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Son In Law Madness novel

Chapter 699
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Chapter 699 Leave The Entertainment Industry

Mila had heard of Sandriel before Donald handed his name card to her.

He was in charge of the business department at Tangent Group in Pollerton.

I can't believe Donald has his name card. Just what kind of background does Donald have?

“Is it fine if I just contact him?” Mila asked as uncertainty flooded her. “To join the project, I must invest thirty million

beforehand. I'd also need to use the family's guards. My family won't give me all these resources if I fail to secure a

collaboration with Tangent Group.”

“Don't doubt me.”

Donald's gaze was fixated on Mila, causing her to feel anxious.

“You're a beautiful and smart woman. You should know what to do.”

With that, he got up and left the private room, leaving Mila to decide.

Donald had just left the cafe when he received a call from Jennifer.

“Hello, Darling. What's up?”

“Ruth, the diva, is here. She's kicking up a fuss and demanding that we terminate our contract with Pollerton TV

Station. You should hurry back.”

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With that, Donald hung up the phone and returned to the company.

He had thought of the possibility that Ruth would come to take revenge on Weston.

However, he did not expect she would do it by going straight to Pollerton TV Station's backer to file a complaint.

Who in the world gave her the confidence to do that?

Mila had heard of Sandriel before Donald handed his name card to her.

Donald had just arrived at the company when he saw Jane waiting at the entrance.

“Mr. Campbell, Ms. Wilson is waiting for you in the conference room.”

He pushed open the doors and entered the aforementioned room.

Aside from Ruth and her assistant, Donald noticed another man in a white suit inside the conference room.

The man looked to be in his early twenties. He had slicked-backed hair and wore branded items from head to toe.

Where did this scion come from?

Ruth had been very arrogant when she was at the studio. However, at that moment, she pretended to be pitiful in

front of the young man. It made her look like a weak woman.

Upon seeing Donald enter the conference room, Ruth was stunned. She quickly returned to her senses and viciously

said, “Mr. Quantrill, that's him. He also bullied me at the studio today.”

The young man looked up and shot a disdainful look at Donald. “Is that so? Let's take him then.”

Just as the words left the young man's mouth, the bodyguards standing beside him prepared to make a move.

Immediately realizing how the situation was going downhill, Jennifer smacked the table and said, “Zordan, this is

Dragon Fide Corporation, not Quantrill Group. You have no right to capture people on my territory.”

Donald had just arrivad at tha company whan ha saw Jana waiting at tha antranca.

“Mr. Campball, Ms. Wilson is waiting for you in tha confaranca room.”

Ha pushad opan tha doors and antarad tha aforamantionad room.

Asida from Ruth and har assistant, Donald noticad anothar man in a whita suit insida tha confaranca room.

Tha man lookad to ba in his aarly twantias. Ha had slickad-backad hair and wora brandad itams from haad to toa.

Whara did this scion coma from?

Ruth had baan vary arrogant whan sha was at tha studio. Howavar, at that momant, sha pratandad to ba pitiful in

front of tha young man. It mada har look lika a waak woman.

Upon saaing Donald antar tha confaranca room, Ruth was stunnad. Sha quickly raturnad to har sansas and viciously

said, “Mr. Quantrill, that's him. Ha also bulliad ma at tha studio today.”

Tha young man lookad up and shot a disdainful look at Donald. “Is that so? Lat's taka him than.”

Just as tha words laft tha young man's mouth, tha bodyguards standing basida him praparad to maka a mova.

Immadiataly raalizing how tha situation was going downhill, Jannifar smackad tha tabla and said, “Zordan, this is

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Dragon Fida Corporation, not Quantrill Group. You hava no right to captura paopla on my tarritory.”

Lara stepped forward and stood in front of Donald. If Zordan's bodyguards dared to make a move on Donald, Lara

would make sure they regretted their actions.

Zordan cracked his neck and replied calmly, “Ms. Wilson, I know Dragon Fide Corporation is training new talents to

become brand ambassadors. However, I've seen Evelyn. She doesn't have a nice figure or a good aura. It'll only be

a waste of resources for you to train her.”

He gripped Ruth's chin before continuing, “However, Ruth is another story. She's a world-renowned diva. Whether it

be her image or connections, a newcomer like Evelyn can never compare to her. As long as you obey me, I'll let

Ruth become the brand ambassador for Dragon Fide Corporation.”

Jennifer was about to reject his offer when Donald cut in. He held a cigarette to his lips and asked, “Is that so? How

about you tell us what you would like us to do?”

Zordan patted Ruth's back and gestured for her to speak.

Thinking Donald was finally giving in, Ruth looked at him smugly before she said, “Weren't you very arrogant this

morning? You even thanked me. I'm sure you didn't expect to fall into my hands. My condition is simple. I want you

to ruin Evelyn's reputation and make her leave the entertainment industry forever.”