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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride

Chapter 1904
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A cold laugh cut off Boyd’s words.

Both Boyd and Serana turned their heads in unison.

Yasmine strolled out of the bedroom, her face adorned with a lingering smile, but that smile, no matter

how you looked at it, was chilly.

Boyd’s brows furrowed with irritation at the sight of her changed attire.

“Why did you come out?” he asked.

“Am I not allowed?” Yasmine replied with a smile, “Aren’t you tired, Boyd? Must you meddle in

everything? Is it really your business to approve or disapprove of who she dates?”d2

Boyd rubbed his temples and let out a sigh, “Yasmine, don’t start.”

“Who’s starting anything?” She walked over to the couch and pulled on her coat, “I just happened upon

your argument, and well, I’m not exactly a stranger to you. Got me thinking, I might as well share some

of my own confusion.”

“I’ve always been a go-with-the-flow kind of person, too comfortable with the status quo, rarely

bothering to think too deeply. That’s probably why I don’t like to preach, and honestly, my values might

be a bit askew. My current conundrum involves a few people and I figured I might as well sort it out.

And if it turns out I’m the one causing a fuss…”

She paused, chuckled, and slipped on her coat, fixing her hair as she looked at Boyd. “You haven’t

answered my question. Serana isn’t your long-lost sister, nor has she risked her life for you. Yet you’re

buying her a house, taking care of her education, all under the guise of lifelong friendship. Fine, I’ll

accept that explanation. But now I’m puzzled why you’re so adamantly against her dating someone.

What’s got you so worked up?”

Serana finally understood the subtext of Yasmine’s words, “Yasmine, it’s not what you think.”

Yasmine silenced her with a gesture, “As things stand, your relationship with him isn’t at a point where

you can speak on his behalf.”

Serana bit her lip, looking conflicted.

Yasmine’s gaze shifted slowly to Boyd, “Why so quiet? Did my question stump you?”

She fastened her coat and slipped her slender fingers into her pockets, her eyes fixed on his frosty

face, her voice light and breezy, “Or is it that you’re also questioning the answer?”

Boyd spoke coldly, “No.”

Yasmine raised an elegant eyebrow, “Then tell me, why does Serana’s new boyfriend bother you so


“Because he’s not trustworthy.”

“I see.” Yasmine nodded, “So, who do you think is trustworthy?”

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She took two steps toward him, her lips parting slightly as she whispered, “You?”

Boyd’s brow furrowed deeply. “What nonsense are you spouting?!”

“It’s over.”

The same serene, radiant face of Yasmine, the same calm voice.

Boyd narrowed his eyes, scrutinizing her for a long moment until he was certain the words he’d heard

were indeed from Yasmine’s lips. His response was sharp, “I don’t agree.”

“I didn’t ask for your opinion.” Yasmine turned to Serana, “There’s no need to settle for just any man to

put my mind at ease.”

Serana turned pale. So, Yasmine had seen right through her.

“I didn’t… I just wanted a normal relationship.”

“You just wanted an excuse to stay by his side with a clear conscience.”

Serana was at a loss for words. She’d always known Yasmine was smart, but now she realized she

had still underestimated her.

“What’s your true character, Boyd knows, and you claim to understand him better than anyone. So why

bother showing me sincerity with tactics you know Boyd will see through? What’s the point?”

Yasmine wasn’t really seeking an answer. As her words hung in the air, she turned and left without

looking back, her departure as resolute and chilling as her silhouette.

Boyd wanted to reach out to hold her, but Yasmine coldly retorted, “I think the only good way for you to

end this now is allowing me to leave. It’s clear that I don’t want to hear anything you have to say at the


Boyd’s hand froze in mid-air. Yasmine walked up to the door, changed her shoes and left without any

hesitation. Her decisive silhouette, moving away, sent chills down one’s spine.

Boyd’s face turned an ashen shade of frustration as he ran a hand through his hair.

Serana stood there, pallid, trembling at the sight of Boyd’s mood. “Boyd, I didn’t mean…”

Although Yasmine suggested that Serana’s sudden need for a boyfriend was just to give Yasmine

peace of mind, Serana didn’t just want Yasmine to worry about staying close to Boyd. She wanted to

reassure Yasmine that she posed no threat.

“I truly didn’t have any other intentions.”

Boyd shut his eyes, haunted by the soft-spoken words Yasmine had left him with.

It was over.

