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The Luna Choosing Game by Jane Above Story

Chatper 278
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hapter 0278


My mind would not let me rest at all that night. My body was at rest, finding comfort in knowing Piper was safe and

within reach. But my thoughts constantly reminded me that soon, when the competition ended, Piper would be

gone from my side.

Soon, I wouldn’t be able to protect her.

Tonight had just been a shadow of that future. I had very nearly been too late. If Julian hadn’t given Piper that

pendant… If she hadn’t been able to press it…

How close we came to disaster.

A pendent like that wouldn’t matter soon enough. When Piper was gone from the palace, neither Julian nor I would

be able to come to her rescue.

I had to make sure she was in a position to properly defend herself. I had promised to help restore her wolf to her,

which would help her defend herself. But I had to do one better.

I had to take down Terry, to make sure he would never be able to hurt Piper or anyone else ever again.

All night, I stayed up and plotted. We had the letter that implicated Terry was directly connected to the underground

organization. But that might not be enough.

Before I went to the King, I needed as much evidence as possible.

At the first sight of the approaching dawn, I carefully rolled Piper away from me and slipped out of bed. With luck, I

would complete my task and be back before she would wake. She had a long day the day before. I imagined she

would sleep for a long time.

I quickly dressed then left my rooms. I walked down the hallways to where I knew the camera crews and producers

gathered each morning. I asked Mark to meet me on the way.

Mark was exhausted, but obliged. He left Elva’s protection in the hands of our most trusted guards and met me in

the hallway.

I had text him updates sporadically the night before. From that, and our friendship, I had no doubt he could discern

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

the seriousness of the situation.

When we met, he didn’t say anything, didn’t even greet me. He just nodded. I nodded in return, and we continued

on together.

We entered the crew’s room without knocking. Everyone startled, seeing me, and rushed to

bow and show deference.

I waved away their concerns. “I’m looking for the footage from last night.”



One of the producers helped me. They had set up a series of monitors in the corner of the room where they always

reviewed the previous night’s footage the next day. Most of the event was shown live to the public, but they were

collecting the best moments to be released in a future compilation.

Unfortunately, they had not collected footage of Terry’s private tour with Piper.

“Terry had very specific rules about what we were allowed to film,” the producer said. “I felt we were walking on

eggshells all night.”

I understood. “I assume you have footage of the dinner.”

“We do.” The producer scrolled through the timeline, skipping back to the dinner, where there was direct evidence

of Terry’s excessive flirtations with both Piper and Susie.

Beside me, Mark suddenly tensed. I had told him about Terry’s behavior toward Piper, but I had failed to mention

Susie’s involvement. A mistake, I know realized.

As the footage progressed, Mark began to growl low in his throat. Mark was usually quiet and reserved. I had never

seen him lose his patience or his temper. With Susie, he seemed as protective as I was with Piper.

“We’ll bring him down,” I whispered to Mark. Mark looked at me, searching. Whatever he saw in me helped calm

him down. My sincerity, perhaps. Or my determination.

To the producer, I said, “I need a copy of this footage. Now.”

The producer rushed to comply.

I saved a chunk of it to my phone, and the rest to a flash drive. Then I split with Mark and walked to the King’s

personal chambers. Nathan opened the door for me.

Today’s Bonus Offer





Chapter 0279

The King and Queen were sitting at their table, eating breakfast.

“Nicholas?” the King said when he saw me. “You look like hell.”

“I have reason.” I walked to him and showed him the footage on my phone.

The King watched it all with a furrow in his brow.

“Terry’s behavior last night was beyond inappropriate,” I said. “He made Piper, Susie, and many of the other girls


My mother scoffed. “He’s always been a flirt, Nicholas. You know that. I’m sure those girls are being oversensitive.”

“He tried to feel up Piper under the table,” I said, trying to keep my voice steady and calm. Losing my temper never

worked with my parents.

“And you have footage of that?” the Luna asked.

No, I didn’t. None of the camera angles caught Terry’s movements under the table. I grit my teeth, holding in my


“Piper said ”

“And we accept the word

of a commoner over that of nobility?” the Luna asked.

I gripped the back of the chair I stood behind. Anything to keep me from throwing something

across the room.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“There is merit to her concerns,” I said, gesturing to my cell phone still in the King’s hands. ” The footage shows – ”

“Piper is too sensitive. And this other girl, Susie, was it?” The Luna cut into her breakfast so hard her knife scraped

across the plate. “She’s that quiet one, right? I imagine she’s much the same. A Luna would have to be able to

reject men’s advances without becoming offended…”

“This wasn’t just advances,” I said, my voice lowering despite my best efforts. “Terry tried to



The Luna lowered her cutlery abruptly, making a clatter. “Don’t you dare bring such vulgarities to my breakfast


“Dear,” the King said to her and she huffed out a breath. To me, he said, “That is quite the accusation, Nicholas. Do

you have proof?”

“The shackle marks marring Piper’s wrists and ankles speak for themselves. And I saw for myself when I burst into

the room…”


The Luna narrowed her gaze. “It was consensual, no doubt. But when you caught them in the act, she had to

pretend otherwise, lest she be accused of breaking the rules.”

The wood of the chair under my hands began to splinter. “That is not true.”

“You have never liked your uncle,” the Luna said. “You are conspiring with that brat against him.”

“Dear,” the King said again, more forcefully.

She lowered her fiery gaze back to her breakfast.

“Nicholas,” the King said to me. “You must know that I need more than this to accuse my wife’s most admired


“This isn’t all he has done,” I said. “This is only the beginning.”


I reached into my jacket pocket and produced the letter from Hawk to Terry. I passed it to him. My mother looked

up from her breakfast again to track the movement.

My father opened the letter and read through it. His gaze darkened.

“What does it say?” the Luna asked.