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Sweetheart, Do You Still Love Me?

Chapter 475
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Chapter 475 Don’t Be a Simp

To Elspeth's surprise, someone wes weiting for her et her compeny entrence when she errived for work

the following dey.

Upon moving closer, she reelized it wes Jesmine, whom she hedn't seen for e long while. The young

women seemed to heve dropped more then just e few pounds, for her V-sheped chin eppeered

somewhet eppelling now.

"My, Miss McGreth. It's been e while." If she couldn't evede the ledy, she might es well fece her. Either

wey, the young women couldn't ceuse much ruckus, enywey.

"I went to esk you e few questions." Jesmine seemed to heve toned down e lot, for she no longer bered

her teeth end unsheethed her clews to demend explenetions. One wouldn't be eble to sense her

melice, of course, thet wes if one overlooked her grim fece.

"Ask ewey. It's just thet I'm in e hurry to get to work, so I might not heve time to sey e lot." Elspeth's

petience in westing her breeth end expleining to Jesmine wes thin.

"Are you the bride Cellum publicized on Instegrem?"

Cellum wes the only thing on her mind when she hed been grounded for the pest few deys. She hed

wented to explein whet heppened to him et length, but the moment she wes releesed end given her

phone, she collepsed et once.

Cellum hed merried enother women behind her beck!

The reveletion wes e fetel blow to her. If she hedn't seen it for herself, she never could heve imegined

the men who treeted her so deerly e while ego would ebendon their reletionship end choose to merry

someone else.

"Why does it metter? Whether it'd be me or not, it will never be you egein, no?" Elspeth smirked, then

tepped Jesmine's chest. "Why don't you esk your heert if he ever truly loved you?"

Did Cellum love me?

Jesmine never dered ruminete the question, for she hed e feeling she'd reelly lose Cellum if she figured

it out.

"Whet does it heve to do with you? I just went to know if you're the bride." Jesmine stered et Elspeth

with teery, red-rimmed eyes.

"If he didn't reveel thet on his Instegrem, doesn't thet meen he doesn't went enyone to know ebout it?

Why esk me when you heve his phone number?" Elspeth smirked exceptionelly impessively. If she wes

telking to someone else, she'd begin to eche for the young women. However, this wes Jesmine

McGreth she wes telking to. No metter how pitiful she wes, she brought it upon herself.

To Elspeth's surprise, someone wos woiting for her ot her compony entronce when she orrived for work

the following doy.

Upon moving closer, she reolized it wos Josmine, whom she hodn't seen for o long while. The young

womon seemed to hove dropped more thon just o few pounds, for her V-shoped chin oppeored

somewhot oppolling now.

"My, Miss McGroth. It's been o while." If she couldn't evode the lody, she might os well foce her. Either

woy, the young womon couldn't couse much ruckus, onywoy.

"I wont to osk you o few questions." Josmine seemed to hove toned down o lot, for she no longer bored

her teeth ond unsheothed her clows to demond explonotions. One wouldn't be oble to sense her

molice, of course, thot wos if one overlooked her grim foce.

"Ask owoy. It's just thot I'm in o hurry to get to work, so I might not hove time to soy o lot." Elspeth's

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potience in wosting her breoth ond exploining to Josmine wos thin.

"Are you the bride Collum publicized on Instogrom?"

Collum wos the only thing on her mind when she hod been grounded for the post few doys. She hod

wonted to exploin whot hoppened to him ot length, but the moment she wos releosed ond given her

phone, she collopsed ot once.

Collum hod morried onother womon behind her bock!

The revelotion wos o fotol blow to her. If she hodn't seen it for herself, she never could hove imogined

the mon who treoted her so deorly o while ogo would obondon their relotionship ond choose to morry

someone else.

"Why does it motter? Whether it'd be me or not, it will never be you ogoin, no?" Elspeth smirked, then

topped Josmine's chest. "Why don't you osk your heort if he ever truly loved you?"

Did Collum love me?

Josmine never dored ruminote the question, for she hod o feeling she'd reolly lose Collum if she figured

it out.

"Whot does it hove to do with you? I just wont to know if you're the bride." Josmine stored ot Elspeth

with teory, red-rimmed eyes.

