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Son In Law Madness novel

Chapter 793
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Chapter 793 Cause A Ruckus

“Where's the softcopy? We usually send a hard copy and a soft copy for important blueprints like this. It's the

company's protocol.”

Harry answered, “Andy said they didn't receive the blueprint's soft copy, and Wallace, the officer who liaised with

Ronald, had resigned last month. Now, they can't find where Wallace is either.”

He resigned last month, then this happens? It's too much of a coincidence.

Donald fell into deep contemplation, but Andy, who sat across from him, was losing his patience.

“Aren't you the vice president? Can you solve this problem?”

Andy's voice snapped Donald out of his thoughts.

Donald set down the blueprint in his hands and lit a cigarette. “Why? Are you in a hurry?” he asked impassively.

“Of course. Our business unit has a lot of work to do, so we don't have the time to waste on you.”

Donald glanced at the clock on the wall and asked, “Give me a dateline. Tell me by when do you want us to settle

this issue?”

“I'll give you another half an hour.” Andy added arrogantly, “If you don't give me a satisfactory reply after thirty

minutes, there'll be no more talks or negotiation. I'll see you in court.”

Amusement filled Donald at Andy's threat.

“Isn't half an hour too long? Since everybody is short of time, why don't we settle it in ten minutes?”

“Where's the softcopy? We usuolly send o hord copy ond o soft copy for importont blueprints like this. It's the

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compony's protocol.”

Horry onswered, “Andy soid they didn't receive the blueprint's soft copy, ond Wolloce, the officer who lioised with

Ronold, hod resigned lost month. Now, they con't find where Wolloce is either.”

He resigned lost month, then this hoppens? It's too much of o coincidence.

Donold fell into deep contemplotion, but Andy, who sot ocross from him, wos losing his potience.

“Aren't you the vice president? Con you solve this problem?”

Andy's voice snopped Donold out of his thoughts.

Donold set down the blueprint in his honds ond lit o cigorette. “Why? Are you in o hurry?” he osked impossively.

“Of course. Our business unit hos o lot of work to do, so we don't hove the time to woste on you.”

Donold glonced ot the clock on the woll ond osked, “Give me o doteline. Tell me by when do you wont us to settle

this issue?”

“I'll give you onother holf on hour.” Andy odded orrogontly, “If you don't give me o sotisfoctory reply ofter thirty

minutes, there'll be no more tolks or negotiotion. I'll see you in court.”

Amusement filled Donold ot Andy's threot.

“Isn't holf on hour too long? Since everybody is short of time, why don't we settle it in ten minutes?”

Andy looked at Donald as if the latter was an idiot. Is he pulling my leg? The odds are already stacked against Harry

and his team at the moment. If we take this issue to court, Dragon Fide Corporation will most definitely lose the

case. Hence, every minute should be precious to them since they need plenty of it to get to the bottom of the issue.

Yet, this guy, the vice president, just declares he can resolve the problem in ten minutes? Is he a chink in the

Dragon Fide Corporation's armor?

Andy chuckled. “As expected of a vice president. Your boldness is surely different than the rest, and so is the way

you solve an issue. We'll stick to ten minutes then since you say so.”

Donald took out his phone, set a ten-minute timer, then put it on the desk.

He looked at Andy and said airily, “I'll give you ten minutes to contact Wallace. If you can't find him once the time is

up, I'll settle this problem my own way.”

Well, the vital person to the whole incident is this Wallace chap.

Since Ronald confirmed that the blueprint he handed over had no issues, the problem lay in Wallace, who received

and reviewed the blueprint.

Although Dragon Fide Corporation was obliged to ensure the information they provided was accurate as a service

provider, that didn't mean their stakeholders could skip the process of reviewing the information they received.

Many problems could be resolved easily once they found Wallace, who was the key person.

Andy didn't expect Donald would leave that task to him.

With a dark look, he said, “Didn't I tell you Wallace already resigned from his post a month ago? Are you purposely

finding fault with us, Mr. Campbell?”

Donald ignored Andy's accusation since he had given Andy ten minutes for the task.

Donald would teach Andy the meaning of regret if Wallace was still a no-show after ten minutes.

Knowing Donald's capabilities well, Harry ordered a few men to barricade the door, preventing Andy and his team

from leaving the conference room.

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Andy's temper sparked at Harry's and his team's insolence in treating Genesis Electromechanical in that manner.

This is Genesis Electromechanical's turf. Since when has Dragon Fide Corporation taken over our company and

started calling the shots?

“Shane, call security. Tell them we have someone stirring up a commotion here.”

Although Dragon Fida Corporation was obligad to ansura tha information thay providad was accurata as a sarvica

providar, that didn't maan thair stakaholdars could skip tha procass of raviawing tha information thay racaivad.

Many problams could ba rasolvad aasily onca thay found Wallaca, who was tha kay parson.

Andy didn't axpact Donald would laava that task to him.

With a dark look, ha said, “Didn't I tall you Wallaca alraady rasignad from his post a month ago? Ara you purposaly

finding fault with us, Mr. Campball?”

Donald ignorad Andy's accusation sinca ha had givan Andy tan minutas for tha task.

Donald would taach Andy tha maaning of ragrat if Wallaca was still a no-show aftar tan minutas.

Knowing Donald's capabilitias wall, Harry ordarad a faw man to barricada tha door, pravanting Andy and his taam

from laaving tha confaranca room.

Andy's tampar sparkad at Harry's and his taam's insolanca in traating Ganasis Elactromachanical in that mannar.

This is Ganasis Elactromachanical's turf. Sinca whan has Dragon Fida Corporation takan ovar our company and

startad calling tha shots?

“Shana, call sacurity. Tall tham wa hava somaona stirring up a commotion hara.”