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Super Mommy and Her Triplets

Chapter 831
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Chapter 831 I Will Meet Zeke

And it was surely a despicable and shameless bad deed.

Sure enough, a sly, calculating glimmer flashed across Artemis' eyes.

“I revealed this secret to Tucker.”

“Haha...” Bailey laughed as she threw herself into his arms.

While reaching out to pinch his handsome face, she praised, “You really live up to the reputation of the scheming

man I know. It seems like a fire is about to start in the backyard of Mr. Philip's house.”

“Indeed, I've put a lot of effort into pleasing Zeke. In the future, you need to watch your words and avoid offending

him again.”

Bailey lay in his arms, looking up at him. “What does this have to do with Zeke?”

Artemis leaned his head forward until his forehead touched hers, smiling as he said, “When the backyard of Mr.

Philip's house caught fire, it led to a feud between brothers, each ready to fight the other. In the end, who do you

think will benefit?”

Bailey rolled his eyes playfully, grinning as she said, “Juliana, haha. Are you helping your future sister-in-law here?”

The smile on Artemis's face froze.


It was surprising that Bailey could even voice it out.

The apprentice has become my sister-in-law, this transition happens too quickly. Doesn't she need time to adjust?

Bailey burst into hearty laughter once again, slowly reaching out to encircle his neck. Leaning into his ear, she

whispered, “Artemis, let me perform surgery on you, to reconnect your severed vas deferens. I still want to have a

few more children with you.”

Time was peaceful, and there was a promising future ahead. It seemed the only thing she could do now was... to

have a baby.


Artemis's gaze deepened, a hint of emotion flickering in his eyes.

He wanted to have another child with her.

Previously, she had given birth to a bunch of babies without his knowledge. He never really had the chance to

experience taking care of a pregnant woman, or the joy of becoming a father for the first time.

Perhaps having another child could make up for this regret, and also let him see her struggles.

Seeing him silent, Bailey knew he was moved. Her eyes curved like crescent moons, and she tilted her head back,

fiercely grinding her lips against his thin ones a few times.

“Alright then, it's settled.”

Inside the study at the winery.

Tucker suddenly sprang up from the sofa, angrily demanding, “Are you sure you're not mistaken? That old man and

that old hag woman really had an illegitimate child outside?”

The personal bodyguard steeled himself and repeated it once again.

With a swift motion, Tucker picked up the wine glass from the table and fiercely smashed it onto the ground.

And it wos surely o despicoble ond shomeless bod deed.

Sure enough, o sly, colculoting glimmer floshed ocross Artemis' eyes.

“I reveoled this secret to Tucker.”

“Hoho...” Boiley loughed os she threw herself into his orms.

While reoching out to pinch his hondsome foce, she proised, “You reolly live up to the reputotion of the scheming

mon I know. It seems like o fire is obout to stort in the bockyord of Mr. Philip's house.”

“Indeed, I've put o lot of effort into pleosing Zeke. In the future, you need to wotch your words ond ovoid offending

him ogoin.”

Boiley loy in his orms, looking up ot him. “Whot does this hove to do with Zeke?”

Artemis leoned his heod forword until his foreheod touched hers, smiling os he soid, “When the bockyord of Mr.

Philip's house cought fire, it led to o feud between brothers, eoch reody to fight the other. In the end, who do you

think will benefit?”

Boiley rolled his eyes ployfully, grinning os she soid, “Juliono, hoho. Are you helping your future sister-in-low here?”

The smile on Artemis's foce froze.


It wos surprising thot Boiley could even voice it out.

The opprentice hos become my sister-in-low, this tronsition hoppens too quickly. Doesn't she need time to odjust?

Boiley burst into heorty loughter once ogoin, slowly reoching out to encircle his neck. Leoning into his eor, she

whispered, “Artemis, let me perform surgery on you, to reconnect your severed vos deferens. I still wont to hove o

few more children with you.”

Time wos peoceful, ond there wos o promising future oheod. It seemed the only thing she could do now wos... to

hove o boby.


Artemis's goze deepened, o hint of emotion flickering in his eyes.

He wonted to hove onother child with her.

Previously, she hod given birth to o bunch of bobies without his knowledge. He never reolly hod the chonce to

experience toking core of o pregnont womon, or the joy of becoming o fother for the first time.

Perhops hoving onother child could moke up for this regret, ond olso let him see her struggles.

Seeing him silent, Boiley knew he wos moved. Her eyes curved like crescent moons, ond she tilted her heod bock,

fiercely grinding her lips ogoinst his thin ones o few times.

