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Sweet Subterfuge by Trina Duo

Chapter 316
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Chapter 316

“It’s already late. Even if you want to return the kitten, you have to wait till tomorrow, right? Then Her

hand started to itch again, “Can!

play with her tonight?

Her voice was too curtly cautious, and the eageness in her eyes was so obvious-

Kewan placed the kitten into her lo

“Just for tonight” He said, “If it dirties the house later, I will throw it out immediately.”

“She won’t Larissa fiercely protected the kitten and promised Kevan on behatoli

Devan snorted with disdain. He stood up, stuck his hands in his pockets, and asked, “Have you had

your dinner?”

“Yes.” Larissa happily stroked the kitten and responded to him distractedly. “Mambrought over extra

dishes at noon I heated them up in

The microwave and ate them.”

“What about me

Kevin’s sudden question caught Larissa off guard.

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“What about you?” She was a little blank.

“What am I supposed to eat? His eyes nanowed some, and his voice screamed danger.

Only then did Larissa recall that he did not seem to enjoy leftovers-even if they were not overnight


“Um-” She thought about it carefully. “There are some mini pancakes in the freezer that Mom brought a

lew days ago, and there’s a cake

that I just baked this atemoon in the fridge.”

“You baked cake? Revan raised an eyebrow, displaying some interest.

“Yeah, ’cause Mom said she was going to teach me yesterday, remember? I tried it lastes pretty good.

If you don’t hate sweet things. you can give it a shot.” Lanssa was confident in her baking skills.

Kevan entered the kitchen and did not emerge from it for quite a while.

Larissa could not be bothered with what he was doing in there. Now her energy was completely

focused on the cute little thing in her las

“You can’t just run off anymore. M uffin, you hear? She booped its nose and pretended to scold it

harshly. “You have no idea how


badly you scared me!”

The kitten seemed to have understood her words and meowed a bit before rubbing its head against her

hand affectionately

Larissa felt as if her heart was going to melt from how cute Mutin was, and was even more reluctant

than ever to let Kevan retum L

Aber almost hat an hour, Kevan reappeared in the living room. Larissa was still busy playing with the

kitten and did not even give him the

slightest glance.

Prvan’s expression darkened further. He coughed lightly, which finally attracted Larissa’s allention.


“It’s almost time. He waved his phone at her, the screen showing the time clearly as 7:56 pm, which

meant that it was time for Larissato shower and sleep. But she did not want to move the kitten out of

her lap

She looked at the kitten, then back at Revan, and tried to negotiate with him, “Can be late for hall an

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hour today?

“Sure.” Revan smiled, which made Larissa happy when she suddenly heard him continue, “You can sit

there for alle while longer, IL

send the cat back to my mum righ now.”

He moved as it he was going to come and sn atch the kitten from her, causing Larissa to tighten her

arms around the animal tuming her

body warily so that Kevan had no chance of touching her.

“Tshower right now!” she said antically, ‘Don’t touch her

Kawan sneered, straightening up as he said c ooly. “Well Go on then.”

Chapter 317

Larissabi her r lip, carefully placing the kitten on the sofa before standing on one l aes, and slowly

moving back to the wheelchair.

“Im going to shower,” she mumbled, her low voice showing how down she felt right now. When she

reached her bedroom door, she fumed and said to Kevin, “Regardless of what she does after, don’t

raise a hand is her come out and deal with it.”


Kevan owned and said impatiently. “Well, hurry up then

Not dining to weste time, Larissa rushed into her room.