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The Heiress’ Return: Six Brothers at Her Beck and Call

Chapter 455
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Chapter 455 Sibling Partnership The third candidate on the screen was Horace Barlowe, a middle-aged surgeon. He was a bespectacled man with plain looks and of average height. But most importantly, he boasted an exceptional track record as a doctor.

The viewers mused in their comments, "The second and third candidates seem to be the best in the arsenal." The fourth candidate was Yvonne, whose information revealed that she majored in media communications. There was nothing particularly interesting about her until she declared loudly, "Pick me, Kina! I'll help you win!" Yvonne's shout-out only put unwanted attention on Tobias.

Zane pointed out somewhat sarcastically, "Your fans sure are enthusiastic, Mr. Quinnell. Not everyone.

can participate in Ultimate Survival, you know." Once the audience heard this, they would think the production team was swayed by Tobias when it cto choosing their candidates.

The keyboard warriors began to attack Tobias. "Pretty boys from the slow class should just stay hinstead of embarrassing themselves on Ultimate Survival. An infatuated fanbase won't help your stupidity.

Before the discourse could take root in the comment section, the fifth candidate and her information appeared on the screen, causing everyone's jaw to drop open.

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Wynter Quinnell was the nof the fifth candidate, a young woman who was in a vocational school. "Vocational school? Are you serious? How did she even make it as a candidate?" a belligerent viewer demanded.

"No way. I thought Ultimate Survival had better standards than this,” another said.

"What's a vocational student doing here? She's got to be a masochist." "She's dead weight to anyone who picks her!" Oliver and Zane were taken aback by the production crew's decision to include someone like Wynter, whose experience was underwhelming, to say the least.

Then again, with Tobias getting the last pick, this could work out in their favor.

All the other celebrity guests had to do was single out the fifth candidate for Tobias. He could kiss goodbye to his image after the season finished its run, and his career would be over! Oliver and Zane exchanged a knowing look as the thought crossed their mind. They each made their own decision.

Without hesitation, Zane walked up and chose the popular influencer, Cecilia Cell, as his partner. Chapter 455 Sibling Partnership 2/2 Oliver cup after him and selected Horace.

Aimee weighed the situation at hand and stepped forward to choose the first candidate, Joshua, Being the fourth to choose, Yvonne didn't expect Lucy to choose her.

Lucy was behaving strangely, but she wasn't so distracted that she would pick a vocational school student as her partner for this challenge.

Competition was fierce in the entertainment industry, and those in showbiz had long since mastered the quiet art of manipulation.

Now that everyone had taken their pick save for Tobias, he was forced to pick the fifth candidate, Wynter.

"Oh, man. Kina's doomed. His chances of winning the gwill depend on whether Lucy and her chosen candidate successfully pair up," a viewer commented.

"Three pairs have matched successfully, which means the fourth candidate could be the key to turning the tables for Kina," another chimed in.

Yvonne had yet to pick Lucy and was still waiting anxiously for Tobias' decision.

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Normally, Tobias could wait until Yvonne had made her pick before he chose his partner. However, he didn't think there was anything wrong with choosing Wynter. If anything, he thought fate had quite the sense of humor after he saw that Wynter shared his last name.

Without waiting for Yvonne's decision. Tobias stepped up and selected Wynter as his partner. His decisiveness and calmness earned the audience's approval.

"Not bad," someone commented. "I would have rolled my eyes if he'd hesitated." "True. He gets a bad rap sometimes, but I think Kina proved himself to be better than that in this show," another viewer said.

"Con, that was hot! We love a decisive man!" someone cheered.

Zane and Oliver had been waiting to sneer at Tobias. They were om anticipating him to falter after being forced to choose an inexperienced and hopeless candidate.

What they hadn't expected was for him to make his decision so quickly. It was as if he hadn't considered his image or career at all. He even won over the audience. Tobias did not think much of his decision at all. This was just a job, and at any rate, he had a contractual obligation to perform well on this show.

However, he had his reason for being so cavalier-his youngest sister might see him on television.