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The Almighty Lord Caspian by Cath Nitfisch

Chapter 88
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Chapter 88 Don’t Come Any Clo

Echoes of urgent footsteps reverberated down the corridor.

“Oh no! A doctor’s been kidnapped!” someone cried out.

“Three officers from the Office of Inspector General were stabbed; there’s blood


another voice sobbed in fear.

It finally dawned on Caspian, Willow, and Zoey that a nurse had been kidnapped outside.

Chaos engulfed the entire hospital, with people fleeing in fear of being caught up in the


Several spectators lingered at a safe distance, intrigued by the unfolding drama. After all,

numerous spectators were unafraid and eager to witness the spectacle.

Willow and Zoey followed Caspian to trace the sound of the incident.

Upon reaching the hospital lobby, they found it was tightly besieged.

“Get me a car right now, or this doctor won’t survive!” A menacing voice pierced the air


the crowd.

It was clear that the criminal was gearing up for an escape.

Seeing the danger escalate, Willow and Zoey felt an even stronger urge to look closer.

“I can’t see what’s happening inside!” Zoey sounded anxious.

“Caspian, please think of a way to let us see what’s happening inside,” Willow urged.

“Alright, let me clear a path for it!” Caspian understood the extreme danger of the

situation. He knew they couldn’t afford further delays. Otherwise, the doctor’s life would

be at stake.

As a warrior, he couldn’t stand idly by in such a situation.

“What? You said you can get through with so many people surrounding him?” Zoey asked

with skepticism.

“Just follow me,” Caspian said confidently. He spread his arms and shouted, “Step back,

everyone! Give us some space!”

Upon hearing Caspian’s command, the spectators willingly cleared a path.

As he led Willow and Zoey to the center of the lobby, they spotted a menacing man

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holding a doctor as his hostage. His hand tightly gripped the doctor’s neck and used a

shard of glass pressed against the doctor’s throat.


On the floor lay two severely injured inspectors who sprawled in a pool of blood. Their lives

were hanging on by a thread.

Another inspector managed to stay conscious despite being stabbed. He gritted his teeth

through the pain as he dialed a phone number.

The chaos was orchestrated by a fraudster, William.

The previous night, as he was about to carry out a fraudulent scheme, he was caught red-

handed by the inspectors from the Office of Inspector General.

In the struggle that ensued, he fiercely resisted and sustained critical injuries from a

female inspector, Joey Sanders.

Subsequently, the inspectors rushed him to the hospital for treatment.

In a shocking turn of events during his medical examination, he smashed an IV bottle,

wielding the glass shards as weapons to attack two inspectors.

In the chaos, he seized the female doctor and took her hostage in the process.

The female doctor was Carmen. She had graduated two years ago and worked as an

intern now.

“You have ten minutes! If I don’t see a car outside in ten minutes, this doctor’s life is on

the line!” William shouted at the inspector lying on the ground.

“I’ve already reported it to the higher–ups. Someone will be here with the car soon. Please

try to stay calm,” the inspector replied.

Although Caspian held a low opinion of the Office of Inspector General in Southlake City,

he recognized that some people were innocent.

There were both righteous and villainous individuals within the organization. Most

inspectors tended to be just and fair.

As the Diatoranian God of War, Caspian couldn’t stand by and watched innocent lives

being threatened. He was eager to rescue Carmen when he saw the dangerous situation

she was in.

However, William was volatile now. It wasn’t the right time to act because one wrong

move could put Carmen’s life at risk.

“Why haven’t the inspectors arrived yet? I hope nothing happens to this female doctor as

she has a promising future. It’s heartbreaking to think she might face such tragedy.”

Willow expressed her anxiety when observing the dire condition of Carmen.

Carmen was so young and talented. It would be a shame if her life took such a tragic turn.

because of William.


“And those inspectors from the Office of Inspector General are taking far too long! It’s

been ages, and they still haven’t come to rescue her!” Zoey also felt a sense of urgency.

At that moment, a remarkable female inspector dressed in the Office of Inspector General

uniform entered the hospital lobby.

This extraordinary woman was Joey, the esteemed captain of the investigative team.

It was Joey who had injured William just the day before. She had arrived to assess the

situation with the criminal, utterly unaware of the impending chaos.

As she reached the lobby, she observed the tightly packed crowd and felt an immediate

sense of urgency.

“Clear the way! Please step aside if you’re uninvolved with the situation!” she shouted to

command the crowd to make space.

Joey quickly made her way through the crowd. Upon arriving at the lobby’s center, she

discovered two of her colleagues lying unconscious on the ground.

At that moment, William held a small glass shard against Carmen’s neck. Joey was

infuriated, so she swiftly drew her handgun.

“Release the hostage immediately! Or I’ll shoot you dead!” Joey shouted while pointing

her gun at William.

“If you’ve got the guts, go ahead and shoot me! I won’t hesitate to kill this doctor right

now!” William was driven to desperation and had no more options. The hostage was his



Joey hesitated to shoot prematurely after knowing William’s readiness to take drastic


“Don’t act impulsively. We’ll do our best to meet your demands,” she said as she

attempted to placate the agitated William. Saving lives was their utmost priority.

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“Send a car over right away. It must arrive within ten minutes. If I don’t see the car soon,

this doctor’s life is in jeopardy!” William shouted.

“Alright, I’ll dispatch a car immediately,” Joey replied. At this moment, she had to comply

with his demands as there was no room for anger.

“Chief, I’ve already reported this to the higher–ups. The car will be here shortly,” the

injured inspector lying on the ground weakly reported.

“We’re getting the car ready. Please stay calm,” Joey said.

Upon hearing this, William felt a surge of satisfaction. However, he v Even if the car

arrived later, escape was impossible for him.

still in handcuffs.


“Have someone here to remove my handcuffs!” he demanded.

“Sure!” Joey agreed without hesitation. It was a prime opportunity to subdue him the

moment the handcuffs were removed.

After those words, she walked toward William.


stop right there! Let someone else come over!“William’s shout brought Joey’s stride to an

immediate halt.

Yesterday, she had knocked him out with a single punch!

“Don’t come any closer! Get someone else to unlock my handcuffs!” William knew his

safety would hang in the balance if Joey drew near.

“But these are just ordinary civilians. They don’t know how handcuffs work. So, no one

here can unlock them!” Joey swiftly came up with an excuse.

“Do you take me for a fool? It’s not that easy to deceive me. If you take one more step

forward, I’ll kill this doctor!” William yelled.

Joey had no choice but to stay put and said, “Pick someone from the crowd and have

them. unlock your handcuffs.”

“Fine, let me see who’s suitable to help me!” William began scanning the crowd, looking

for someone appropriate to help him remove the handcuffs.

As the spectators retreated in fear from his menacing gaze, Caspian, Willow, and Zoey

stood conspicuously in their original positions. However, Willow and Zoey had both taken

refuge behind Caspian.