of him after a while. When that happens, I’ll get someone else.”

“Sounds good.” Harold was smiling from ear to ear. “I’ll get you anyone you like. You can even have

more than one as long as you’re happy.”

Winnie jovially nodded. “Okay! Let’s go. Oh, by the way, Hal, I’ve received the deposit you sent me. I’m


A chuckle escaped Harold. “All right. I can see that you’re happy, and that makes me happy too. Let’s


Again, Winnie and Christopher were hooded.

On their way to the factory, the two of them went over the rescue operation again, for Christopher

would not be allowed into the underground lab again when they arrived at the factory.

After entering the lab, Winnie began working away. Other than stepping out of the lab for some food at

noon and for the occasional restroom break, she went nowhere else. Harold was watching her through

the surveillance cameras anyway.

Nevertheless, Harold was no longer in the monitor room when afternoon came. He said he was tired

and needed to take a nap, and before he left, he told Winnie to keep up with the good work.

That was the opportunity Winnie seized. As she calculated the time, she discreetly prepared some

chemical reactions that were bound to ruin the entire lab when the right time came.

As time ticked away, the sun slowly descended beneath the horizon.

As the demand for the products was urgent, and the trip from the factory lab to the Horton residence

would take up much time, Harold did not wish to lose the precious few hours. He had arranged for

Winnie to stay in the factory for the next few days.

Moreover, it was Winnie’s first day staying at the factory. To keep up with the act, Harold deliberately

came to the break room to accompany Winnie for dinner.

While they were eating, Harold even apologized to her, “Sorry about this, Vivian. This place isn’t as

good as home, but once this batch of products has been handed over, you can get a good rest for a

while. I’ll compensate you for this by then.”

“Okay, I’ll hold you to that,” Winnie said with a smile. “By the way, Hal, it must be dark outside. I’ve

been in the basement for the entire day, and I can barely know when it’s day or night.”

At that, Harold glanced at the time on his watch. “The sky hasn’t completely darkened when I came

down here just now. Still, this isn’t something you need to concern yourself with. Just keep an eye on

the time and rest when it’s about two to three in the morning.”

Winnie nodded. “The sun goes down faster now. We’re already halfway through our meal. I’m sure it’s

completely dark outside now.”

Riley’s rescue operation would commence after sunset. Winnie was excited and looking forward to it.

A while of rumination later, she turned to Harold. “Oh, right. Harold, say, do you think that karma will

come for people like us?”

Harold nearly snorted in amusement. “Why are you suddenly asking about that?”

Winnie lifted a brow and responded, “I don’t know. The question just suddenly popped into my head.

I’m interested in finding out what you think about that.”

Harold sipped his wine, but instead of answering her, he asked, “What about you? What do you think

will happen to people like us?”

Winnie smiled and put down her fork. “You’re sly, Hal. I was the one who asked you the question first,

but now you’re trying to fish for my answer.”

“All right.” Harold laughed a little before putting down his wine glass and patting Winnie’s shoulder. “Let

me tell you this: I don’t believe in karma. I’ll do what I want to do, and I’ll kill anyone I’m annoyed with.

I’ll either take or steal the things I want. I live a much more carefree life than anyone in this world, and

I’m enjoying it! This is what will happen to me. What’s the matter? Why are you looking at me like this?

Do you not agree with me?”

As Winnie stared at Harold, she curled her lips. “I do, but not about everything.”

“Oh?” Harold lifted a brow, not thinking that he had said anything wrong. “Tell me what you think is


Winnie took a piece of napkin and slowly wiped her lips.

“The life you describe is indeed a carefree one, but that won’t last you forever. Someone like you, Hal,

who has done horrible things and has their hands stained with blood, will end up dying horribly.”

“What are you talking about?” Harold’s expression darkened. “Are you saying that I’ll die horribly?”

“Hal, are you angry?” A look of disbelief appeared on Winnie’s face. “Have you never heard of such

curses from your victims when you killed them and burned down their houses? Hal, we’re the villains,

and this is how villains end.”

