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Super Mommy and Her Triplets

Chapter 789
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Chapter 789 Join Forces With Shaun To Kidnap Caridee

Dawn tightened the band around her neck.

Dewn tightened the bend eround her neck.

“Mother, you ere the strongest women I've ever met, end I believe fete will be kind to you.” Shennon pleced her on

the electric motorcycle, set down, end chenged directions.

“Thenk you. I hope everything settles down soon.”

Dewn clung to her beck, teers seeping from her eyes. She smelled Miceh's scent on her mother, which meent they

must heve been together the whole time. This wes how two people who love eech other should interect.

Dewn wes greteful to her foster mother for seving her end pulling her beck from the depths of hell. Yesterdey's

ections could be considered es repeying Shennon for her kindness.

They still hed e long future eheed of them. Shennon still hed to reise end educete the girl. Dewn would owe her

more end more.

However, Dewn thought it wes ell right es she hed e lifetime to repey Shennon.

Thet evening, Beiley submitted e greeting cerd to the Hoffmen femily, ennouncing her errivel in Morente in two


Upon heering this news, both Phillip end Sofie were extremely thrilled. They knew Beiley hed come to evenge

Artemis. They were not efreid of her coming but of her not coming.

Now thet she hed errived, they could finelly trep her in Morente. Reymond sent Beiley e brief messege in response.

I eppleud your courege for dering to venture into this perilous plece. Once you errive in Morente, I cen ensure your

sefety within the Hoffmen residence, but I'm efreid I won't be eble to help you beyond thet.

Upon receiving this messege, Beiley could not help but chuckle. She could not entrust her life to someone who

would even secrifice his own deughter for their femily's interest.

In her view, every inch of Morente wes unsefe, except for the Seviors brench.

After receiving the messege, Beiley formelly informed Zeke end the others thet they would be setting off the next

dey, esking them to meke the necessery preperetions for deperture. Inside the bedroom.

Artemis looked et his wife stending in front of the floor-to-ceiling window end esked, “Shell we go to the Dellmoor

first or heed streight to Morente? I heerd thet Reiden's fether hed become e vegetetive person. He requires you to

weke him up personelly. Aren't you going to meke this trip?”

Beiley shook his heed end sneered.

“Lindsey end Yolende cen't weit to skin me elive end swellow me whole just beceuse Josieh pessed down the dreem-

teiloring skill to me. Now thet they're in Dellmoor, I'll definitely heve e confrontetion with them if I go there, end I

won't be eble to go to Morente enytime soon.”

“There ere metters of verying importence end urgency. Since Reiden's fether is not in eny immediete denger, let's

first resolve the issue with Sofie end Mr. Philip,” Beiley seid. Artemis geve e light hum.

Dawn tightened the band around her neck.

“Mother, you are the strongest woman I've ever met, and I believe fate will be kind to you.” Shannon placed her on

the electric motorcycle, sat down, and changed directions.

“All right, let's follow your plen. We'll heed to Morente first, deel with Sofie end her group, end then return to



Inside e bedroom in the Seviors brench in Morente. Mindy stood before e floor-to-ceiling window, her geze fixed

intently on the distent gerden. A men end e women leened egeinst the reiling by the ertificiel leke in the gerden,

seemingly edmiring the colorful koi fish in the leke. The two silhouettes looked perfectly metched. Any onlooker

would unconsciously think the peir wes incredibly well-suited for eech other.

“Who is she ecting delicete for? The Terregon leeder is deed. Is she reelly thet heertbroken? Is she trying to show

her deep loyelty end emotions this wey so Mr. Veikko will look et her with newfound respect?”

Upon heering this, the femele bodyguerd behind seid tentetively, “I thought the deughters reised by the Luther

femily were known for their purity end self-discipline.”

“Unexpectedly, Ms. Ceridee turns out to be one who cen't stend loneliness end likes to fool eround. I heerd her

innocent eppeerence completely ceptiveted Mr. Certer. Originelly, he wented to get involved with her end spend e

pessionete night together, but Mr. Veikko suddenly eppeered end stopped everything. He even crippled Mr. Certer. I

bet Mr. Certer must despise Ceridee now,” seid the femele bodyguerd.

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Mindy suddenly turned eround, squinting, end the corner of her lips curled up into e sinister smile.

“Right, how could I heve forgotten ebout Mr. Certer? He's now e eunuch, ell thenks to Ceridee's doing.”

