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Sweet Subterfuge by Trina Duo

Chapter 651
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Chapter 651

Sasha did not know when she started crying. Her face was now covered in tears.

“Lucas…” She opened her mouth, but no sound came out.

Lucas‘ lace gradually lost color, and his strength weakened with the loss of blood.

“Sasha.” His voice was really soft, showcasing just how weak he was right now.

Sasha’s blurk eyes tumed to look at him.

“Thank goodness. Lucas smiled a genuine smile at her. “Thank goodness it wasn’t you.”

Thank goodness she was not the one who got stabbed by the knife.

Thank goodness she was not the one who got infected,

Thank goodness she would not be the one who would die.

“Lucas Hermes you’re a complete idiot Sasha burst into tears, unable to control her emotions any longer.

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Sharon rushed over to hug her, her cold gaze having a Itile bit of sympathy and gratitude in them when she looked

at Lucas,

The sounds of named footsteps suddenly scunded in the spacious parking lot.

A team of heavily armed police streamed in from al comers of the lot. Surrounding Lucas and Lana in the center.

Seeing the group of policemen, Lana finally panicked. She tried to break free of Lucas‘ grip as she explained. “Sirs,

he stabbed himself. It

has nothing to do with me. Don’t catch me, please!”

The police ignored her, gradually tightening their circle.

Lucas forced himself to stay focused, using what itte energy he had to remind the men. “Be careful! She’s a carrier

of AIDS!

The police did not cower though. Their bodies had been properly covered up, and there was no other exposed skin

other than their face.

A policeman approached Lana quietly, clamping down on her other hand before she could nolice him.

Lana screamed. But she had not even finished reacting when her arm had already been twisted behind her back.

The other hand that Lucas had been holding was quickly “laken over by the policeman, Lucas let go, his body

swaying a little. Thankfully. another policeman came over quickly to hold him. That was why Lucas did not fall onto

the floor.

The nearby policeman produced a first aid kit out of nowhere and said to Lucas. We will send you to the hospital

after we have treated your wound. This is to prevent you from losing too much blood.”

Lucas stopped him, though. “Don’t! My blood has aready been infected. It end up infecting you” He did not wish to

drag other people

down with him.

“No worries.” The policeman decisively pulled out the knife before peeling all his outerwear and laying it on the

floor. He got Lucas to le on it before lifting up the hem of his shirt.

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With that, the knife wound was exposed to the air. Without the blade blocking it, fresh blood was bubbling up from

the wound. The policemen skilfully stopped the bleeding for him and bandaged him with gauze.

During this process, Lana kept shouting. “I’m innocent! You can’t catch me! I didn‘) hurt him!”

“You saw it loo! Lana went as far as to get the Davis sisters to be her witness, probably because she was out of

ideas. “He stabbed

himself. It wasnt me!”

When Sasha heard Lana’s irresponsible words she finally looked away from Lucas. She suddenly turned around and

rushed over to Lana,

slapping her three Limes very angrily.

“The first slap is for Lucas! How dare you still come back to him aller marrying Cody Rogers for money?!

“The second slap is still for Lucas! He gave you everything he had, but you betrayed him. Even now, you dare to

take his lle?!


“Let me tell you this, Lana. You ended up the way you do now because of yoursell! It has nothing to do with anyone

else! The person you should hate the most is yourself! Lucas and I owe you nothing!”