Harold knitted his brows. “Why are you telling me these?”

“Oh, nothing.” Winnie gave him a smile before filling their wine glasses. “I’m just wistfully commenting

on how lucky we are to stay alive until now. Here, Harold, let me toast to you.”

“Okay, let’s toast. Even if you die a horrible death in the future, you’ll have me accompany you to the

grave. We might not have been together at the start, but we’ll be by each other’s side when the end

comes. Sounds good?”

Winnie hummed in agreement before lifting her glass to clink it against Harold’s. “We’ll be by each

other’s side when the end comes.”

Deep down, however, Winnie was thinking otherwise. As if. I won’t die even if you’ve decomposed.

What goes around comes around, and the grim reaper is just by your doorstep!

At two in the morning, everyone else excluding the guards on shift had gone to sleep.

When Winnie stood up, three rhythmic knocks suddenly came out from under her feet.

Almost immediately, she realized it was the signal for her from the rescue team.

Previously, she had used honey to leave tracks on her way here, so she had successfully marked the

location of the factory. When Christopher came over, he meticulously surveyed the topography of the

area as well.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

After a discussion, they decided on entering via the underground sewage system.

There was a lab in the factory, so there was no way an underground sewage system would not exist

below the factory. At that moment, Christopher’s men were waiting for Winnie under the manhole cover.

Nevertheless, the right time had not come yet, for the lab had surveillance cameras. Her sudden

disappearance would raise alarm in no time.

Therefore, she needed to wait for the perfect opportunity.

She quietly sat back down and used the chair to cover the manhole cover.

At the same time, she turned the flames of the two alcohol burners on the table to the maximum. That

way, not long after she leave—about ten minutes at most—the lab would explode, and everything

inside would turn to dust.

After doing so, she did not need to wait for long before the lights in the lab went out all of a sudden. In

the blink of an eye, the entire basement went dark.

The power outage was a signal for her to leave.

Before she could even do anything, someone opened the manhole cover beneath her feet. With the

help of her teammates, Winnie went into the sewer in seconds.

“Ms. Garland, we have to hurry. They must have a backup generator here, and once they activate it, we

won’t be able to escape as easily.”

“Mason?” Winnie instantly recognized the voice. “What’s the situation above? Is someone picking us


“Yes, but according to the plan, I’m only in charge of picking you up in the underground. I’m not in

charge of the others.”

“Okay.” It was a hasty moment, and Winnie did not have much time to find out more about the plan.

“Let’s leave right away. The place is about to blow in about seven to eight minutes. When that happens,

the sewers might collapse too.”

“No problem,” Mason confidently answered. “We’ll be doing a turn soon.”

Not long after, the corner appeared in their line of sight.

However, just as they turned around the corner, Winnie bumped into someone.

Instinctively, she grabbed the other person’s neck.

Mason, who was right behind her, quickly stopped her. “Stop, Ms. Garland! He’s one of us—he’s on

Professor White’s rescue team.”

Only then did Winnie let go of the person.

“Good.” Turning to the person in front of her, she asked, “Is Professor White right behind you?”

Before that person could answer her, Riley himself replied, “I’m here. Are you Yulissa’s friend? How is


Winnie sighed in relief when she heard Riley’s voice. “That’s right. I’m Yulissa White’s friend. We’ll talk

about her after we get out of here.”

The group then continued forward for a few hundred meters more. Almost four to five minutes later, a

thunderous sound of an explosion from behind them traveled into their ears.

The entire sewer shook from the impact, and Riley nearly lost his balance.

He only managed to stay on his feet because Winnie caught him in time.

As he turned to look at her, he asked, “What’s going on? What happened inside?”

Winnie chuckled. “It’s nothing; just Harold’s lab exploding.”

“What? What did you just say?” Tears rolled down Riley’s face when he registered Winnie’s words. “Are

you telling me that the devil’s lab exploded? Is God finally doing something? His lab exploded! It

exploded! This day has finally come! Even if I die now, I’ll be dying in peace!”

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