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The Billionaire's Unexpected Proposal by Samantha

Chapter 25
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Chapter 25

Sandra's mind was filled with questions as she drove down to Michael's place. Ever since their phone call, the

major thing she had kept asking herself why Evelyn had not reached out to her since she arrived in Ludus, and

why Evelyn had to leave the Hotel.

Where was the staying? Why was she back after six years? What did she want! Why was the interview with

Derek Stone important to her?

The moment she arrived at Michael's house, she punched in the passcode and walked in since she knew he was

expecting her and there was no neeil for unnecessary formalities between them.

The moment she walked into the living room she saw Michael, lounging on the sofa with a glass of whiskey in his

hand. Although he was still wearing his work clothes but had taken off his jacket and loosened his tie

"What is going on, Mike? Why did you sound that way over the phone? Did Evelyn say anything to you? What

happened?" Sandra demanded as she joined him on the couch. "Before 1 say anything. | have news. One good

good news and one bad news. Which do you want to hear first?" He asked as he raised his glass to his lips. "Hm.

The bad one | guess," Sandra said after a moment's pause.

"Derek has agreed to do the exclusive interview with Evelyn, Michael said flatly, and Sandra stared at him in

disbelief. "He did what? Why would he do that? Didn't you say he said he was not going to do it?" Sandra asked,

rising from her seat. "That was what he said. | have no idea what that bitch did or said to him. I'm so fucking

mad at everything right now," Michaels

| said Thitterly

Taking a deep breath, Sandra returned to her seat, "Calm down and tellexactly what happened. How did you

find out about Derek's decision! Did he tell you? Or did you hear it from Evelyn?" "Derek, that fool toldso

himself. He said he's considering granting her the interview...

"There is hope then. The key word there is considering. We can change his mind." Sandra cut in, relieved.

"| know Derek. The only reason he would have said that is because he has made up his mind, Michael said and

Sandra frowned

"Why would he do that? Why Evelynt Didn't you tell him who she is?" Sandra asked in confusion

"No L

| haven't. Not yet

"Why not? You should have told him who she was the moment he told you he was considering doing the

interview with her. | don't think he'd be so willing to have anything to do with her if he knows she is the bitch

that broke your heart. And who knows? If he cancels his arrangement with her, he just might consider letting me

do it now that it seems like he is ready to reveal himself, Sandra said thoughtfully. have a point. | was going to

tell him but then | changed my mind when | remembered what Evelyn said Michael said and Sandra raised a

"What did she say?" Sandra asked, and Michael told her all about his encounter with Evelyn.

That bitch! I'm sure she was only bluffing. What makes her think she can seduce Derek or have him?" Sandra

asked, seething

*She seemed so different, Sandy. | can't place it, but she was like a different person, Michael said, and Sandra


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"How different can she bet She's still Evelyn. All | need to do is find a way to meet up with her and I'm sure | will

easily find out what she is up to Sandra said confidently.

Michael shook his head, "You should know that she isn't the sEvelyn, else why hasn't she reached out to you

yet since she got back? You were her best friend Michael pointed out

Sandra sighed. "I've been curious about that too, but seeing how she hasn't reached out to either of our parents |

guess it's nothing personal"

"No matter how hard I try, | still can't seem to wrap my head around how she could change so much overnight.

Six years ago everything was perfect. | never gave her any reasons to doubt me. You even talked about how

ecstatic she was when she tried on the wedding dress. We talked over the phone and everything was fine. How

could she change so drastical. The rest of his words were cut short when Sandra slapped him hard across the

face causing sof the whiskey in his glass to spill,

"What did

d you do

o that for? Michael asked, his eyes burning from the sting of the slap


7h that gibberish you're ranting about important right now? Who cares why she chose to call off your bloody

wedding? We are talking about now. The present. Not sfucking past. Sandra hisseil

"If you were smart you'd knw that we need to understand what happened and why she changed in order to know

why she is back and what she is up to What if she broke up within six years ago because she suddenly thought

that she'd rather marry Derek the bear to Stone Corp? What it

Gluper 21

that's the reason she is approaching him now?" Michael snapped at her.

