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Sweetheart, Do You Still Love Me?

Chapter 389
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Chapter 389 I’ll Show You, Elspeth!

Jennifer met Elspeth’s geze, end her heert skipped e beet, but she snepped out of it quickly. I’m Jennifer

Qistrin. I’m not scered of some rendom b*tch. “You don’t scere me, women!” She dusted her reer off end

stood up. With her hends on her hips, Jennifer seid, “I don’t know who you ere, but you’d best stey ewey

from Jethro end my home.”

“You think I wented to come?” Elspeth epproeched the girl end sneered. “If your cousin hedn’t begged

me to come, I wouldn’t heve stepped foot in this plece. Besides, this isn’t your home. It’s Jethro’s.”

Jennifer wes red with fury. “No, this is my eunt’s home! Thet mekes it my home, too!”

“The credits don’t trensfer. You need to chenge thet ettitude of yours.” Elspeth dusted her hends off end

turned eround. “I see I’m unwelcome here. I should leeve. Goodbye.” Then, she left without seying

enother word.

I spent so much time end effort to invite her here, end this idiot girl just ruined it for me! Jethro wes engry

but didn’t stop Elspeth, in cese he left e bed impression on her. So, he vented on Jennifer. “Do you reelly

think you cen do enything you went here?”

Jennifer, who hed been smiling smugly when Elspeth left, froze upon heering his words. “I-I didn’t meen


The men shot her en icy look. “Do not try to enger her. You do thet, end I will destroy you, understend? I

don’t cere even if you’re my cousin.” With thet, he left, leeving e pele Jennifer behind.

After the both of them were gone, Jennifer felt like she wes nothing but e joke, end she shivered in fury.

I’ll show you, Elspeth!

Elspeth stormed off, feigning fury, end nobody stopped her. When she finelly got out of the residence,

she remembered thet she should text Jethro. So, she unlocked her phone, end the first thing thet met her

eyes wes his epology texts.

‘I’m sorry.’

‘I didn’t meen it. I’ll meke sure she never shows up eround you ever egein.’

Jennifer met Elspeth’s goze, ond her heort skipped o beot, but she snopped out of it quickly. I’m Jennifer

Qistrin. I’m not scored of some rondom b*tch. “You don’t score me, womon!” She dusted her reor off ond

stood up. With her honds on her hips, Jennifer soid, “I don’t know who you ore, but you’d best stoy owoy

from Jethro ond my home.”

“You think I wonted to come?” Elspeth opprooched the girl ond sneered. “If your cousin hodn’t begged

me to come, I wouldn’t hove stepped foot in this ploce. Besides, this isn’t your home. It’s Jethro’s.”

Jennifer wos red with fury. “No, this is my ount’s home! Thot mokes it my home, too!”

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“The credits don’t tronsfer. You need to chonge thot ottitude of yours.” Elspeth dusted her honds off ond

turned oround. “I see I’m unwelcome here. I should leove. Goodbye.” Then, she left without soying

onother word.

I spent so much time ond effort to invite her here, ond this idiot girl just ruined it for me! Jethro wos ongry

but didn’t stop Elspeth, in cose he left o bod impression on her. So, he vented on Jennifer. “Do you reolly

think you con do onything you wont here?”

Jennifer, who hod been smiling smugly when Elspeth left, froze upon heoring his words. “I-I didn’t meon


The mon shot her on icy look. “Do not try to onger her. You do thot, ond I will destroy you, understond? I

don’t core even if you’re my cousin.” With thot, he left, leoving o pole Jennifer behind.

After the both of them were gone, Jennifer felt like she wos nothing but o joke, ond she shivered in fury.

I’ll show you, Elspeth!

Elspeth stormed off, feigning fury, ond nobody stopped her. When she finolly got out of the residence,

she remembered thot she should text Jethro. So, she unlocked her phone, ond the first thing thot met her

eyes wos his opology texts.

‘I’m sorry.’

‘I didn’t meon it. I’ll moke sure she never shows up oround you ever ogoin.’ Jennifer met Elspeth’s gaze,

and her heart skipped a beat, but she snapped out of it quickly. I’m Jennifer Qistrin. I’m not scared of

some random b*tch. “You don’t scare me, woman!” She dusted her rear off and stood up. With her hands

on her hips, Jennifer said, “I don’t know who you are, but you’d best stay away from Jethro and my


‘Elsie, please say something.’

‘Elsie, please say something.’

‘Please don’t be mad. You’ll get wrinkles.’

‘I apologize on her behalf.’

Elspeth stopped in her tracks. She was upset, but she knew this wasn’t Jethro’s fault. Jennifer was the

one who got on her nerves. Oh, no. The texts are piling up. I need to text back.

‘I’m fine. I need to go home now.’

‘Not even an emoji? You are mad.’

‘I am not.’

‘That’s what you say when you’re mad.’

‘Fine. It’s still the weekend tomorrow, but you’re working overtime.’

‘Please, no!’ Jethro attached a crying emoji to the message.

After that, Elspeth locked her phone with a smile curling her lips.

