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The First Heir by Master Yu Who Smokes

Chapter 267
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Chapter 267

Philip’s gaze fell upon the red Ferrari behind Finn! If he gave that car to Wynn, she would not have to take public transport to

work anymore. That would save her so much effort. With that thought in mind, Philip smiled with certainty. However, the people

around him looked at him as though he was a fool. Did the guy hit his head on something? “What did he just say?

He wants to race Master Finn? And if he wins, he wants Master Finn to apologize and give him the car?” “Well, damn! The guy’s

got balls. Doesn’t he know who Master Finn is?” “The provincial three-time champion!”

Many onlookers broke out laughing, jeering at Philip and feeling sorry for him. The pauper really

thought he could beat the prince. Finn was scoffing heartlessly as well. He did not expect the friend

Melody brought to be so unaware of his own capabilities. The man wanted a race with Finn? That was

suicidal! “Haha, friend, I think you messed up there. If you’d just apologized like a good boy, I might

have let you go. But what you just said got on my nerves.” Finn’s lips curved into a cold smile, his gaze


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He poked Philip’s chest with a finger, saying fiercely, “What right do you have to challenge me?!” F*ck!

The nerve of the motherf*cker! How dare he issue Finn a challenge? Besides, he wanted Finn to

apologize and give up the car? Was he an idiot? Frederick and the others wanted to see the world burn

too. They stared at Philip maliciously and taunted him, “C’mon, buddy.

No offense, but there has to be a limit to your jokes. Master Finn here is the provincial champion, and

he’s joining an international race later in the year. The Asian Le Mans Series, heard of it? He’ll even be

an F1 racer next year.

Seriously, how could a piece of filth like you have the balls to brag in front of our Master Finn?” As they

spoke, Frederick and the others looked at the cold-faced Melody. What a joke. Even if Melody wanted

to turn down Finn, she should have found someone decent. Melody was quite pissed now herself. She

abruptly grabbed Philip’s arm and said crossly, “What are you doing, Philip? You’re crazy! Finn is the

best racer here, and he’s the record holder at this track too. There’s no one faster than him! You’re

purposely getting me in trouble here, aren’t you? What the hell, man! Shut up and stand aside!” Melody

was very unhappy right now. She was now absolutely certain that her father had misjudged Philip

Clarke. How impressive could a man like that be? Yet her old man praised him to high heavens. “Finn,

he’s him, and I’m me. His promise has nothing to do with me. I don’t accept your terms. Bye,” Melody

said to Finn, annoyed, and then tried to jump into her car. However, Frederick and the others clearly

were not going to let her go so easily. They simply blocked her way and forced her to stay. “What are

you guys doing? Get out of my way!” Melody was very angry now, pouting her adorable little mouth.

Her chest rose and fall as well, and she turned around to glare at Finn furiously. “What is the meaning

of this, Finn?” Finn smiled at her gently. “Patience, Mel. Since he issued a challenge against me, and

since you said he’s your boyfriend, how could I not take him up on his terms?” As he said that, Finn

turned around and looked at Philip with endless confidence. “How do you want to do this?” Philip

rubbed his chin and said calmly, “Since you’re the record holder, let’s make it a race of speed.” “Sure,”

Finn said with a laugh. He was brimming with confidence.

Six minutes and twenty-seven seconds! He held the record of the shortest time to complete the track!

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The second-place time was more than a minute slower than his! That was Finn’s true skill! Almost

everyone here knew Finn. All of them were his fans. Within three minutes, everyone at the

Dragonstone Mountain knew that someone was challenging Finn to a race, trying to beat him in speed

at a track he knew like the back of his hand.

“Whoa, seriously? The guy must be masochistic.” “People these days will do anything to act cool. Didn’t he at least try to find out

who Finn is before that?” “Think of it as a hazing, then. But that guy definitely has some balls.

It’s been such a long time since anyone dared to challenge Finn.” Everyone at the track gathered together and discussed the

event enthusiastically. It was going to be a very uneven match. Of course, no one had any hopes for Philip.

He reeked of poverty. See, he did not even f*cking know how to put on a racing suit. He needed help from the staff. Many people

were even starting to wonder if he was here as a joke. The news of Philip’s challenge against Finn took off the wind, and soon

everyone knew about it. There were even many people who were not on the scene, but who streamed to the track from all parts

of Riverdale just to watch! It was a really big deal! Philip Clarke was challenging the legendary racer, Finn Gerald!