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The Billionaire's Unexpected Proposal by Samantha

Chapter 76
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Chapter 78

After Derek's call with Evelyn, he paced around his room feeling restless. He had thought hearing from her would

make him miss her less, but it only increased his longing for her.

Derek decided to give Ethan a call so they could hangout together and take his mind off Evelyn. He dialed the

line and Ethan picked up after a few


"Hey, man!" Ethan greeted the moment he received the call

"What's up! Are you busy!" Derek asked casually.

"I'm hanging out with Melvin. His wife is pregnant. You won't believe the distance she is making us drive to go

get her spastries and cake. I've heard about pregnancy cravings, but this is wild. She insists she only wants

snacks from this bakery. If she wasn't carrying my nephew, | would leave Melvin to handle this alone," he said,

and Derek chuckled despite the pang of disappointment he felt.

"So, who's going to run such errands for your contract wife when she gets pregnant and you're away!" Derek

asked, and Ethan chuckled.

"That's why | have you and Melvin. You both will take care of her," Ethan said confidently.

"By the way, why did you call! Were you missing me?" He asked, and Derek snorted

"Nals. | called to check on you to see if you're feeling better considering how pissed you were last night," Derek

said, not wanting to tell Ethan the

reason he called

"Don't remindof that, please," Ethan stad with a scout and Derek chuckled.

"Alright. Talk to you later," Derek said before hanging up. He tossed his phone onto the bed and sighed.

Sitting an

around wasn't going to help. He needed to clear his head. Maybe sfresh air would do him good, he told

himself as he grabbed his car key and jacket and headed out

As Derek drove through the city, he found himself heading in a direction he hadn't intended, and before he knew

it, he was on the road leading to Evelyn's house.

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Knowing that Evelyn wouldn't appreciate him showing up at her doorstep, Derek drove down to the park close to

her house, that way if for any reason he caught a glimpse of her, he could say it was coincidence.

As he pulled into the parking lot, the sight of the green lawns and tall trees offered a small sense of relief.

Derek stepped out of the car, taking a deep breath of the cool evening air. The park was quieter than he

expected, with only a few families scattered around, kids playing on the swings, and couples walking hand in


As he walked along the path, he tried not to think about anything by focusing on all that was going on around


Suddenly, out of the comer of his eye, he spotted a small figure running towards him, her bright, happy voice

ringing through the air.

"Rek!" he heard and then turned, just in tto see Samantha racing toward him, her tiny arms outstretched.

A wide smile broke out on his face before he could stop it. He bent down just as she reached him, scooping her

up into a big hug while offering Maya who was coming behind her a curt nod. "Hey, Sam! | missed you, kiddo,"

Derek said, genuinely surprised by how much he had missed her and how happy he was to see her.

Samantha's blue eyes were wide with excitement, her small hands gripping his shoulders. "I missed you too,

Rek! Did you cto see me?" She asked, hoping he had cto the playground in search of her.

Derek chuckled, feeling a warmth in his chest that he hadn't felt all day. "I've missed seeing you too, Sam. | kept

going to the playground at the hotel, hoping I'd run into you there, but I didn't know you were here. I've been at

the hotel. That's where | stay, remember!" he asked and her lips formed a small 'o

Samantha smiled, glad that Rek hadn't forgotten her. "This is where | cnow," Samantha said, her voice

serious as if explaining something very important. "It's closer to our house. Why are you here if not to see me?"

she asked and Derek chuckled.

*| guess my heart ledto you, | was passing by and decided to check. Do you like it here?" Derek asked, while

Maya watched them.

Maya couldn't help but wonder what the connection was between Derek and Samantha and why Samantha

seemned so taken with him.


She wondered what Evelyn would think if she saw Samantha clinging to Derek that way, but then again, she

reminded herself that Evelyn knew about Derek already, since Samantha had told her about her friend called


Samantha shook her head at Derek's arstion, "I like it but I'm not having as much fun as | had with you the other

day. Can you chere to hang

12:15 PM 0

Chapter 78

to disappoint her, Derek glanced at Maya and then back at her.

out withoften?" she asked hopefully and not wanting to d

"I can cplay with you on Saturdays if your Mom is okay with it, and wouldn't mind," he said and Samantha


"Yes. She knows about you and she wont mind," Samantha said confidently, her eyes bright with excitement.

Derek glanced at Maya and the

f |

thought of her not being Samantha's

Mom crossed his mi grygainoAsT!

—- to ask her, he

1. ’ n H H

didn't want to be rude. "Pinky promise

. fi : I"

with me, so | know you're not lying,

Samantha said, breaking into his

thoughts.. The content is on

novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm


Derek couldn't help but laugh softly,

u : : : : u

Alright, alright. Pinky promise, He

said {sed hid Si with hers,

sEaling he deal, leaving Samantha to

rejoice happily. The content is on

novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!


Derek turned to Maya, "Can | have

your number? That way | can let you


know on days | gu poareto dome

. i . i}

PET (re

H 3 n n

hesitated. "Please," Samantha

pleaded, making a cute face, and

Maya reluctantly gave Derek her

number. The content is on

novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!

"Can we play a little now?" She asked, and Derek grinned.


"Sure," he said, happy to while away the twith his little friend.