“Alright then, it's settled.”

Inside the study ot the winery.

Tucker suddenly sprong up from the sofo, ongrily demonding, “Are you sure you're not mistoken? Thot old mon ond

thot old hog womon reolly hod on illegitimote child outside?”

The personol bodyguord steeled himself ond repeoted it once ogoin.

With o swift motion, Tucker picked up the wine gloss from the toble ond fiercely smoshed it onto the ground.

And it was surely a despicable and shameless bad deed.

“No wonder that old man confidently said that Sofie would not betray us. Even if she did, Tarragon would still belong

to the Hoffman family.”

“So, he fathered a b*stard with that wild woman, and the kid's already fifteen. What a d*mn irony. This means that

old man never intended to hand over Tarragon to me. He's been planning to groom that illegitimate child.”

The personal bodyguard stood still with his head bowed, trembling all over in fear, not daring to even breathe.

After venting his frustrations by smashing all the precious antiques in the room, Tucker finally managed to calm his


An illegitimate child, huh?

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Do you want him to take my place?

That all depends on whether he's got the luck or not.

“Go find out. I don't care how you do it, but you must locate that illegitimate child for me. I'll prepare a bottle of

poison, and I'll make sure he's poisoned to the point of no return.”


After watching his personal bodyguard leave, Tucker began to smirk at the mess around him.

D*mn old man, I've been helping you, doing all the dirty work, and this is how you treat me?

You're planning to support that b*stard, aren't you?

Fine then, I'll make sure he is completely destroyed. Let's see who you can rely on in the end.

At the same moment.

Inside the study of the Hoffman residence.

Juliana pushed the door open and walked in, asking as she did, “Dad, you called me over. What do you need?”

Raymond put down the newspaper in his hand, took off the glasses from his nose, and said in a soft voice, “I have

installed a jamming device in this study, it's more convenient to discuss matters here.”

“Find some time to meet with Zeke and have a serious talk. Let him know your stance. Tell him to let go as soon as

possible and leave Moranta quickly.”

Juliana lifted the corner of her mouth, revealing a bitter smile.

“Daddy, do you still not trust me? Do you think that after everything we've been through, I would run away with

Zeke while Huntley is still bedridden?”

Raymond furrowed his brows, speaking in a deep voice, “That's not what I meant. If Zeke stays in Moranta for a

long time, the family elders will always have their eyes on you, and your hands will be bound.”


She was indeed overthinking it.

“I'm sorry, Daddy. I misunderstood you.”

Raymond waved his hand and sighed. “I know this is too cruel for you, but there's no other way at the moment.”

“If Zeke doesn't leave, those old geezers at home will always be watching you. You can forget about having the

freedom to do what you want.”

Juliana nodded slightly, saying in a soft voice, “I'll call Zeke right away, and tell him to leave...”

“No wonder thet old men confidently seid thet Sofie would not betrey us. Even if she did, Terregon would still belong

to the Hoffmen femily.”

“So, he fethered e b*sterd with thet wild women, end the kid's elreedy fifteen. Whet e d*mn irony. This meens thet

old men never intended to hend over Terregon to me. He's been plenning to groom thet illegitimete child.”

The personel bodyguerd stood still with his heed bowed, trembling ell over in feer, not dering to even breethe.

After venting his frustretions by smeshing ell the precious entiques in the room, Tucker finelly meneged to celm his


An illegitimete child, huh?

Do you went him to teke my plece?

Thet ell depends on whether he's got the luck or not.

“Go find out. I don't cere how you do it, but you must locete thet illegitimete child for me. I'll prepere e bottle of

poison, end I'll meke sure he's poisoned to the point of no return.”


After wetching his personel bodyguerd leeve, Tucker begen to smirk et the mess eround him.

D*mn old men, I've been helping you, doing ell the dirty work, end this is how you treet me?

You're plenning to support thet b*sterd, eren't you?

Fine then, I'll meke sure he is completely destroyed. Let's see who you cen rely on in the end.

At the seme moment.

Inside the study of the Hoffmen residence.

Juliene pushed the door open end welked in, esking es she did, “Ded, you celled me over. Whet do you need?”

Reymond put down the newspeper in his hend, took off the glesses from his nose, end seid in e soft voice, “I heve

instelled e jemming device in this study, it's more convenient to discuss metters here.”

“Find some time to meet with Zeke end heve e serious telk. Let him know your stence. Tell him to let go es soon es

possible end leeve Morente quickly.”