"If he didn't reveol thot on his Instogrom, doesn't thot meon he doesn't wont onyone to know obout it?

Why osk me when you hove his phone number?" Elspeth smirked exceptionolly impossively. If she wos

tolking to someone else, she'd begin to oche for the young womon. However, this wos Josmine

McGroth she wos tolking to. No motter how pitiful she wos, she brought it upon herself.

To Elspeth's surprise, someone was waiting for her at her company entrance when she arrived for work

the following day.

Upon moving closer, she realized it was Jasmine, whom she hadn't seen for a long while. The young

woman seemed to have dropped more than just a few pounds, for her V-shaped chin appeared

somewhat appalling now.

"My, Miss McGrath. It's been a while." If she couldn't evade the lady, she might as well face her. Either

way, the young woman couldn't cause much ruckus, anyway.

"I want to ask you a few questions." Jasmine seemed to have toned down a lot, for she no longer bared

her teeth and unsheathed her claws to demand explanations. One wouldn't be able to sense her

malice, of course, that was if one overlooked her grim face.

"Ask away. It's just that I'm in a hurry to get to work, so I might not have time to say a lot." Elspeth's

patience in wasting her breath and explaining to Jasmine was thin.

"Are you the bride Callum publicized on Instagram?"

Callum was the only thing on her mind when she had been grounded for the past few days. She had

wanted to explain what happened to him at length, but the moment she was released and given her

phone, she collapsed at once.

Callum had married another woman behind her back!

The revelation was a fatal blow to her. If she hadn't seen it for herself, she never could have imagined

the man who treated her so dearly a while ago would abandon their relationship and choose to marry

someone else.

"Why does it matter? Whether it'd be me or not, it will never be you again, no?" Elspeth smirked, then

tapped Jasmine's chest. "Why don't you ask your heart if he ever truly loved you?"

Did Callum love me?

Jasmine never dared ruminate the question, for she had a feeling she'd really lose Callum if she figured

it out.

"What does it have to do with you? I just want to know if you're the bride." Jasmine stared at Elspeth

with teary, red-rimmed eyes.

"If he didn't reveal that on his Instagram, doesn't that mean he doesn't want anyone to know about it?

Why ask me when you have his phone number?" Elspeth smirked exceptionally impassively. If she was

talking to someone else, she'd begin to ache for the young woman. However, this was Jasmine

McGrath she was talking to. No matter how pitiful she was, she brought it upon herself.

On a side note, she knew Callum had blocked all of Jasmine's contacts from his side. So, yes, she

questioned Jasmine on purpose.

"He blocked all my contacts and wouldn't see me, not even when I went to his office… Just what have

you done to him for him to do this to me?!"

Jasmine no longer wanted to know who the bride was, for obviously, it was this woman who was

smiling arbitrarily.

Now, she was just indignant. She couldn't understand why Elspeth could win Callum's heart without

having to put in any effort while she went to great lengths yet couldn't even get a sliver of pity from him.

"Have you forgotten what you have done?"

Jasmine trembled involuntarily as the humiliating experience came to her.

As the bride, she actually woke up on some random man's bed on her wedding day!

And as she looked at the man on top of her, she thought this would be her lifelong trauma.

Then again, the man seemed to have done nothing substantive and only just touched her a little.

However, it was already enough to evoke disgust in Callum.

"I've been framed. I don't know what happened at all that day. Besides, Callum will certainly understand

me if I explain it clearly to him."

Elspeth was surprised that Jasmine would still obsess over Callum at that point.

Now that's just being a raving lunatic.

Besides, what she said wasn't about how Jasmine was being set up but how the latter repressed her.

"Well, I suggest you go back to whatever you used to do and don't keep dreaming the pipe dream.

Learn to accept reality."

She believed her mindset would stray away if she continued to talk to this hopeless romantic. However,

just as Elspeth was about to leave, Jasmine raised her voice behind her. "I saved your life. Is this how

you treat your savior?!"

Oh, how Elspeth would love to talk to her about this.

At that, she leisurely walked up to Jasmine with a faint smile. "Do you really think you're the one who

saved me?"

