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The Billionaire's Unexpected Proposal by Samantha

Chapter 58
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Chapter 58

The next day, Derek walked into his office earlier than usual, his mind set on one thing- installing a security

camera in his office.

Seeing how Michael had been so interested in knowing why he thought Evelyn wasn't the culprit, he could tell

that Michael was thinking he had not seen the bug he planted in his office yet.

He had a feeling that now that Michael had gotten what he wanted and had succeeded in getting Evelyn away

from him, Michael would soon retum to remove the bug in order to get rid of evidence of foul play. He couldn't let

that happen. He needed proof. A definitive proof that Michael was the one behind the scandal. One he can

present to his parents and wouldn't have to explain further for them to understand. His chat with Michael the

previous night had given him enough reasons to agree with Evelyn that Michael and Sandra were up to

something and if he could show his parents proof of Michael's treachery, they would get the whole picture.

The moment he got in, he temporarily deactivated the bug in his office and no sooner had he settled down

before the man he had contacted for the job arrived. They got to work and Derek ensured that the camera was

hidden away from view and angled to capture his office perfectly.

After connecting it to his phone and testing the live feed to ensure it was working properly. Derek dismissed the


As he took a seat behind his desk, having accomplished his mission, Derek's mind drifted to Evelyn and he

rubbed the bridge of his nose.

Over the past few weeks, he had grown used to her presence in his office- The way she scowled and glared at

him whenever he said something inappropriate, the way she hid her smiles when he said or did something

amusing, the sound of her voice whenever they discussed, the way she occasionally glanced up at him with

those intense green eyes that spoke volumes without saying a word, her smile and how she'd try to keep him off


Derek found himself missing all of that now. He missed her so much and was determined to handle Michael as

fast as possible so he could have Evelyn back to his side where she belonged. He wondered if she was at the

office and and if she was thinking about him and missed working with

him too.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

He needed to talk to someone. He wished his best friend, Ethan, who was around. Ethan, who was a sailor was

away in the sea, and he had no idea when he would be back. Taking a deep breath, Derek forced himself to focus

on work, but just as he turned on his system, his office door burst open.

Derek raised his head to glare at whoever was at the door for walking in without knocking, but his scowl

transformed into a smile when he saw it was just the person he needed. Ethan his best friend.

be damned if it isn't the Pirate himself!" Derek exclaimed as he stood up to greet his best friend.

Ethan, looking rugged and weathered from his three months at sea, strode into the office with a wide grin on his

face. "Hey, buddy! Why do you look like you are about to cry from joy because I'm here?" Derek's smile

transformed into full-blown laughter as they exchanged a hearty handshake and a clap on the back.

"You might not believe this, but I was just thinking of you before you opened the door, Derek said and Ethan

chuckled as he dropped into the chair opposite Derek's desk.

"What exactly were you thinking about?" He asked as he watched Derek go around to get into his seat.

"I was wishing you were here. | just really needed someone to talk to, Derek said and Ethan shook his head.

"You know, this is the reason you need a woman in your life. We should get you a wife soop. It's high tyou

stopped pining for your mystery woman of six years ago, Ethan said and Derek smiled. "What if | told you I've

found her?" Derek asked and Ethan raised a brow

"You're kidding, right?" Ethan asked and Derek laughed.

"I'm not. Givea moment to ask my secretary to push back my appointments and I'll bring you up to date with

all that's happening." Derek said as he picked up his phone to give his secretary a call. "Do you want something!

Coffee?" Derek asked Ethan who was scanning the office.

"Yes, please," Ethan said and after instructing his Secretary to get them coffee and push back his appointment,

Derek focused on Ethan. SKUQ MM

Chapter 58

"So, how are you doing? How is work? What's.."

"We can talk about that later. I'm more interested in your news," Ethan said, and Derek chuckled thinking he was

talking about Evelyn.

"Her nis Evel."

"Not that. | got in last night and cto see you this early because my brother toldabout the news of your

adoption being made public and | wanted to check on you. What's up with that? Ethan asked and Derek rubbed

his eyes,

"Well, it's all related. It's connected to her," Derek explained and paused when his secretary y cto serve the


After she left. Derek went on to fill Ethan in on the situation with Evelyn, Michael, his parents desire for him to

marry Sandra, and the security camera he had just installed.

Ethan listened intently, his eyes narrowing as he processed the information. "Wow! This all sounds like

something out of a movie," Ethan said, and Derek nodded

"Yeah. I'm glad you're here. How long will you be staying this time?" Derek asked and Ethan shrugged.

"A month hopefully," he said and Derek smiled

"That's a relief," Derek said and Ethan held his gaze.

| p

I've got your back, mate. Don't worry


too much. We'll AN 40X hott of

ts gr pootéin ever Michael is

°. " .

scheming." Ethan promised. The

content is on novelenglish.net! Read

the latest chapter there!

"Thanks, man. I'm just so glad you're here right now!

I" [ : " q

You've said that already." Ethan said

PB 1 '

with a chuckle, "Anyway, I'm glad you

finally met your mystery lady andqve

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now know who shies (Why-don tyou

ON > p

tél ie Ne about her, huh?" Ethan

q 2 '

asked with a grin. Derek's face

warmed up as he thought about

n | :

Evelyn. "She's... different. Smart,

feisty, and beautiful. | miss her,


Ethan. | need to get her back." The

content is on novelenglish.net! Read

the latest chapter there!

Ethan nodded, a knowing glint in his

eye. Tim sure she will cback to

you after everything has been m

resolved. She js piosably staying

ON ~ :

apa base you are Michael's

cousin. | have a feeling Michael did

something to make her call off the

wedding, and maybe her stepsister is

involved too, Ethan said thoughtfully

as he sipped from his coffee. The

content is on novelenglish.net! Read

the latest chapter there!

. x

Derek nodded, "Yeah. I think so too."