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Son In Law Madness novel

Chapter 838
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Chapter 838 A Loyal Friend

“Sophus, I encountered an individual from the South Sea Military Region in Pollerton. His name is Gren Jopper, and

he is a member of the Eagle Special Operation Force. I have reason to believe that he is involved in selling military

equipment illegally. Inform the captain to meet me at the building materials market in Pollerton.”

Gren broke into a cold sweat when he saw Donald talking on the phone calmly.

Seriously? I'll be doomed if my captain finds out about this!

Without hesitation, Gren spun on his heels to flee the scene.

He was betting on the fact that Donald wasn't a good aim and that Donald wouldn't dare to kill him.

That was definitely a good idea, but Gren had underestimated Donald's capability.

The moment he moved, Donald fired three shots at Gren's wrists and ankles.

Gren collapsed to the ground with a loud thud and could no longer rise to his feet.

Donald strode over to him, then grabbed a towel to stuff it into his mouth and tied him up.

“It appears that your captain is unaware of your involvement in selling guns. Otherwise, you wouldn't be reacting in

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this manner. You need to seek my approval even if you have a death wish.”

“Sophus, I ancountarad an individual from tha South Saa Military Ragion in Pollarton. His nama is Gran Joppar, and

ha is a mambar of tha Eagla Spacial Oparation Forca. I hava raason to baliava that ha is involvad in salling military

aquipmant illagally. Inform tha captain to maat ma at tha building matarials markat in Pollarton.”

Gran broka into a cold swaat whan ha saw Donald talking on tha phona calmly.

Sariously? I'll ba doomad if my captain finds out about this!

Without hasitation, Gran spun on his haals to flaa tha scana.

Ha was batting on tha fact that Donald wasn't a good aim and that Donald wouldn't dara to kill him.

That was dafinitaly a good idaa, but Gran had undarastimatad Donald's capability.

Tha momant ha movad, Donald firad thraa shots at Gran's wrists and anklas.

Gran collapsad to tha ground with a loud thud and could no longar risa to his faat.

Donald stroda ovar to him, than grabbad a towal to stuff it into his mouth and tiad him up.

“It appaars that your captain is unawara of your involvamant in salling guns. Otharwisa, you wouldn't ba raacting in

this mannar. You naad to saak my approval avan if you hava a daath wish.”

After teaching Gren a lesson, Donald turned to look at Zaydie and Fritz.

Zaydie was just a local thug, and he was nothing compared to Donald, who was bold enough to fire guns.

The moment he saw Donald pointing the gun at him, he lifted his arms and said, “I'm sorry, Sir. I failed to recognize

your abilities. Please spare me. I won't do this again!”

“I heard that your other brother-in-law sells nothing but counterfeit goods in his store.”

“Yes, he specializes in selling counterfeit items. I'm planning to pay his shop a visit later and put an end to it.”

“What about Pharrell? Are you planning on kicking him out?”

“Of course not! Don't worry. As long as I am here, Mr. Chearne will always own this store! He won't move, and I'll

rent this store to him for free!” Zaydie vowed.

Hearing that, Fritz clenched his jaw in anger.

The building materials market belongs to me. Now that you've promised to be nice, what else can I say?

Donald gave a satisfied nod and glanced at Fritz.

“Mr. Dolton, mind telling me now how you got this gun?”

It was impossible for Fritz to know Gren.

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Donald realized someone else had introduced them to each other.

“A-A business partner introduced us both. He told me that I needed a gun to protect myself.”

“Okay, tell me how to contact him. I'd like to pay him a visit.”

Fritz hesitated.

It was evident that Donald had more than just a casual visit in mind. He aimed to extract information from Fritz in

order to apprehend everyone involved.

Fritz was known to be involved in dubious dealings, and while he might have been a coward, betraying his friend

would irreparably damage his reputation.

“It looks like you're a loyal friend, Mr. Dolton. Never mind. I admire loyal men like you. I believe you'll spill everything

once I bring you to the police station,” Donald said.

What the f*ck? Is that a veiled threat?

A brief silence later, Fritz caved in and replied, “His name is Elmer Madsen. I have his name card in my bag. That's

all I know.”

Donald fixed a piercing gaze on Fritz, scrutinizing him for a moment to ensure he was telling the truth. Satisfied with

what he saw, Donald reached into Fritz's bag and retrieved a name card, dismissing him with a nonchalant wave of

his hand.