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The Billionaire's Unexpected Proposal by Samantha

Chapter 29
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Chapter 29

As Michael waited for Evelyn outside the bakery, he decided to give Sandra a call to while away the tsince

he was bored.

He knew she would be happy when he told her about Derek's arrangement with Evelyn. He smiled as he dialed

her line and it didn't take long for

her to receive the call

"Hey, boo," Sandra greeted in a sultry voice that made him grin.

what?" He asked and she raised a brow.

"Evelyn got hit by a car and she's dead?" She asked, and Michael chuckled.

"You'd like that to happen, wouldn't you!"

You know that would take care of ALL my problems, Sandra sald and Michael chuckled again.

"Well, she isn't dead. | have my eyes on her right now. She's hanging out with Rayna at the moment," he said

and Sandra frowned.

"Evelyn is hanging out with Rayna? You mean that stupid bitch is hanging out with Rayna when she is yet to

reach out to me!" Sandra asked in disbelief.

"I told you she has changed, didn't It Michael said and she sighed.

"Do you think that maybe she found out about us? She asked with a frown.

"There is no way she could have found out about us. We've been careful all this while. She doesn't even know

her," Michael said and Sandra nodded. you masterminded my meeting with

"You are right. | just can't understand why she is being this way," Sandra said, and seeing that she was upset, he

decided to change the subject. "Well, why don't | brighten your mood? 1 found out about her arrangement with

Derek," he said, and Sandra perked up.

"You did? What about it?" she asked excitedly,

"That's awesome" She screeched when Michael told her about meeting her in Derek's office and what Derek had

told him.

Michael chuckled, "Yeah. It means the universe is on our side. Everything is going to go perfectly

"Yeah. Are you still on her tail?"

"Yes. | think this might take a while, Michael said, not looking forward to waiting on Evelyn for that long.

"Don't bother with that anymore. You can go home. I'm going to reach out to Rayna and find out what's up with

Evelyn. And now that | know Evelyn will be at Stone Corp, | think it's best | pay her a visit at the office. If she

won't cto me, | should go to her," Sandra said thoughtfully.

Michael glanced at his phone when it buzzed with an awaiting call notification, "Yeah. You should do that. | have

to go now. My mom is calling," he said, before hanging up Sandra's call immediately to receive his mother's call

and he drove off from there.

After her call with Michael, Sandra waited for two hours before deciding to call Rayna since she wanted to be

sure Evelyn w

would have left by then. "Hello, Ray! How are you? Sandra asked, the moment Rayna received her call, her voice

was warm and friendly since she had been in touch with Rayna the whole time.

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"Sandy? What a pleasant surprise to have you call," Rayna said she had always been the one reaching out to


Sandra rolled her eyes. "Im sorry | haven't been calling often. It's just that I've been really busy with work, she

said apologetically

"It's fine. It's funny that Evelyn just left here and you're calling now," Rayna said and Sandra smiled, pleased with

herself for her perfect timing,

"Oh, she did? You won't believe that we both have not met yet because of our busy schedules, Sandra said,

keeping her tone light and conversational.

"Oh, really! | guess I'm lucky to have seen her before you then," Claire said with a giggle, her voice bright.

"I can't believe you both met up without me. Why do | feel left out?" Sandra said, pretending to be hurt.

"Blthat on your busy schedule. | hope you won't be too busy to attend the reunion though. It's going to be

so much fun with Evelyn in attendance this year. Rayna said excitedly.

Sandra raised an eyebrow. "Evelyn said she will be atte

attending the reunion?

Chapter 29

"Yes. You're coming, right?" Rayna asked and Sandra smirked.

"I wouldn't miss it for anything. Especially not when my Evie will be there after all these years. Please keepin

the loop concerning the details of the reunion." Sandra said before hanging up.

So. Evelyn was going to be at the reunion this year? Well, she was going to make sure to teach the bitch a bitter

lesson, Sandra promised herself.

Away from there, Evelyn's heart felt lighter as she stepped into her apartment, the soft click of the door behind

her marking the end of a long day.

The Canibar hum of conversation drifted from the living room, and a smile tugged at her lips as she recognized

the voices.

She walked in to find Samantha and her stepmother, seated on the couch, their heads bent close together in

animated discussion.