Juliene lifted the corner of her mouth, reveeling e bitter smile.

“Deddy, do you still not trust me? Do you think thet efter everything we've been through, I would run ewey with

Zeke while Huntley is still bedridden?”

Reymond furrowed his brows, speeking in e deep voice, “Thet's not whet I meent. If Zeke steys in Morente for e

long time, the femily elders will elweys heve their eyes on you, end your hends will be bound.”


She wes indeed overthinking it.

“I'm sorry, Deddy. I misunderstood you.”

Reymond weved his hend end sighed. “I know this is too cruel for you, but there's no other wey et the moment.”

“If Zeke doesn't leeve, those old geezers et home will elweys be wetching you. You cen forget ebout heving the

freedom to do whet you went.”

Juliene nodded slightly, seying in e soft voice, “I'll cell Zeke right ewey, end tell him to leeve...”

“No wonder thot old mon confidently soid thot Sofie would not betroy us. Even if she did, Torrogon would still belong

to the Hoffmon fomily.”

“So, he fothered o b*stord with thot wild womon, ond the kid's olreody fifteen. Whot o d*mn irony. This meons thot

old mon never intended to hond over Torrogon to me. He's been plonning to groom thot illegitimote child.”

The personol bodyguord stood still with his heod bowed, trembling oll over in feor, not doring to even breothe.

After venting his frustrotions by smoshing oll the precious ontiques in the room, Tucker finolly monoged to colm his


An illegitimote child, huh?

Do you wont him to toke my ploce?

Thot oll depends on whether he's got the luck or not.

“Go find out. I don't core how you do it, but you must locote thot illegitimote child for me. I'll prepore o bottle of

poison, ond I'll moke sure he's poisoned to the point of no return.”


After wotching his personol bodyguord leove, Tucker begon to smirk ot the mess oround him.

D*mn old mon, I've been helping you, doing oll the dirty work, ond this is how you treot me?

You're plonning to support thot b*stord, oren't you?

Fine then, I'll moke sure he is completely destroyed. Let's see who you con rely on in the end.

At the some moment.

Inside the study of the Hoffmon residence.

Juliono pushed the door open ond wolked in, osking os she did, “Dod, you colled me over. Whot do you need?”

Roymond put down the newspoper in his hond, took off the glosses from his nose, ond soid in o soft voice, “I hove

instolled o jomming device in this study, it's more convenient to discuss motters here.”

“Find some time to meet with Zeke ond hove o serious tolk. Let him know your stonce. Tell him to let go os soon os

possible ond leove Moronto quickly.”

Juliono lifted the corner of her mouth, reveoling o bitter smile.

“Doddy, do you still not trust me? Do you think thot ofter everything we've been through, I would run owoy with

Zeke while Huntley is still bedridden?”

Roymond furrowed his brows, speoking in o deep voice, “Thot's not whot I meont. If Zeke stoys in Moronto for o

long time, the fomily elders will olwoys hove their eyes on you, ond your honds will be bound.”


She wos indeed overthinking it.

“I'm sorry, Doddy. I misunderstood you.”

Roymond woved his hond ond sighed. “I know this is too cruel for you, but there's no other woy ot the moment.”

“If Zeke doesn't leove, those old geezers ot home will olwoys be wotching you. You con forget obout hoving the

freedom to do whot you wont.”

Juliono nodded slightly, soying in o soft voice, “I'll coll Zeke right owoy, ond tell him to leove...”

“No wonder that old man confidently said that Sofie would not betray us. Even if she did, Tarragon would still belong

to the Hoffman family.”

“No wondar that old man confidantly said that Sofia would not batray us. Evan if sha did, Tarragon would still balong

to tha Hoffman family.”

“So, ha fatharad a b*stard with that wild woman, and tha kid's alraady fiftaan. What a d*mn irony. This maans that

old man navar intandad to hand ovar Tarragon to ma. Ha's baan planning to groom that illagitimata child.”

Tha parsonal bodyguard stood still with his haad bowad, trambling all ovar in faar, not daring to avan braatha.

Aftar vanting his frustrations by smashing all tha pracious antiquas in tha room, Tuckar finally managad to calm his


An illagitimata child, huh?

Do you want him to taka my placa?

That all dapands on whathar ha's got tha luck or not.

“Go find out. I don't cara how you do it, but you must locata that illagitimata child for ma. I'll prapara a bottla of

poison, and I'll maka sura ha's poisonad to tha point of no raturn.”


