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The Divorced Heiress’s Revenge

Chapter 2220
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Justin clenched his teeth tightly and sprinted as fast as he could.

He was charging so quickly that the bramble of sharp branches sliced against his cheeks, but he could not be bothered about the minor cuts.

He kept running to the point where his legs had been conditioned to run ahead mechanically.

The only thing that kept him going forward was his conviction to rescue Bella.

Justin could not tell how long he had been running. By the the arrived at the entrance of the villa, his legs were trembling underneath him. Even a gentle breeze was enough to make his tall and striking figure sway.

Anyone else would havepletely expired by this point and lay crumpled on the ground without the strength to get up again. There were no guards stationed outside the villa. It was eerily quiet.

Justin took a deep breath and clenched his gun tightly.

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His leather boots tapped against the white stone floor as he began to advance toward the door.

With a grave look in his eyes, Justin vigilantly pushed the door open and stepped into the luxurious living room.

His heartbeat accelerated rapidly. He had never been in such an extrstate of focus and tension.

That was when he caught a distinct scent.

It was something primal that could only be explained as intuition.

Only the most elite soldiers who had honed their natural senses and were professionally trained could develop such an acute ability to gauge the level of threat surrounding them.

Suddenly, he caught a faint glimpse of light flashing across the room.

Bang! Without waiting for the assassin lurking in the dark to make the first move, Justin initiated first.

He knew he had to conserve his bullets, so he only fired a single shot. It was a direct hit against the sniper's forehead, whose lifeless body tipped over the railing on the second floor and fell down.

Bang! Bang! Two more gunshots rang out. Justin dodged just in tfor the bullets to hit the ground at his feet.

He pranced around in the living room, using the table, wall, cabs, and whatever he could as cover from the lurking snipers.

In the blink of an eye, the living room had transformed into a "dance floor".

Soon, more than a dozen bodies sprawled everywhere.

Justin was drenched in sweat. He clenched his jaw to sharpen his focus and swapped the magazine within two seconds. "Justin! Save me!" Suddenly, he heard Bella's prating cry echo through the concrete walls of the living room.

"Bella!" His bloodshot pupils shrank as he felt his blood rush to his head.

"Justin... Save me... Getout of here!" Bella's anguished cries cut into his heart like a sharp dagger, as if he was being skinned alive.

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His chest rose and fell heavily with every drag of breath he took. His head throbbed from abination of agitation and heartache, and his vision blurred in an instant.

Whoosh! "Ugh!" Justin was thrown off by Bella's sudden cry, so he lost his focus in the heat of the moment. A sniper took advantage of the split second and managed to land a shot on his left shoulder.

A burst of red blood gushed out from the wound, followed by a searing pain that ran across Justin's body. All the color drained from his face in an instant, and he nearly slumped over.

His left shoulder had once sustained a serious injury when he was rescuing Bella in South Island.

This bullet plunged viciously into the sspot. Mere words could not describe the pain.

However, he had no tto care about the pain. He fired three scattered shots in the direction where the bullet cfrom. The final foe was gunned down right then and there.

"Heh... Hahaha!" This time, it was no longer Bella's frantic cry but Christopher's familiar and sinister sneer. His voice was rabid, filled with angst and madness. "I knew it! The only way to get to you is by using Bella. She is the only one that can throw you out of your focus and disorient you. I should have used her against you first. That way I wouldn't have lost a dozen of my men." The voice he heard just now was not Bella's.

It was Christopher who used an intricate device to fabricate Bella's voice. It was just as he claimed, Bella was Justin's only weakness. She was the only one who could distract him! He had walked right into the trap.

"Christopher, you sneaky rat! Quit hiding in the darkness ande out here to face me!" Despite blood-still oozing out of the fresh wound on his shoulder, Justin stood upright andposed himself, You have been hiding in the darkness all your life. Are you still going to keep doing that at such a critical moment?e on out and settle this once and for all "I was with Bella just now, so I didn't have tto deal with you." Christopher smiled mockingly. "That's why I had my men arrange a wee ceremony for you. How was it? Did you like it?" The sheer mention of "I was with Bella" made every nerve and muscle twitch inside Justin's body. All his veins bulged to the surface as he roared. "Christopher! Give Bella back to me!"