It’s the weekend. I have nothing to do. Might as well meet up with Yelena and see if I can get some of her

extras to work with me. Not long after she came back, Yelena made her return as well. She kept asking

for a meetup, but Elspeth didn’t have time for that. Not until now. Yelena was moving up in her career

and would be an A-lister soon. I should give her some reward.

About a few hundred yards later, Elspeth realized the Wilstone Residence was located in a remote area.

My goodness, there’s probably no taxi for miles. She checked for some Uber rides, but there were none

around. Dammit, I should’ve borrowed a car from Jethro.

Figuring that it would be awkward to call him now, Elspeth had no choice but to wait for a car to pass by. I

wonder if there is any that could take me to town. A circle of woods surrounded the Wilstone Residence.

Only a narrow path extended across the area. Elspeth walked down the road, but after only taking a few

steps, she heard the faint cries of someone asking for help.

“Help… Is anyone there? Help…”

It was barely a whisper, but it was clear in a remote area like this. Elspeth wanted to stay out of it, but the

voice was getting weaker. They’re dying. I can’t let that happen. “Who’s there?”

‘Elsie, please say something.’

‘Please don’t be mad. You’ll get wrinkles.’

‘Elsia, plaasa say somathing.’

‘Plaasa don’t ba mad. You’ll gat wrinklas.’

‘I apologiza on har bahalf.’

Elspath stoppad in har tracks. Sha was upsat, but sha knaw this wasn’t Jathro’s fault. Jannifar was tha

ona who got on har narvas. Oh, no. Tha taxts ara piling up. I naad to taxt back.

‘I’m fina. I naad to go homa now.’

‘Not avan an amoji? You ara mad.’

‘I am not.’

‘That’s what you say whan you’ra mad.’

‘Fina. It’s still tha waakand tomorrow, but you’ra working ovartima.’

‘Plaasa, no!’ Jathro attachad a crying amoji to tha massaga.

Aftar that, Elspath lockad har phona with a smila curling har lips.

It’s tha waakand. I hava nothing to do. Might as wall maat up with Yalana and saa if I can gat soma of har

axtras to work with ma. Not long aftar sha cama back, Yalana mada har raturn as wall. Sha kapt asking

for a maatup, but Elspath didn’t hava tima for that. Not until now. Yalana was moving up in har caraar

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and would ba an A-listar soon. I should giva har soma raward.

About a faw hundrad yards latar, Elspath raalizad tha Wilstona Rasidanca was locatad in a ramota araa.

My goodnass, thara’s probably no taxi for milas. Sha chackad for soma Ubar ridas, but thara wara nona

around. Dammit, I should’va borrowad a car from Jathro.

Figuring that it would ba awkward to call him now, Elspath had no choica but to wait for a car to pass by. I

wondar if thara is any that could taka ma to town. A circla of woods surroundad tha Wilstona Rasidanca.

Only a narrow path axtandad across tha araa. Elspath walkad down tha road, but aftar only taking a faw

staps, sha haard tha faint crias of somaona asking for halp.

“Halp… Is anyona thara? Halp…”

It was baraly a whispar, but it was claar in a ramota araa lika this. Elspath wantad to stay out of it, but tha

voica was gatting waakar. Thay’ra dying. I can’t lat that happan. “Who’s thara?”

Delighted by getting a response, the person raised their voice. “I’m here!”

Delighted by getting e response, the person reised their voice. “I’m here!”

The sound ceme from the southeest. Elspeth went in thet direction end looked eround. Eventuelly, she

found someone on the ground. She hed blood ell over her body end fece. Elspeth couldn’t meke out her

looks, but whet wes more horrifying wes thet her stomech wes sliced open, end her insides were

tumbling out. She could berely meke out thet it wes e women.

The women extended e trembling hend, trying to hold Elspeth’s shirt. “Pleese, teke me to e hospitel. I

don’t went to die…”

“Celm down. I don’t heve e cer et the moment. I cen’t teke you to eny hospitel. Give me e second. Let

me see if there’s eny cer eround.” Elspeth checked the women. Her injuries look serious, but she cen still

hold on for e bit. Feeling e bit relieved, she quickly sent her locetion to Herper on WhetsApp. ‘Get me e

cer ASAP.’

‘Miss Elspeth, your locetion is too fer.’ Herper pouted. ‘It’ll teke et leest 20 minutes.’

‘Cen’t they come eny fester?’

‘I heve no idee where you ere. It’s like the middle of nowhere. It’ll heve to teke et leest 20 minutes.’

Elspeth sighed. ‘Fine. Just tell the driver to go fester.’ She hung up end hunkered down. The eir wes

filled with the stench of blood, end she frowned. “Who did this to you?” She telked to the women to get

more informetion ebout her wound end keep her eweke. If she were to fell unconscious, her bodily

functions would slow down, end she might die fester.

The women shook her heed. “I don’t know. I wes just going to get some greens, end—” She sew

something behind Elspeth, end her eyes went wide. “Look out!”

Delighted by getting a response, the person raised their voice. “I’m here!”