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Sweet Subterfuge by Trina Duo

Chapter 556
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Chapter 556

Just as Larissa opened the report, her assistant rushed in anxiously to say. “There’s an argument going on between

Yvette and someone at the elevator!”

She knew well how difficult and unpleasant vette could be, and how harsh her words could sound. Things never

turned out well whenever she got into an argument with someone.

She immediately dropped her mouse and hurriedly made her way toward the elevator. Little did she know that

even from a distance, she could hear the words Yvelle shouted.

She froze in her tracks. She could clearly see the men standing alongside Yvette. The lather she had thought about

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and longed for all these years hac appeared before her in this manner, Despite being familiar enough with Gary to

confide in him, she felt timid and couldn’t bring hersell to take another step closer at this moment.

The three individuals standing at the elevator entrance hadn’t noticed her yet. Even though Gary was slightly

shorter than Yvette in high heels, he still exuded an intimidating presence that overshadowed her,

He sneered, “Yvette. Il anyone deserves to die, it’s you.”

His current appearance felt foreign and unfamiliar to Yvette. In her memory. Gary was nothing more than an

obsequicus and subservient pushover. The reason she had chosen to marry him was because he was the most

obedient among the ordinary men she knew. She couldn’t accept his mockery, let alone the fact that her former “s

lave had transformed into a lofty CFO, tra mpling her underfoot..

Immediately, a surge of pent-up anger and frustration overwhelmed her. Without thinking, she raised her hand to

slap Gary’s lace, just like how she would react every time he had infuriated her in the past. However, this time,

belcre her hand could reach its target it was intercepted by someone.

The towering man beside Gary grasped her wrist with a force that could easily snap her bones, his expression

darkened in anger.

“Aaaaahhhhh-Yvette screamed in pain. Her once delicate face contorted into an ugly and fierce expression.

Gary shook his head, and instantly, Lewis understood Gary’s gesture and loosened his grip, although his lace still

held a lingering resentment. Of course, Gary knew that Lewis was standing up for him. But Gary had a near-death

experience once and was lucky to be able to reclaim his l’e. so he had long let go of the past. He had never held

any grudge against Yvette: he knew that she didn’t love him and only married him to find someone to fill her lile. He

willingly accepted it because he loved her.

However, he couldn’t forgive what she had done toward Larissa. No matter how much she disliked or despised him,

she should have never taken it out on Larissa. After all, Larissa was her biological daughter.

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Let’s co

go.” he said to Lewis.

“Don’t you dare come find Larissa from now on,” he warned Yvette. “Otherwise, be prepared for

repared for Xavier to go bankrupt and your whole family to end up on the streets.” He then turned and left without

even looking in her d reclior.

Larissa finally regained her senses from the tremendous shock. She turned around and ran toward her office as il

fleeing from a terrifying monster. She ignored the curious gazes of those around her and managed to slip into her

office before Gary could notice her. She sank into her chair feeling exhausted, her mind blank,

The report she had previously opened remained untouched on the desk. She gathered her thoughts and tried to

locus on work, but she couldn’t read a single word even after a long while.

There was a knock on the door. Her assistant entered and reported, “Mr. Logan is here.”

She was taken aback, and her hands trembled. She accidentally knocked the mouse onto the floor, making a sound.

The assistant shrunk slightly as he asked, “Should I let him in?”