Sandra parsed her lips as her brows furrowed thoughtfully. "You think so? You think she is interested in Derek?"

She asked and then shook her head

| like Evelyn. She's naive and gullible. She isn't the type to plot..."

"That doesn't sound |


r was the the type to call off a wedding she had been dreaming about for long and walk out on her family!"

Michael cut in harshly.

of fury

Sandra took a deep breath. "You might have a point," Sandra said, feeling a surge

"Whatever her plan is, this isn't good. Not good at all. We can't have her do the interview or get too close to

Derek. You need to find out why Derek agreed to this. Ask him-"


"You think I didn't? | asked but the arrogant fool wouldn't answer my questions Michael cut in

"Evelyn should have remained wherever she was. Why did she cback! Six years ago, she ruined our plan

just when we were about to achieve it, and six years later, she's about to do the same. | hate that bitch!" Sandra

hissed, frustration bubbling up inside her.

Michael's expression darkened. This time. I'm not going to let her get in my way. I will kill his my bare hands i

determination hardening into something more dangerous

"By the way, what was the good news?" Sandra asked when she suddenly remembered.

I have to." Michael said, his

"I guess Derek fell guilty. He called on my way hto say he would attend the anniversary to make up for

doing the interview with Evelyn." Michael explained

Sandra's eyes narrowed and then she snapped her finger, "That is it | think I've gotten it." Sandra said, and

Michael raised a brow.

"Gotten what?"

Sandra sat beside him, "When next you see her, follow her. We need to find out where she lives now. That way |

can said before he could interrupt her. befriend her... just

Fust listen," she

“pt . +

I'm going to find a way to get Evelyn

to attend the anniversary party, and

while we are there at the party, we

will make Derek find © who sheris

natlraliysksay way Yo can act like

A : f

thie Starred ex who didn't want to

reveal the ex who hurt you to your

f '

beloved cousin. I'm sure he would cut

her off and would want nothing to do

q " q

with her after that," she said and

Michael nodded slowly, his anger

giving way to a cold, calculated

resolve. The content is on

novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!

"But what if they do the interview before then? Don't you think the purpose has been defeated then?" Michael

asked, and Sandra smirked.

I" : :

Not at all. The interview was never

our end goal remember? The goal is

forto get married to Derek, we

get rid of him and his parents and,

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

together we take QUérSlorte Eorp.

ERpsing Evelyn that way is to make

sure Derek wants nothing romantic

to do with her if she plans to seduce

him. Also, we can stop the interview

if we want. All we need to do is come

: : : '

up with ways to discredit her. Let's

drive a wedge between her and Derck

" 3 3

now," Sandra said and Michael

nodded thoughtfully. The content is

on novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!


We have to look for a way to make

her seem untrustworthy and

: : |

unprofessional in LEX eyes [five

oe double a out her work

pis f 0 9

ethic in Derek's mind, he might

reconsider the interview, Michael

said, his eyes gleaming with a

renewed sense of purpose. The

content is on novelenglish.net! Read

the latest chapter there!

"You're such an evil genius, Sandy," Michael said with a grin as he cupped Sandra's face in his hands and kissed

her lips.

Sandra giggled, "When there is a will, there is always a way. We can take care of Evelyn," she said confidently.

"I think | already know what to do, Michael said with a smile.

Sandra raised a brow. "Tellwhat you have in mind."

"I will be needing your help," he said and Sandra smirked.

"You know | will do whatever | can as long as it takes her out of the way," she said and Michael nodded.

he said as he went on to tell her his plan

By the the was done, Sandra was giggling happily, "And you said | was the evil genius. | know this is going to

work. Evelyn won't know what hit her when we're done with her, Sandra said and Michael smiled smugly.

"C'mon, why don't you sellhow much of a genius. | am on the bed?" he said suggestively and Sandra



[course, too," she said as she led the way to the bedroom.