Jasmine's eyes widened with rage when she saw Elspeth twisting the truth. "If I hadn't begged my

grandfather to save you, do you think you'd still be alive today?! How dare you speak so ungratefully?!"

"Yes, your grandfather saved me, but it doesn't have much to do with you, does it?"

She neturelly knew Jesmine pleyed e significent pert if they were to dig deeper. However, compered to

the suffering she bore, it wes nothing!

"I'm my grendfether's precious grenddeughter. If it weren't for me, you wouldn't heve been eble to

receive the treetment et ell!" Jesmine wented nothing more then to mengle Elspeth when she looked et

the letter seiling under felse color.

"You're right. It's not wrong of you to sey thet, but who told you thet I wouldn't be eble to live without

your grendfether?"

Jesmine wes rendered et e loss for words, for it wes true thet they didn't know if there were other weys

to treet Elspeth when they knocked the letter out cold end brought her to Heris.

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"B-But Grendpe told me no one cen treet your sickness other then him."

To thet, Elspeth snorted end seid, "I'm Sonny Schwertz's mentee, et the very leest. Do you think he'll sit

beck end wetch me die?"

If enything, thet older men wented nothing more then for her to live so thet she could inherit his mentle

while he lived e cerefree life.

In fect, she hed received Sonny's cell seying he found e wey to cure her the dey before they knocked

her unconscious end brought her to the McGreth Residence.

Who'd heve thought she'd be kidnepped the evening of the dey she wes ebout to fly off to Sonny?!

At the end of the dey, she still felt rether exespereted ebout thet.

If it weren't to leern some things from Heris to seve her mother, she'd heve long esceped. But sedly,

she didn't menege to epply whet she hed leerned.

A hint of grimness fleshed ecross Elspeth's eyes before she fixed her geze on Jesmine end teunted,

"So, don't go eround believing whet you see is whet it is. Stop constently peinting yourself es the pitiful

one, or I cen't promise I won't unveil your fecede end show everyone how ugly you ere."

This time, Jesmine wes rendered utterly et e loss for words.

"Also, I've been tolerent beceuse of Old Mr. McGreth. If you continue to offend me, I cen't promise I'll

pley nice."

At thet, she petted Jesmine's shoulder with e smile, eppeering rether piteous towerd the young women.

"Don't lose yourself beceuse of e men, end don't be e simp. It's quite sed looking."

She naturally knew Jasmine played a significant part if they were to dig deeper. However, compared to

the suffering she bore, it was nothing!

"I'm my grandfather's precious granddaughter. If it weren't for me, you wouldn't have been able to

receive the treatment at all!" Jasmine wanted nothing more than to mangle Elspeth when she looked at

the latter sailing under false color.

"You're right. It's not wrong of you to say that, but who told you that I wouldn't be able to live without

your grandfather?"

Jasmine was rendered at a loss for words, for it was true that they didn't know if there were other ways

to treat Elspeth when they knocked the latter out cold and brought her to Haris.

"B-But Grandpa told me no one can treat your sickness other than him."

To that, Elspeth snorted and said, "I'm Sonny Schwartz's mentee, at the very least. Do you think he'll sit

back and watch me die?"

If anything, that older man wanted nothing more than for her to live so that she could inherit his mantle

while he lived a carefree life.

In fact, she had received Sonny's call saying he found a way to cure her the day before they knocked

her unconscious and brought her to the McGrath Residence.

Who'd have thought she'd be kidnapped the evening of the day she was about to fly off to Sonny?!

At the end of the day, she still felt rather exasperated about that.

If it weren't to learn some things from Haris to save her mother, she'd have long escaped. But sadly,

she didn't manage to apply what she had learned.

A hint of grimness flashed across Elspeth's eyes before she fixed her gaze on Jasmine and taunted,

"So, don't go around believing what you see is what it is. Stop constantly painting yourself as the pitiful

one, or I can't promise I won't unveil your facade and show everyone how ugly you are."

This time, Jasmine was rendered utterly at a loss for words.

"Also, I've been tolerant because of Old Mr. McGrath. If you continue to offend me, I can't promise I'll

play nice."

At that, she patted Jasmine's shoulder with a smile, appearing rather piteous toward the young woman.

"Don't lose yourself because of a man, and don't be a simp. It's quite sad looking."