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The Barrister's Love in Town

Chapter 274
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Chapter 274 Like Losing One’s Soul

“Okay, I’ll tell her,” Simon said before leaving the consultation room. When the door

closed, a wicked thought suddenly came to Simon’s mind.

If Aiden truly had leukemia, and only he could be a bone marrow match… Would Amanda

lean toward him? He knew that harboring such thought was despicable and vile, but if he

continued to wait and not do anything, Amanda would inevitably reunite with Elias, and he

would lose all hope.

Meanwhile, in the rest area, Amanda smiled as she cradled the peacefully sleeping Aiden

in her arms. It was a mother’s smile that came from the depths of her heart. Just then,

Simon approached her.

Amanda raised her head when she caught sight of him and asked anxiously, “How did it

go? What did the doctor say about the test results? Is it serious?” Although she believed

there shouldn’t be any major issues, she couldn’t help but seek out some form of


Simon furrowed his brow and kept quiet for a few seconds before finally saying. “There’s

nothing major, but…”

Amanda heaved a sigh of relief upon hearing that but her heart instantly sank at the word

“but. “But what? Tell me! What exactly happened?” Amanda could feel her heart leap to

her throat.

“My friend mentioned that there aren’t any major concerns for now, but nosebleeds aren’t

a good sign. We -need to take this seriously and conduct another blood test to confirm if

it’s leukemia or a similar

condition. Don’t worry. It’s merely a precautionary examination to put our minds at ease,

Simon made a show out of the explanation, deliberately making it sound even worse than

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it was.

Amanda couldn’t find solace even after hearing his words. It was as if her heart plunged

into an abyss, and she looked at him with widened eyes. “Leukemia… How can it be so


“Don’t overthink it; it’s not that serious. My friend mentioned it’s just a routine check-up

for our peace of


Amanda attempted to calm herself and suppress her agitation before saying. “Alright, let’s

do it. Regardless of the outcome, we need to do it to put our minds at ease.” However, the

thought of putting Aiden through another blood draw pained her deeply.

During the previous blood draw, she had spent a considerable amount of time coaxing him

to help him. endure the pain. Amanda could clearly feel the child’s fear during the

procedure. She was in utter dismay as she held the little one tightly in her arms.

When Simon noticed Amanda’s distress, he gently patted her shoulder and said, “Don’t

worry. It’s just a routine check-up.”

The wicked thoughts that Simon harbored earlier disappeared upon witnessing Amanda’s

troubled expression. He didn’t want to hurt her. Aiden was the person she cherished with

her entire being, and hurting Aiden would be equivalent to hurting her. Let it be. Let things

unfold naturally. Relationships are not something that can be forced.

After that, Simon accompanied Amanda for the child’s blood test before driving them back

home. Throughout the entire process, Amanda’s face turned increasingly grim as she

considered countless horrendous possibilities.

“Amanda, try not to be too anxious. Let’s wait for the test results,” Simon advised.

“I know, I’ll be fine. Thank you. I’ve taken up a lot of your time today, and I apologize for

that.” Amanda

lifted the still-slumbering Aiden as she exited the car.

Simon attentively opened the car door for her and said, “Don’t worry about it. I’ve taken

care of you in the same way during the past four years we were abroad.” It was a casual

remark, but it made Amanda think that he was reminding her about it.

“Thank you,” she expressed her gratitude before heading upstairs with the child in her

arms. As Simon stood in place while watching her figure, he suddenly felt a pang of

heartache for what she was going through.

Amanda wilted the instant she was in the confines of her home. She was like a plant that

was about to endure the first bite of winter.

Selina, who was cooking in the kitchen, rushed out to greet them upon hearing their

voices. “You’re back! The food is almost ready. Wash your hands, and we can cat.”

However, she became startled when she saw just how pale Amanda’s face was. “Amanda,

what’s wrong? Did Aiden fall asleep?”

Selina reached out to take the child from Amanda’s arms, but Amanda held the little one

even tighter and murmured. “It’s fine, let me hold him a little longer.”

“Okay, but what’s going on? You look as if you’ve lost your soul.”

Amanda gazed at Aiden in her arms and spoke in a quavering voice, “Selina, do you think I

haven’t devoted enough time to my child? Should I spend more time with him?”

“What’s the matter? Why are you crying? Please don’t cry.” Selina hastily got a tissue

before gently wiping. away the tears that were about to roll down Amanda’s face. She was

genuinely surprised by how distressed Amanda was.

Amanda kept her head lowered and her voice quavered as she spoke, “Today, Aiden had a

nosebleed at school, and we couldn’t stop it no matter what we tried. We went to the

hospital for an examination, and while they didn’t find any najor issues, they suggested

further tests to investigate the possibility of leukemia…

“What! That’s impossible! Aiden is usually so healthy so it can’t be true. Don’t think that.”

Selina’s heart sank as she was shocked by the sudden revelation.

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“Yes, let’s hope it’s nothing serious.”

“It will be fine. So, there’s no reason for you to worry your head over it. Aiden has always

been well taken care of. How could he suddenly have leukemia? Children having

nosebleeds is quite common. Perhaps he’s been drinking less water lately and the weather

is hot. I’ll make him some herbal tea to help cool him. down.”

“Thank you.” Amanda nodded gratefully.

“No need to thank me. Are you feeling hungry? Go ahead and eat something. Let’s wake

Aiden up and have him eat too. I’ll prepare some cooling tea for him.

As Amanda watched Selina walk away, an inexplicable sense of distress gnawed at her,

leaving her unable to pinpoint the exact reason..

Throughout that sleepless night, Amanda anxiously awaited Simon’s call with the test

results. Unfortunately, the hospital had informed her that the results wouldn’t be available

until the afternoon due to the complexity of the tests.

The next morning, Aiden woke up earlier than usual, washed up, and finished breakfast

obediently, as he cagerly anticipated Elias’ arrival to take him out to play. Although he

appeared excited, Amanda could sense that he seemed a bit tired and lacked his usual

energy, which intensified her anxiety.

Ding-dong! The doorbell suddenly rang. Aiden rushed to the door, knowing that it was

Elias coming to pick him up. When the door swung open, Elias stood there, accompanied

by Jack and Edith, all donning hopeful expressions. After all, they had finally found their

long-lost daughter and now had a grandson. They were genuinely elated.

Only Amanda had a grim expression on. Elias was quick to notice that something was

amiss. So, he inquired as he furrowed his brows, “What’s wrong? You don’t look well. Have

you been tired recently?”

“Oh, it’s nothing. Perhaps I didn’t sleep well last night. Take Aiden out to play. Oh, and

make sure he drinks plenty of water today. The weather has been getting hotter these

past few days, and he had a nosebleed yesterday.”