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Sweet Subterfuge by Trina Duo

Chapter 288
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Chapter 288

It wasn’t important to Larissa whether she got to meet Kevan’s parents. They werer’l a real married

couple anyway, and Larissa already knew that they would go their separate ways one day, even though

Kevan had no rtenlien of divorcing. Nevertheless, his resolution gave her an inexplicable sense of tear.

She closed her eyes and made a decision. Tlcome.”

Kevan texted her the address, and when she read it out to the taxi driver, he turned around and locked

her up and down with his eyes wide. There was curiosity in his gaze mixed with a litte envy. Kevan’s

parents lived in the villa residential area in the city center. The price of land was costly at the city

center, and although the villas were buill more than a decade ago, only high-class wealthy people could

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afford to live there.

The area’s security was very strict, and no laxis were alowed entry. Larissa alighted outside the gate

and searched for the correct house number one by one in the piercing wind. Thankfully, the Rogers’

villa was not located very deep into the residential area, or she would have needed to wak for more

than half an hour.

Every villa had a yard, but in fact, it was more of a park. Of course, it still couldn’t be compared to Pine

Mansion, where Roland’ ived, and the Seymour family’s mansion outside Avenue 3, Standing at the

yard’s gate, Larissa coud see the shape of the villa and warm yellow light spilling out of the windows.

She pressed the intercom, and someone in the villa answered it very quickly. “Who is it? It was an

unfamiliar voice with a foreign accent Larissa introduced hersell warly. “Hi, I’m Larissa Seymour.”

“Oh, oh!” The other person seemed to have heard of her. 1 open the gate for you right away!” After the

call ended, the metal gates swung open. Larissa walked inside slowly on the gravel path, and the

moment she reached the man door, she spalled Kevar standing there with his hands in his pockets. He

was wearing a light gray cashmere sweater with matching sweatpants and flutty slippers for winter. His

clothes made him give off an air of warmth.

“Come here,” he said, stretching his arm to her. However, he didn’t hold her hand but touched her

forehead instead. Alter being in the icy. wind for so long, he temperature was even lower than that of

his hand, which was usually cold, Fortunately, she was no longer having a lever. Kevan stuffed his

hand back into his pocket and turned around. “Come inside,” he said

Larissa lollowed him into the villa, where a se rvant was waiting in the lover. “Mrs. Rogers.” he greeted.

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He put a pair of lutty slippers front of her on the loor and said, “Please change into these.” Larissa

wasn’t used to being waited on so thoughtfully. She changed into the slippers as last as she could and

followed alle Kevan.

The members of the Rogers family were chatting in the living room. It was New Year’s, and Kevan’s

uncles had brought their spouses back to visit the family. The whole family was sitting closely on the

wide couch, and a lew youngsters were sitting on the fuzzy carpet. As Kevan and Larissa entered the

room, a hush fell over the gathering, and all eyes turned toward them,

Larissa fell extremely uneasy, a lot more uneasy than the time she had met Travis’ family. “Larissa

come over and have a seal!” An

elegant middle-aged woman in the crowd beckoned her over with a smile and skirted to the side to

make a little space for Larissa Kevan gave Larissa a heads-up softly. “That’s my mom.”