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The Ceo’s Convict Wife by Jennifer Mike

Chapter 45
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Chapter 45

When the woman got even slightly closer to him, Jonathan felt disgusted. Sure enough, the feeling of holding

another woman was so much different than having Rosalie in his arms.

Walking to the rental home, Jonathan squatted down and took out the spare key from under the floor mat of the

front door. Rosalie preferred to put the spare key there, saying that even if she didn’t bring her key, there were no

worries about her being unable to enter her home.

Jonathan opened the door and saw that the light in the room was still on., Rosalie’s curvy figure was on a chair at

the table with her upper body sprawled on the table and her head tilted as she nodded off.

Jonathan looked at Rosalie’s sleeping face. Under the light, her face looked as serene and peaceful as a summer’s

day. His heart seemed to settle down when he saw her.

He raised his hand and gently flicked the hair lying across her cheek. It seemed like he wouldn’t tire of looking at

her like this for the rest of his life.

After a while, Jonathan bent down and carefully carried Rosalie up from the chair.

Even after he deliberately lightened his movements, he still woke her up. “Jon…” She groggily opened her eyes, and

her dazed beautiful eyes seemed to sparkle as they reflected the light in the room.

“Well, I’m back,” said Jonathan. “I’ll carry you back to bed. You can go back to sleep.”

As he spoke, he carried Rosalie toward the bedside.

She leaned her head against his arms and asked sleepily, “You… smell so good. It’s the smell of perfume, right…

Where have you been?”

“I had something to do today, so I went to a bar. Maybe the smell got on me when I was there,” explained Jonathan

as he placed her on the bed. “Go to sleep obediently, all right? I’ll go wash off the smell.”

Her eyelids were gradually drooping until they finally shut.

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After covering Rosalie with a quilt, Jonathan took off his clothes and went to the bathroom.

In the bathroom, he stood under the water and washed his body. The


perfume on him should be the smell of that woman who had been in the club just now.

The expensive perfume didn’t even smell as good as the soap in his hand because… It had the same smell as


It was as if his whole body was covered with Rosalie’s smell.

When Jonathan finished washing and walked out of the bathroom, he gazed at the woman lying in bed.

He bent down slightly, and the tip of his nose got closer to her, sniffing the smell on Rosalie’s body.

“Rosalie, when should I let you know who I am? Or should I let you rely on me more all the time until you can’t bear

to be apart from me? At that time, even if you found out who I am, you will still stay with me, right?” murmured

Jonathan. There was only each other’s breathing and heartbeat in the narrow room.

It was a rare occasion when it was Rosalie’s turn for an off day on the weekend, so Lillian took Rosalie shopping.

They hadn’t gone shopping for a long time. Rosalie felt like she had returned to the past when she hung out with


It was just like before everything had gone wrong in her life. During those times, Rosalie would often take Lillian

shopping on weekends. Those beautiful memories of her worry–free life flashed through her mind.

“By the way, where is Jon? Do you understand more about him now? For example, where is his hometown? Who

are his family members and stuff?” asked Lillian. In short, Lillian’s biggest worry was that Rosalie would meet a


“All I know is that his father had passed away, and his mother seemed to have left them. He didn’t say anything

else, nor did I ask,” said Rosalie smilingly.

“Are you an idiot? Why haven’t you asked more about him? You should at least know what he was doing before

this!” Lillian said.

Rosalie smiled faintly and said, “What’s the point in knowing what he used to do before this? In the past, I thought

Zachary and I knew each other well. I knew about his family background, the school he had studied at since

childhood, Zachary’s license plate number, and even his social security number. I knew everything about him

clearly, yet I didn’t seem to have seen through what kind of person he was.”


Lillian bit her lips and said, “I’m sorry.”

“What is there to be sorry about?” said Rosalie as she laughed. “It has nothing to do with you. I know you are

worried about me, but I don’t care about that right now. Besides, if he doesn’t want to tell me and makes up some

lies to evade me, what would be the point in asking then?”

“Forget about it. Come with me to buy some clothes. I need to buy a business suit I can wear when I meet with

clients. The boss of our design. institute insists that I wear formal clothes when meeting clients,” Lillian complained

while pulling Rosalie into a big store next to them.

In Lillian’s words, she just wanted to check out more styles without paying any money and then buy something she

could afford.

Rosalie stood in the store and could feel the store assistant’s eyes on her. Rosalie’s cheap clothes were somehow

incompatible with the store’s image.

“Huh? It turned out to be you. How can a person like you enter this store too? It’s like you are pulling down the

classiness of the store.” A voice sounded in the shop. Rosalie looked up and saw two familiar figures.

One was Yvette, and the other was Zachary’s sister Zendaya.

At this moment, they were wearing expensive luxury clothing and carrying bags of famous brands, looking at her

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with disdain.

Zendaya was especially dissatisfied with Rosalie when she thought of Zachary’s warning to her that day.

After seeing Zendaya and Yvette, the store assistant immediately greeted them enthusiastically, “Ms. Hamilton, Ms.

Xanthos, a new batch of clothes were just stocked into our store recently. Do you want to look at them and see if

anything suits you? Some of them were showcased and received rave reviews at the International Fashion Show.”

“Let’s have a look then,” Zendaya said, and then she smiled at Rosalie maliciously. “Rosalie, do you want to try on

the clothes too? But I’m afraid you can’t afford the things here even if you save for a year with your current salary.

I can’t believe a sanitary worker dares to enter this kind of store.”

After hearing the words “sanitary worker,” the other assistants in the store looked at Rosalie with surprise, and their

gazes became even more contemptuous.

“What’s wrong with being a sanitary worker?” asked Lillian, who was


looking at the clothes on the other shelves before. When she heard the commotion over here, she immediately

rushed over. Lillian snapped at Zendaya, “Is there any law stipulating that a sanitary worker can’t enter this store to

look at clothes?”

“The question is, can you afford it?” Zendaya said disdainfully. “You are just a sanitary worker. You only want to

make trouble by coming into this store to check out the clothes.”

Then, she looked at the store assistant beside her and asked, “Shouldn’t you ask people who come here to make

trouble to leave?”

Zendaya was a frequent customer here. The store assistants here usually flattered the daughter of the Xanthos

family. Hence, one of the

supervisors went up to Rosalie and Lillian and said, “If you aren’t buying any clothes, please leave first.”

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