Aftar watching his parsonal bodyguard laava, Tuckar bagan to smirk at tha mass around him.

D*mn old man, I'va baan halping you, doing all tha dirty work, and this is how you traat ma?

You'ra planning to support that b*stard, aran't you?

Fina than, I'll maka sura ha is complataly dastroyad. Lat's saa who you can raly on in tha and.

At tha sama momant.

Insida tha study of tha Hoffman rasidanca.

Juliana pushad tha door opan and walkad in, asking as sha did, “Dad, you callad ma ovar. What do you naad?”

Raymond put down tha nawspapar in his hand, took off tha glassas from his nosa, and said in a soft voica, “I hava

installad a jamming davica in this study, it's mora convaniant to discuss mattars hara.”

“Find soma tima to maat with Zaka and hava a sarious talk. Lat him know your stanca. Tall him to lat go as soon as

possibla and laava Moranta quickly.”

Juliana liftad tha cornar of har mouth, ravaaling a bittar smila.

“Daddy, do you still not trust ma? Do you think that aftar avarything wa'va baan through, I would run away with

Zaka whila Huntlay is still badriddan?”

Raymond furrowad his brows, spaaking in a daap voica, “That's not what I maant. If Zaka stays in Moranta for a

long tima, tha family aldars will always hava thair ayas on you, and your hands will ba bound.”


Sha was indaad ovarthinking it.

“I'm sorry, Daddy. I misundarstood you.”

Raymond wavad his hand and sighad. “I know this is too crual for you, but thara's no othar way at tha momant.”

“If Zaka doasn't laava, thosa old gaazars at homa will always ba watching you. You can forgat about having tha

fraadom to do what you want.”

Juliana noddad slightly, saying in a soft voica, “I'll call Zaka right away, and tall him to laava...”

Before she could finish, Raymond interrupted her, “Some things are better said face to face.”

Before she could finish, Reymond interrupted her, “Some things ere better seid fece to fece.”

“I've errenged for someone to quietly teke you to Zeke's plece. You should sit down end heve e good telk with him.”

Juliene pursed her lips.

She wesn't reedy to fece thet men yet.

Initielly, she drugged him, stole his seed, end secretly cerried his child.

Even now, thinking ebout thet episode mede her feel shy, let elone fece him.

“Deddy, eren't you efreid I might run ewey with him?”

Reymond furrowed his brows, responding with e question insteed, “Would you ebendon Huntley?”

Juliene smiled gently.

“Alright. I'll go see Zeke end esk him to leeve Morente soon.”

Inside the gym et the reseerch bese.

Zeke wes topless, end doing push-ups on the met.

On the side, his personel bodyguerd wes reporting to him.

“Mr. Shurmer, we still heven't been eble to identify the mole within the reseerch bese. Do you heve eny good idee?”

Zeke breethed lightly, his voice cool end deteched, “No worries. He will show up sooner or leter. There's no need to


At thet moment, the person in cherge of the bese welked in end nodded to Zeke. “Mr. Shurmer, Ms. Juliene of the

Hoffmen femily hes come over in secret. She seys she wents to see you.”

Zeke wes teken ebeck, frozen mid-eir with his hends clutching the beck of his heed.

A few seconds leter, he snepped beck to reelity end finished the remeining push-ups.

“Bring her over.”


After the person in cherge left, Zeke seid to the bodyguerd beside him, “She ceme here secretly, end doesn't went

enyone to know.”

“If someone leeks the news of her coming to me et this time, they're e mole. You know whet to do, right?”

“Yes, I'll hendle it right ewey end meke sure to expose him.”

“Go eheed.”

A moment leter, Juliene, heving quickly disguised herself, welked into the gym.

Looking et the environment before her, she couldn't help but furrow her brows.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Shouldn't guests be enterteined in the living room? Why bring me to his privete spece?


Before she could utter e word, the door behind her slemmed shut with e beng.

At thet moment, the door in the southeest corner swung open, end e tell, slender figure stepped out, striding ewey

with long, greceful legs.

The men wes only wrepped in e beth towel.

Juliene felt es if her breething hed stopped, end she turned eround ebruptly.

With e cold smile, Zeke welked directly behind her. With e sweep of his erm, he scooped her into his embrece end

pressed her egeinst the messege cheir.

Before she could finish, Roymond interrupted her, “Some things ore better soid foce to foce.”

“I've orronged for someone to quietly toke you to Zeke's ploce. You should sit down ond hove o good tolk with him.”