Samantha's face lit up the moment she saw her mother. "Mommy! Look who's here!" she exclaimed, scrambling

off the couch and running over to Evelyn. Evelyn stopped h

at Claire

scooped her up, hugging her tightly, her smile widening as she looked over at

"Hi, Mom. It's so good to see you" Evelyn said warmly, her eyes meeting her stepmother's.

Claire stood, her face breaking into a gentle smile. "Hello, Evelyn. Sorry, | stopped by unannounced. | wanted to

see Sam and drop off sstuff"," Evelyn waved off the apology as she set Samantha down, "You don't have to

apologize. You're always welcome," she said as she glanced down at Samantha who grabbed her hand and

started pulling her towards the couch.

"Mom, you have to see the dolls Grandma bought met They're amazing!" she said, her eyes sparkling with


Evelyn allowed herself to be led, her curiosity piqued. Samantha proudly displayed the dolls, each one

meticulously dressed and positioned as if mid-adventure.

Evelyn's breath caught as she recognized them. These... these were mine when | was your age," she said softly,

reaching out to touch one. Samantha beamed. "Really? What are their names?"

Evelyn settled next to her daughter, picking up the first doll. This is Lily. She was my favorite," she said, brushing

a strand of the doll's hair back. She moved to the next one, her voice gentle and filled with nostalgia. "And this is

Dora. And that one over there is Sophie."

Samantha's eyes were wide with wonder, "Wow, Mom, They're so pretty. Thank you, Grandma," she said, turning

to Claire with gratitude. Claire smiled, her eyes twinkling with warmth. "You're welcome, sweetheart. I'm glad

you like them."

Evelyn turned to her step-mom, "Thank you. | totally forgot about them," she said, genuinely happy to see her

daughter p

After a few more minutes of doll-related stories, Evelyn called out to Maya. "Maya, could you take Sam in to get

ready for bed? | need to talk to my playing with her toys. Mom."

Maya nodded, coming over to take Samantha's hand. "Con, Sam. Let's get you into your pajamas.

Samantha pouted for a moment but then smiled and followed May out of the room, clutching Lily to her chest.

Once they were alone, Evelyn turned to Claire, her expression sincere. "Thank you for coming and spending time

with Samantha. It means a lot to

1. me.

Claire reached out, covering Evelyn's hand with her own. "It's my pleasure, Evelyn Samantha is my grandchild

after all, and | cherish every moment | get to spend with her.

Evelyn nodded, grateful. "I'm glad, | know she loves having you here."

a0 q

Claire's expression softened as she


rose, 'l have to leave ney. wast 1

Hr : n

note sgalyou Before | left," she

said, and Evelyn rose to see her off.

As they headed outside Claire asked Evelyn about work and they made small talk until they got to Claire's car,

and her expression turned serious.

"lI wanted to remind you about the anniversary party on Sunday. You haven't forgotten, have your Claire asked as

she unlocked her car.


Evelyn shook her head, "No, |

| |

remember. I'll be there. sil

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: |

traveling for thewerkénd Butt be

bRoKon SiRday in tfor the

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party?" Claire raised an eyebrow. "Are

: : [1

you taking Samantha wish you?" The

content is on novelenglish.net! Read

the latest chapter there!

replied. The trip is work-related. Sam will be hwith Maya"

"No" Evelyn frpl

"Well, Claire said thoughtfully, "I could stop by and keep an eye on her while you're away. If that's alright with


Earlyn's face lat up with relief. That would be wonderful.

1. d. Thank you. Mom"

11:26 AM

Chapter 29

Claire nodded. "Of course. Anything for my girls."

There was a brief silence, and then Claire's expression turned more serious. "Evelyn, have you reached out to

Sandy yet!"

Evelyn shifted uncomfortably. "No, | haven't"

"Why not?" Claire asked gently. "Did she do something to upset you?"

Evelyn shook her head, not meeting her mother's gaze. "No, she didn't. I'm just not ready to see anyone yet. I'm

still trying to settle in

Since when did Sandy become

anyone? Claire mused. And although

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she didn't buy what Evelyn had said,

n :

She hoades. | see. | just hope you

caround soon. Sandra misses

" q q

you," she said as she got into her car.

Evelyn nodded slowly. "I'm sure she does. I'll see her at the party," Evelyn said as she shut the door, and she

waved as Claire drove off

Evelyn took a deep breath, wondering how she would react when she eventually met Sandra again.


Would she be able to act like she knew nothing!