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The First Heir by Master Yu Who Smokes

Chapter 381
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Chapter 381

Joel’s head was pressed down, but he still yelled, “Let go of me, Clarke!”

However, Philip pressed him down harder rather than letting go, his eyes cold as he said, “You asked for it, Harris!” Joel kept

wailing and whining,

“How dare trash like you touch me, Clarke! I’ll get someone to kill you, believe you me!” This was so embarrassing! In front of

Wynn, no less! He was being subjugated by a wimp like Philip, and he could not even fight back. “Kill me? You?” Philip said with

a cold laugh. Joel probably did not know what happened in the hall during the party tonight, huh. Otherwise he would never have

the guts to say that! Next to them, Wynn was also a little frightened by Philip’s act of violence. She was angry at Joel for trying to

molest her earlier, but they were still friends in a way. If the two men really got into a fight, Philip would come out of it worse. As

the saying went, the winner went to the station and the loser went to the hospital. That was exactly the situation right now. That

was why Wynn was worried that Philip would get carried away. She hurriedly grabbed his arm and said, “Let go, Philip. Don’t get

yourself in trouble.” Philip’s gaze turned cold. The fury was still burning in his chest, so he let go but added another vicious kick

for good measure, barking, “I’m warning you, Joel Harris! If you try anything with my wife again, I can end you and your career in

an instant!” Joel straightened up and rubbed his stomach, wiping the blood that was seeping out from the corner of his mouth. He

looked at Philip coldly and laughed.

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“You sure think highly of yourself, Philip. How could trash like you threaten me? Do you really think I

don’t know about your little secret? Your mother-in-law told me everything. Wynn’s wasted on trash like

you!” Joel did not expect Philip to show up here and get in his way. He nearly had her. “What did she

say?” Philip’s expression hardened and he looked at Joel coolly.

What nonsense was Martha spewing about him now? “Haha.” Joel chuckled coldly and looked at

Wynn, saying, “You don’t know this, Wynnie, but your husband is an utter embarrassment. He was out

there impersonating Master Clarke from Clarke Group, running a con when I bumped into him at it.

Aunt Martha told me that he’s always been like that too. Seriously, what’s there for you to like about a

man like that?” Wynn blinked and turned to look at Philip. He was impersonating Master Clarke? “What

does he mean?”

Wynn asked suspiciously. Philip glanced at Joel and then looked at Wynn with full seriousness, saying,

“Don’t listen to his nonsense, Wynn. I don’t have to impersonate anybody, because I am Master Clarke

from Clarke Group.” At this rate, he might as well just say it. Haha! Joel burst out laughing, irony written

all over his face. Pointing at Philip, he jeered, “Still pretending? If you really are Master Clarke, why are

you here? You should be inside right now, drinking with the higher-ups. If you really are Master Clarke,

why would you be so useless? Stop pretending, Philip. It’s embarrassing to look at!” Wynn looked at

Philip uncertainly when she heard that. Should she believe him? Philip was exasperated as well. He

turned to Yolanda and said, “Tell them who I am, Yolanda.” Yolanda sauntered up to them, wagging her

hips. Right in front of Wynn, she grabbed Philip’s arm and said, “It doesn’t matter who Philip is. You

should divorce him, Wynn.

After all, you’re a loose hussy too, getting into another man’s car in the middle of the night and doing

those unspeakable things. I saw everything, you know.” Well, f*ck! Yolanda was such a scheming b*tch.

She just refused to say who Philip was. “Lies!” Wynn grew anxious. What if Philip actually began to

believe Yolanda’s slander? “Lies, you say? I saw you two hugging with my own two eyes!” Yolanda

puffed up her cheeks and looked at Philip seriously, saying, “You gotta believe me, Philip, I really saw


Wynn is lying to you, she was clearly in this man’s arms earlier. I saw them with my own eyes!” Philip

was properly frustrated now, the embers of rage in his heart reigniting. He glared at Wynn and asked,

“Is she telling the truth?” The scene he had witnessed earlier was already ticking him off.

Yolanda’s statement only added oil to the flames, and his jealousy immediately exploded in his chest. Wynn desperately shook

her head, saying with a sob, “No, I didn’t do any of that! She’s lying.” She turned to Joel and said anxiously, “Tell him, Joel! Tell

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him we didn’t do anything just now!” As if Joel would explain anything. This was exactly what he wanted to happen. He simply

chuckled and said, “So you really are worthless, Philip. You can’t even keep a hold on your wife! You’ll be a good-for-nothing until

the day you die!” Bam! As soon as he said that… Philip lashed out his leg into another kick! This time, Joel was sent flying. He

crashed into the Aston Martin’s windshield and shattered the glass! After that, he rolled into the floor and groaned in agony. “You

really asked for this, Harris!” Philip was enraged. He shook Yolanda off and strode up to Joel, pulling the latter up by the collar.

Smack! Smack! He slapped Joel a few times until the latter’s mouth filled with blood, but Joel still grinned creepily, shouting,

“Useless! Cuckold!” “Stop fighting!” Wynn panicked and tried to stop the two of them! However, Philip was furious right now.

He waved her off and sent her falling a few steps back. Yolanda was also smiling coldly. She raised her hand and slapped Wynn

across the face, barking, “Hussy! How could Philip have married a sl*t like you? You two-faced b*tch, you cheated on him!”

Yolanda was extremely pleased right now. The more chaotic things got, the better. “What the hell are you doing?!” When Philip

heard that, he turned around furiously and saw Yolanda slapping Wynn. He then leaped to his feet in rage and smacked Yolanda

across the cheek, glaring at her viciously! “Are you alright, Wynn?” At the end of the day, Philip was still very concerned about


However, Wynn’s eyes were now filled with tears, especially when she saw the red kiss mark on Philip’s cheek. Her heart burst

with emotion. “Y-You two…” Wynn turned around and ran away, her face in her hands as she wept. Although Yolanda was

holding her cheek and acting sorry for herself, she was actually sniggering away inwardly. It worked, it worked! She managed to

dethrone Wynn as Mrs. Clarke! The two of them would be hard-pressed to undo this misunderstanding now.