She never really considered whether he agreed or not. It seemed she had always been this way, doing

as she pleased when happy.

After a long separation, she could easily resume their friendship. When he expressed a desire to be

with her, she accepted him just as effortlessly. And when she was unhappy, she could find any flawed

reason to justify herself.

She was still the same as she was when they were kids. Exactly the same. Even their parting was as

clean and heartless as before.

His head throbbed with the weight of the moment, yet there stood Serana.

“Get back to your life if there’s nothing else.”

Serana bit her lip hard, her heart in turmoil, “Boyd, I really never thought things would get to this point. I

never intended to come between you. But… Yasmine was bothered by my presence, and I knew she’d

been upset with you because of me. I had no choice but to think of this.”

“I always felt you wouldn’t waste your time on that kind of man. If it’s truly your choice, it’s not my place

to interfere, but you shouldn’t force yourself to appease me or to put her at ease. She’s too clever.”

The sound stopped abruptly, like a sudden realization had flickered across Boyd’s mind, and a short

laugh escaped his lips, “Yeah, she’s so sharp. That’s why at dinner, she didn’t say a single word of

congratulations to you.”

From the get-go, that woman had seen right through everything. And he thought he was the only one

who could see so clearly.

Serana had nothing to say; she knew only one thing: things had gone south. At this moment, anything

she said would be wrong. If it was not a solution, it was just idle talk.

“You better head back.” Boyd was clearly irritated. He never expected things to unravel like this.

Serana hesitated for a moment but still asked, “What about Yasmine? What should we do about her?”

Boyd’s eyes snapped open, his gaze icy, “Don’t meddle in things that aren’t your business.”

Startled by his tone, Serana clasped her hands in front of her and, biting her lip, turned and scurried


Boyd slumped on the couch, his knuckles pressed against his brow as he rubbed fiercely, looking

utterly defeated.

Yasmine came home in the afternoon, her demeanor utterly composed. The apartment was spotless.

She changed into her pajamas, flipped back the covers, and slid straight into bed.

It’s like nothing had happened at all.

That was her way—unassuming in joy, and just as unaffected in sorrow.

She wasn’t known for a sunny disposition, but she never lost her cool. Sometimes she’d offer a frosty

glare, throw out a biting remark, and at others, she’d just flash a lazy smile that hid barbs beneath its

surface. She didn’t seem threatening, but her impact was not to be underestimated.

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Looking at her now, as indifferent as if the breakup had been with someone else entirely. Maybe there

was a reason people said she was heartless. She simply didn’t want to dwell on the bad stuff. If it was

a downer, dwelling would only make it worse.

Besides, it was a waste of time. She was the one who called it quits. Was she supposed to lock herself

away and wallow in melodramatic despair?

Hardly seemed necessary.

Plus, she was full, thirsty, and dead tired. She had no energy to curl up in a corner and mourn the


At dinner time, there was a knock at her door. She had slept through the entire afternoon. Groggily

getting up, she glanced at the darkening sky outside before opening the door.

Derek stood there, his brow furrowed as he took in her obvious just-woke-up appearance. “Skipping

class to sleep?”

Yasmine leaned against the door frame. “What’s up?”

Derek pursed his lips. “Have you eaten?”Books Chapters Are Daily Updated Join & Stay Updated for

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She straightened up, and Derek continued. “Did you really just sleep all afternoon?”

Yasmine’s eyebrows knit together as she walked towards the dining area, “What else? What are you

getting at?”

Derek followed her, “Boyd’s downstairs. Heard he’s been waiting for like four or five hours. I mean, a

little tiff between boyfriend and girlfriend is normal, but you gotta watch the limits, right? You don’t want

to end up regretting it. So, what’s the deal with you two?”

By this time, Yasmine had reached the dining room and pulled out a chair to sit down. “Hm, we broke


Derek’s grip on his chair halted abruptly, his eyes widened in disbelief at Yasmine. “You… what did you


Yasmine repeated patiently, “I broke up with him.”

“Broke up?!”

His voice raised unintentionally, drawing Bryson and Aliza’s attention.

“What… what happened? You’re joking, right? Why so sudden?” Derek continued, but quietly slid

another chair away, putting a space between him and Yasmine, before sitting down.

“Do breakups need to be scheduled on a specific lucky day now?”

Derek shook his head, “No, but… Boyd’s waiting for you downstairs.”

“Does him waiting mean I have to go out?”