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The Alpha Chose Me by Missy Elliottxo

Chapter 37
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Oh god he was coming over for coffee. I needed to stop acting like an idiot. It was just coffee. He wasn't going to care that I was in pjs and his hoody. Maybe I should change. No! I was overthinking once again.

Concentrating back on my school work I was reading over what I had so far when the door went. It wasn't 12 o'clock yet.

He was early.

Placing my laptop to the side ofI got up, my reflection from the mirror catching my attention. I looked horrible. I hadn't even brushed my hair just threw it into a messy bun on the top of my head. The door went again.

Answer the door idiot! Taking a deep breath I unlocked the door and pulled it open. It wasn't Jake. My stomach dropped.

"Delivery for a Leah Wilson?".

I hadn't ordered anything.

"Sigh here please". He smiled.

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Who was this from? Closing the door behindI sat the parcel on the couch. I didn't know anyone good enough around here to senda package. Grabbing a knife from the kitchen I cut the seal and pulled the lid off. It was black roses.

Taking out the card I felt the tightness in my chest. They were from Tommy.

'You won't return my calls, you won't answer my text. Did I mean nothing to you? Please letknow you're safe. I love you Leah' Why did I have a bad feeling about this? "Nice flowers".

Jumping slightly I turned around slipping the note in my pocket. "Jesus shit Jake you scared me. Have you never heard of knocking?". Putting the lid back on the box I placed them on the floor. "I did knock princess but you never answered".

"So you just decided to walk in?". Making a face I took a seat on one of the chairs. Only then did I notice he was holding a bag and 2 coffee cups. "Did you bringsomething sweet?". I grinned. "No". He smirked. "Sweets will rot your teeth. Go get 2 plates".

"What have you got in that bag?". I must admit it smelled delicious. "Please tellyou at least broughta muffin". He shook his head. "A cookie then?".

"Plates princess".

"Stop callingthat". Grabbing two plates from the kitchen I handed them to him and watched as he dished up wherever he had bought.

"A bagel?". I frowned. Not that I didn't like them I just thought he'd have brought goods. As in chocolate goods. "Just wait until you taste it". He winked passinga plate.

It was like heaven.

He made it sweet. My eyes closed as I savoured the strawberries and chocolate hazelnut together. Oh and there was a crunch.

"That's so good". I groaned taking another bite. Who would have thought to put that on a bagel? I always put savoury things on mine. Taking a seat I caught him staring. "Stop staring at me". Finishing the last of my bagel I took the coffee from him. "Thank you for that". I smiled.


Again with the princess.

"I didn't know you wore glasses". He said.

I must have forgotten they were still on my face. "I should be wearing them more than what I do". I sighed. "I only really wear them when my eyes get sore".

"So why'd you askout for coffee?". He asked.

I knew that was coming. What was I meant to say? I maybe like you? "I thought it was a good idea, we can maybe get to know each other better". I was cringing on the inside. How ldid I sound.

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"Did Alanna put you up to this?".

I started to laugh.

"I fucking knew it". He snapped. "I'm not playing games Leah". Getting to his feet kestared right through me. "Wait till I fucking see her". This had gone from zero to one hundred in a matter of seconds.

"I'm not playing games. She didn't putup to anything. I was laughing because I asked her the squestion last night when she cover His mood could change in a matter of seconds. Hot and cold just like that and I wasn't sure if I could deal with that. "She was here last night?". His teeth were clenched. He needed to calm down. I didn't like the anger, I didn't like the aggression. "Yes". I sighed. "She cto make sure I was okay after you told her I was having a rough time".


"She said that I should get to know you". I went with that because it was better better than saying give him a chance. I didn't want him to take all of this the wrong way. We were just getting to know each other or so I thought. "She did?". He frowned. "Yes. So that's why I plucked up the courage and asked you to go for coffee".

Sitting back down he ran a hand over his face. "I get hot headed at times princess. I've got a temper".

"You think?". I huffed.