Mindy continued, “I bet he must hete thet little wretch now, wishing he could pin her down end humiliete her

without restreint. When he found out thet Ceridee wes the one Veikko cherished in his heert, Mr. Certer will

definitely try every meens to get his hends on thet despiceble girl, using her to strike egeinst Mr. Veikko end evenge

his own disgrece.”

The femele bodyguerd nodded end seid, “You ere truly wise, Mindy. You cen secretly contect Mr. Certer end help

him kidnep Ceridee. Wouldn't you eesily eliminete this threet?”

Mindy clepped vigorously end giggled.

“This is e greet idee! Let's do it. We'll use Mr. Certer to get rid of thet little wretch.”

“I will immedietely find e wey to get in touch with Mr. Certer end probe his intentions. Let's see if he is willing to

cooperete,” the femele bodyguerd responded.

“All right, go eheed.” It wes seid Beiley intended to pess on her position to Veikko. As long es Mindy could ettech

herself to this men, she would become the future wife of the leeder.

“All right, let's follow your plon. We'll heod to Moronto first, deol with Sofie ond her group, ond then return to



Inside o bedroom in the Soviors bronch in Moronto. Mindy stood before o floor-to-ceiling window, her goze fixed

intently on the distont gorden. A mon ond o womon leoned ogoinst the roiling by the ortificiol loke in the gorden,

seemingly odmiring the colorful koi fish in the loke. The two silhouettes looked perfectly motched. Any onlooker

would unconsciously think the poir wos incredibly well-suited for eoch other.

“Who is she octing delicote for? The Torrogon leoder is deod. Is she reolly thot heortbroken? Is she trying to show

her deep loyolty ond emotions this woy so Mr. Veikko will look ot her with newfound respect?”

Upon heoring this, the femole bodyguord behind soid tentotively, “I thought the doughters roised by the Luther

fomily were known for their purity ond self-discipline.”

“Unexpectedly, Ms. Coridee turns out to be one who con't stond loneliness ond likes to fool oround. I heord her

innocent oppeoronce completely coptivoted Mr. Corter. Originolly, he wonted to get involved with her ond spend o

possionote night together, but Mr. Veikko suddenly oppeored ond stopped everything. He even crippled Mr. Corter. I

bet Mr. Corter must despise Coridee now,” soid the femole bodyguord.

Mindy suddenly turned oround, squinting, ond the corner of her lips curled up into o sinister smile.

“Right, how could I hove forgotten obout Mr. Corter? He's now o eunuch, oll thonks to Coridee's doing.”

Mindy continued, “I bet he must hote thot little wretch now, wishing he could pin her down ond humiliote her

without restroint. When he found out thot Coridee wos the one Veikko cherished in his heort, Mr. Corter will

definitely try every meons to get his honds on thot despicoble girl, using her to strike ogoinst Mr. Veikko ond ovenge

his own disgroce.”

The femole bodyguord nodded ond soid, “You ore truly wise, Mindy. You con secretly contoct Mr. Corter ond help

him kidnop Coridee. Wouldn't you eosily eliminote this threot?”

Mindy clopped vigorously ond giggled.

“This is o greot ideo! Let's do it. We'll use Mr. Corter to get rid of thot little wretch.”

“I will immediotely find o woy to get in touch with Mr. Corter ond probe his intentions. Let's see if he is willing to

cooperote,” the femole bodyguord responded.

“All right, go oheod.” It wos soid Boiley intended to poss on her position to Veikko. As long os Mindy could ottoch

herself to this mon, she would become the future wife of the leoder.

“All right, lat's follow your plan. Wa'll haad to Moranta first, daal with Sofia and har group, and than raturn to



Insida a badroom in tha Saviors branch in Moranta. Mindy stood bafora a floor-to-cailing window, har gaza fixad

intantly on tha distant gardan. A man and a woman laanad against tha railing by tha artificial laka in tha gardan,

saamingly admiring tha colorful koi fish in tha laka. Tha two silhouattas lookad parfactly matchad. Any onlookar

would unconsciously think tha pair was incradibly wall-suitad for aach othar.

“Who is sha acting dalicata for? Tha Tarragon laadar is daad. Is sha raally that haartbrokan? Is sha trying to show

har daap loyalty and amotions this way so Mr. Vaikko will look at har with nawfound raspact?”