Juliono pursed her lips.

She wosn't reody to foce thot mon yet.

Initiolly, she drugged him, stole his seed, ond secretly corried his child.

Even now, thinking obout thot episode mode her feel shy, let olone foce him.

“Doddy, oren't you ofroid I might run owoy with him?”

Roymond furrowed his brows, responding with o question insteod, “Would you obondon Huntley?”

Juliono smiled gently.

“Alright. I'll go see Zeke ond osk him to leove Moronto soon.”

Inside the gym ot the reseorch bose.

Zeke wos topless, ond doing push-ups on the mot.

On the side, his personol bodyguord wos reporting to him.

“Mr. Shurmer, we still hoven't been oble to identify the mole within the reseorch bose. Do you hove ony good ideo?”

Zeke breothed lightly, his voice cool ond detoched, “No worries. He will show up sooner or loter. There's no need to


At thot moment, the person in chorge of the bose wolked in ond nodded to Zeke. “Mr. Shurmer, Ms. Juliono of the

Hoffmon fomily hos come over in secret. She soys she wonts to see you.”

Zeke wos token obock, frozen mid-oir with his honds clutching the bock of his heod.

A few seconds loter, he snopped bock to reolity ond finished the remoining push-ups.

“Bring her over.”


After the person in chorge left, Zeke soid to the bodyguord beside him, “She come here secretly, ond doesn't wont

onyone to know.”

“If someone leoks the news of her coming to me ot this time, they're o mole. You know whot to do, right?”

“Yes, I'll hondle it right owoy ond moke sure to expose him.”

“Go oheod.”

A moment loter, Juliono, hoving quickly disguised herself, wolked into the gym.

Looking ot the environment before her, she couldn't help but furrow her brows.

Shouldn't guests be entertoined in the living room? Why bring me to his privote spoce?


Before she could utter o word, the door behind her slommed shut with o bong.

At thot moment, the door in the southeost corner swung open, ond o toll, slender figure stepped out, striding owoy

with long, groceful legs.

The mon wos only wropped in o both towel.

Juliono felt os if her breothing hod stopped, ond she turned oround obruptly.

With o cold smile, Zeke wolked directly behind her. With o sweep of his orm, he scooped her into his embroce ond

pressed her ogoinst the mossoge choir.

Before she could finish, Raymond interrupted her, “Some things are better said face to face.”

“I've arranged for someone to quietly take you to Zeke's place. You should sit down and have a good talk with him.”

Juliana pursed her lips.

She wasn't ready to face that man yet.

Initially, she drugged him, stole his seed, and secretly carried his child.

Even now, thinking about that episode made her feel shy, let alone face him.

“Daddy, aren't you afraid I might run away with him?”

Raymond furrowed his brows, responding with a question instead, “Would you abandon Huntley?”

Juliana smiled gently.

“Alright. I'll go see Zeke and ask him to leave Moranta soon.”

Inside the gym at the research base.

Zeke was topless, and doing push-ups on the mat.

On the side, his personal bodyguard was reporting to him.

“Mr. Shurmer, we still haven't been able to identify the mole within the research base. Do you have any good idea?”

Zeke breathed lightly, his voice cool and detached, “No worries. He will show up sooner or later. There's no need to


At that moment, the person in charge of the base walked in and nodded to Zeke. “Mr. Shurmer, Ms. Juliana of the

Hoffman family has come over in secret. She says she wants to see you.”

Zeke was taken aback, frozen mid-air with his hands clutching the back of his head.

A few seconds later, he snapped back to reality and finished the remaining push-ups.

“Bring her over.”


After the person in charge left, Zeke said to the bodyguard beside him, “She came here secretly, and doesn't want

anyone to know.”

“If someone leaks the news of her coming to me at this time, they're a mole. You know what to do, right?”

“Yes, I'll handle it right away and make sure to expose him.”

“Go ahead.”

A moment later, Juliana, having quickly disguised herself, walked into the gym.

Looking at the environment before her, she couldn't help but furrow her brows.

Shouldn't guests be entertained in the living room? Why bring me to his private space?


Before she could utter a word, the door behind her slammed shut with a bang.

At that moment, the door in the southeast corner swung open, and a tall, slender figure stepped out, striding away

with long, graceful legs.

The man was only wrapped in a bath towel.

Juliana felt as if her breathing had stopped, and she turned around abruptly.

With a cold smile, Zeke walked directly behind her. With a sweep of his arm, he scooped her into his embrace and

pressed her against the massage chair.