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The 5-time Rejected Gamma & the Lycan King

Chapter 142
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Chapter 142

Annie thought for a moment before she met Harold’s gaze as she said, “Yes, minister. I am.” The

Duchess’s non-apologetic answer and confident tone made Christian smile. Lucianne and Xandar were

proud to see Annie standing her ground as well.

The Duchess continued, “Despite my absence, I know what has been going on in recent weeks.

Cummings and Whitlaw have proven to be incompetent in defending a significant population of the

Kingdom. Caunterberg is a perpetrator of the very offence he was expected to safeguard the Kingdom

from. One of the two sons of our Finance Minister saw it fit to make false sexual harassment complaints

for slanderous motives. What’s worse is that this son of hers even hoped to succeed his mother.”

“I recommend a review of all current ministers. We should have every contribution or lack thereof

recorded in black and white. And for the next six months or one year, we should assess if any

improvements are being made to right any wrongs.”

As soon as Annie was finished, Cora was visibly furious when she said, “I think that’s a waste of time and

resources. If assessments need to be done, then let it be done on the newer ministers. We have been

here long enough to justify our positions in this government.”

Lucianne spoke again, “Cora, perhaps you’ve misunderstood the Duchess. The assessment she

recommends is to ensure that govering ministers are capable of leading in the 21st century, which means

that we are looking for creatures who can keep up with changing times. Conventional thinking may have

served the generations before but those who have been here ‘long enough’ and who can’t find it i n

themselves to…grow with the needs of the future should have the decency to step aside.”

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“Decency?” Cora questioned Lucianne’s choice of word.

Lucianne uttered firmly, “Yes. Decency. I am going to assume that all of us here share a common

intention, a mutual goal, that is to do what’s best for the people, not for ourselves. There will come a time

when our knowledge is no longer enough, and our skills are no longer relevant. When that time comes,

we should have the decency to allow another individual, one who can maneuver in the modern ages, to

take our place, since it would be in the best interest of the people to do so.” 1

After she said those words, it was clear that not everyone in the room was there for the people. Many

were there for themselves, for power and influence. Lucianne knew this too, and to keep slackers on

their feet, she said what she did to wake them up.

Cora was seething in anger at the insulting way Lucianne and Annie spoke. Xandar then prompted her,

“D o you require any further clarifications on the Duchess’s recommendation or the Queen’s explanation,


She swallowed a lump in her throat before shaking her head in response to the King’s question.

Christian went next, “My recommendation builds on the recommendation made by my Duchess.” It didn’t

take a lot for everyone to hear the affection in his voice when the Duke said the words ‘my Duchess’.

Lucianne couldn’t help herself from smirking cheekily at the blushing Annie as her husband continued.

“The assessment of ministers should be done by our people, not us, seeing that there will be a clear

conflict of interest if we assess our own colleagues. I suggest every pack leader and every Lycan

representative from each state be given the right to ascertain whether a particular minister should remain

in power. Only the people can tell us if whoever we have in place meets their best interest.”

Alivia was already controlling her temper from Annie’s recommendation, and she couldn’t hold it in any

longer after Christian built up on his mate’s efforts, so she asked, “I mean no disrespect when I ask this

but isn’t that a little tedious to do that, your Grace?”

Christian then affirmed, “It is. But unfortunately, it has proven to be necessary, in my opinion.”

Lucianne was up next but she asked Riven if he would like a say first. After thanking the Queen, he

uttered nervously, “I recommend that replacements be made as well, and the appointments should be

based on merit, not species.”

The shortest recommendation garnered a surprising number of glares. Alivia, Cora and Harold were not

happy with what came out of their ponytail friend’s mouth. They had a deal! They agreed to insist that

only Lycans be nominated and appointed. They already failed to get Barrington onboard, and now Riven

was leaping to the opposing side! Traitor!

After Xandar gave a firm head nod, he turned to his mate and said softly. “Go on, sweetheart Don’t hold

back, okay?”

Christian snorted and muttered to himself, “Like she would ever.” 2

Lucianne’s thumb stroked her mate’s hand once before she turned to face the room. “l, too, believe that

replacements are the best way forward. Seeing how urgently these positions need to be filled with the

ongoing rogue attacks and claims for financial aid, I have to admit that anyone appointed would be on a

temporary basis. This is also to respect the fact that the ministers who have been charged are not found

guilty by the court of law as of yet.”

“Nominations and appointments to temporarily replace the five who are not here should be done here

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and now. Further delay would only stifle the progress and efficiency of the other ministries. However,

nominations and appointments for a permanent minister should undergo a standard operating procedure.

One who wants the job should have the opportunity to apply for that particular position. A standard route

should be in place to ensure that applicants of any species and background stand a chance to represent

the people.”

“The governing body should then scrutinize their credentials, to see if a creature’s actions are aligned

with the interest of the people. Only after that should the best candidates be allowed to compete against

each other in an election, which should involve every creature above the age of majority.”

“I am not against a minister’s child succeeding his or her parents. But I am against such an appointment i

f this child is not the best candidate out there for the job. I am against it if the sole reason they were

appointed was because they were born to a minister. I am against it is that child abuses the power he or

she is entrusted to wield wisely.”

“I agree that all current ministers should undergo a vigorous assessment, and the ultimate judge should

be the people, as the Duke and Duchess have proposed. This is not only to ensure ourselves that we

have the best people for the job but also to ensure that we have who the people want for the job. Those

are my recommendations.”

When she was done, Christian muttered, “Damn, that’s going to be tough to beat.”

Xandar didn’t mind that his mate’s recommendations were going to be tough to beat. On the contrary.

hearing her speak like that just makes him fall even more in love with her. With his hand still holding ont

o hers, it was finally his turn to offer his views.