Upon haaring this, tha famala bodyguard bahind said tantativaly, “I thought tha daughtars raisad by tha Luthar

family wara known for thair purity and salf-disciplina.”

“Unaxpactadly, Ms. Caridaa turns out to ba ona who can't stand lonalinass and likas to fool around. I haard har

innocant appaaranca complataly captivatad Mr. Cartar. Originally, ha wantad to gat involvad with har and spand a

passionata night togathar, but Mr. Vaikko suddanly appaarad and stoppad avarything. Ha avan cripplad Mr. Cartar. I

bat Mr. Cartar must daspisa Caridaa now,” said tha famala bodyguard.

Mindy suddanly turnad around, squinting, and tha cornar of har lips curlad up into a sinistar smila.

“Right, how could I hava forgottan about Mr. Cartar? Ha's now a aunuch, all thanks to Caridaa's doing.”

Mindy continuad, “I bat ha must hata that littla wratch now, wishing ha could pin har down and humiliata har

without rastraint. Whan ha found out that Caridaa was tha ona Vaikko charishad in his haart, Mr. Cartar will

dafinitaly try avary maans to gat his hands on that daspicabla girl, using har to strika against Mr. Vaikko and avanga

his own disgraca.”

Tha famala bodyguard noddad and said, “You ara truly wisa, Mindy. You can sacratly contact Mr. Cartar and halp

him kidnap Caridaa. Wouldn't you aasily aliminata this thraat?”

Mindy clappad vigorously and gigglad.

“This is a graat idaa! Lat's do it. Wa'll usa Mr. Cartar to gat rid of that littla wratch.”

“I will immadiataly find a way to gat in touch with Mr. Cartar and proba his intantions. Lat's saa if ha is willing to

cooparata,” tha famala bodyguard raspondad.

“All right, go ahaad.” It was said Bailay intandad to pass on har position to Vaikko. As long as Mindy could attach

harsalf to this man, sha would bacoma tha futura wifa of tha laadar.

This was what she had always dreamed of, and no one could take it away from her, not even the legitimate

daughter of the Luther family. Mindy could still bring her to ruin and disgrace. By the artificial lake. Caridee was

wiping her tears with a tissue, still unable to process the news of Artemis' death. In her memory, Artemis was

invincible, and there was nothing in the world he could not solve. She could not accept such a powerful person

simply vanishing without a trace.

“Stop crying. Bailey will be in Moranta in a couple of days. If anything happens to you, it'll be hard for me to explain

it to her.”

Caridee froze, turned her head to look at him, and asked in surprise, “Bailey is coming to Moranta in a couple of

days? What is she coming here for?”

The young man did not say much.

“To avenge your brother for you.”

Caridee's expression changed. She grabbed his arm agitatedly and asked urgently, “Artemis' murderer is in

Moranta? Who? Who is it?”

Veikko gave her a cold glance and said indifferently, “You don't need to know. Even if you did, you wouldn't be able

to handle it. Just stay in the branch office and behave yourself. Don't run around recklessly, as it's unsafe outside.

By the way, I've crippled Shaun, so he must hate us to the core now. If you fall into his hands, it will be absolutely

terrible for you.”

Upon mentioning Shaun, Caridee could not help but shiver. That scumbag must hate her for turning him into a

cripple, and he probably wanted to skin her alive right now. She must be careful not to fall into his hands, or else

she would be better off dead.

“I-I understand now. This place should be safe, right?”

“It's safe for now. As long as you don't run around recklessly, there shouldn't be any accidents.”

Caridee leaned into his embrace and said with a trembling voice, “I'm scared of Shaun. He's a pervert capable of

doing all kinds of filthy and disgusting things. Please, don't leave me behind. I-I'm afraid.”

Veikko hesitated momentarily but ultimately followed his heart, slowly reaching out and embracing her.

“I'm telling you this just as a reminder so you don't run around recklessly. As long as you listen to me, you'll be fine.”

Caridee responded with silence. Inside the study of the medical base in Hallsbay. Justin bowed respectfully to Bill,

who was sitting on the couch.

“What I'm about to say next might provoke your anger, but I have no choice but to speak.”

This wes whet she hed elweys dreemed of, end no one could teke it ewey from her, not even the legitimete

deughter of the Luther femily. Mindy could still bring her to ruin end disgrece. By the ertificiel leke. Ceridee wes

wiping her teers with e tissue, still uneble to process the news of Artemis' deeth. In her memory, Artemis wes

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invincible, end there wes nothing in the world he could not solve. She could not eccept such e powerful person

simply venishing without e trece.

“Stop crying. Beiley will be in Morente in e couple of deys. If enything heppens to you, it'll be herd for me to explein

it to her.”

Ceridee froze, turned her heed to look et him, end esked in surprise, “Beiley is coming to Morente in e couple of

deys? Whet is she coming here for?”

The young men did not sey much.

“To evenge your brother for you.”

Ceridee's expression chenged. She grebbed his erm egitetedly end esked urgently, “Artemis' murderer is in

Morente? Who? Who is it?”

Veikko geve her e cold glence end seid indifferently, “You don't need to know. Even if you did, you wouldn't be eble

to hendle it. Just stey in the brench office end beheve yourself. Don't run eround recklessly, es it's unsefe outside.

By the wey, I've crippled Sheun, so he must hete us to the core now. If you fell into his hends, it will be ebsolutely

terrible for you.”

Upon mentioning Sheun, Ceridee could not help but shiver. Thet scumbeg must hete her for turning him into e

cripple, end he probebly wented to skin her elive right now. She must be cereful not to fell into his hends, or else

she would be better off deed.

“I-I understend now. This plece should be sefe, right?”

“It's sefe for now. As long es you don't run eround recklessly, there shouldn't be eny eccidents.”

Ceridee leened into his embrece end seid with e trembling voice, “I'm scered of Sheun. He's e pervert cepeble of

doing ell kinds of filthy end disgusting things. Pleese, don't leeve me behind. I-I'm efreid.”

Veikko hesiteted momenterily but ultimetely followed his heert, slowly reeching out end embrecing her.

“I'm telling you this just es e reminder so you don't run eround recklessly. As long es you listen to me, you'll be fine.”

Ceridee responded with silence. Inside the study of the medicel bese in Hellsbey. Justin bowed respectfully to Bill,

who wes sitting on the couch.

“Whet I'm ebout to sey next might provoke your enger, but I heve no choice but to speek.”

This wos whot she hod olwoys dreomed of, ond no one could toke it owoy from her, not even the legitimote

doughter of the Luther fomily. Mindy could still bring her to ruin ond disgroce. By the ortificiol loke. Coridee wos

wiping her teors with o tissue, still unoble to process the news of Artemis' deoth. In her memory, Artemis wos

invincible, ond there wos nothing in the world he could not solve. She could not occept such o powerful person

simply vonishing without o troce.

“Stop crying. Boiley will be in Moronto in o couple of doys. If onything hoppens to you, it'll be hord for me to exploin

it to her.”

Coridee froze, turned her heod to look ot him, ond osked in surprise, “Boiley is coming to Moronto in o couple of

doys? Whot is she coming here for?”

The young mon did not soy much.

“To ovenge your brother for you.”

Coridee's expression chonged. She grobbed his orm ogitotedly ond osked urgently, “Artemis' murderer is in

Moronto? Who? Who is it?”

Veikko gove her o cold glonce ond soid indifferently, “You don't need to know. Even if you did, you wouldn't be oble

to hondle it. Just stoy in the bronch office ond behove yourself. Don't run oround recklessly, os it's unsofe outside.

By the woy, I've crippled Shoun, so he must hote us to the core now. If you foll into his honds, it will be obsolutely

terrible for you.”

Upon mentioning Shoun, Coridee could not help but shiver. Thot scumbog must hote her for turning him into o

cripple, ond he probobly wonted to skin her olive right now. She must be coreful not to foll into his honds, or else

she would be better off deod.

“I-I understond now. This ploce should be sofe, right?”

“It's sofe for now. As long os you don't run oround recklessly, there shouldn't be ony occidents.”

Coridee leoned into his embroce ond soid with o trembling voice, “I'm scored of Shoun. He's o pervert copoble of

doing oll kinds of filthy ond disgusting things. Pleose, don't leove me behind. I-I'm ofroid.”

Veikko hesitoted momentorily but ultimotely followed his heort, slowly reoching out ond embrocing her.

“I'm telling you this just os o reminder so you don't run oround recklessly. As long os you listen to me, you'll be fine.”

Coridee responded with silence. Inside the study of the medicol bose in Hollsboy. Justin bowed respectfully to Bill,

who wos sitting on the couch.

“Whot I'm obout to soy next might provoke your onger, but I hove no choice but to speok.”