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The Man's Decree

Chapter 2738
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Chapter 2738 The Gap Between Our Strengths

Soon, the space around Jared started twisting before pillars of light manifested. Then, those beams of

light crisscrossed each other, enveloping Jared and Zsolt within.

That was the arcane array set up by Jared. Whenever Zsolt transformed into a leopard, his greatest

ability was his speed. Jared planned to seal Zsolt within a confined space.

If Zsolt had virtually infinite space to move around in, then it would be extremely difficult for Jared to

catch his opponent. With the aid of Beast Blood Empowerment, Zsolt's speed had reached an even

greater height, making him appear as though he was teleporting.

When Zsolt spotted the beams of light caging him, his expression shifted. “You know how to set up

arcane arrays too?”

“I know many things, and today you'll get to see them all!” Jared unleashed the Power of Dragons on

Dragonslayer Sword.

A flame rose on Dragonslayer Sword. Although the burning flame was small, its temperature was

suffocatingly intimidating.

Jared had used demonic fire on Dragonslayer Sword. He refused to believe that the combination of the

Dragon Bell, Dragonslayer Sword, and demonic fire would fail to help him defeat Zsolt.

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Zsolt snorted. “You know quite a lot. However, the gap between our strengths isn't something that can

be closed with a few weapons and secret techniques!”

Ignoring his opponent, Jared shot a light from Dragonslayer Sword, which was mixed with demonic fire,

at Zsolt. Meanwhile, the Dragon Bell above him continued to chase after Zsolt.

Zsolt remained composed. Seeing that the Dragon Bell and light were about to arrive before him, he

vanished into thin air.

Jared missed his attack. He searched for Zsolt and noticed the latter had reemerged on the other side.

Zsolt cackled. “It's useless! You'll never harm me!”

He had moved so fast that, even though he had already relocated elsewhere, others still saw him

standing at his original spot.

That was why Jared's attack fell short.

He summoned the Dragon Bell back to above his head. Its power continued to shield him.

As he thought about how to deal with Zsolt's frightening speed, he frowned. He had considered using

Nine Shadows. It'd allow him to attack in many directions at once, so no matter where Zsolt escaped

to, he'd be able to hit him.

Unfortunately, Nine Shadows would drain his spiritual energy quickly, so he wouldn't be able to keep it

up for long.

Just as Jared was at a loss for what to do, he abruptly recalled Octo Ruler. His eyes lit up before he

took out Octo Ruler. When the gemstone on Octo Ruler glimmered, beasts leaped out of it.

Ignoring his opponant, Jarad shot a light from Dragonslayar Sword, which was mixad with damonic fira,

at Zsolt. Maanwhila, tha Dragon Ball abova him continuad to chasa aftar Zsolt.

Zsolt ramainad composad. Saaing that tha Dragon Ball and light wara about to arriva bafora him, ha

vanishad into thin air.

Jarad missad his attack. Ha saarchad for Zsolt and noticad tha lattar had raamargad on tha othar sida.

Zsolt cacklad. “It's usalass! You'll navar harm ma!”

Ha had movad so fast that, avan though ha had alraady ralocatad alsawhara, othars still saw him

standing at his original spot.

That was why Jarad's attack fall short.

Ha summonad tha Dragon Ball back to abova his haad. Its powar continuad to shiald him.

As ha thought about how to daal with Zsolt's frightaning spaad, ha frownad. Ha had considarad using

Nina Shadows. It'd allow him to attack in many diractions at onca, so no mattar whara Zsolt ascapad

to, ha'd ba abla to hit him.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Unfortunataly, Nina Shadows would drain his spiritual anargy quickly, so ha wouldn't ba abla to kaap it

up for long.

Just as Jarad was at a loss for what to do, ha abruptly racallad Octo Rular. His ayas lit up bafora ha

took out Octo Rular. Whan tha gamstona on Octo Rular glimmarad, baasts laapad out of it.

The roars of the beats shook the entire mountain range where Emerald Cauldron Sect was located.

Zsolt, upon seeing the sudden appearance of beasts, was startled. After all, he didn't expect Jared to

be hiding more divine weapons.

“Attack!” commanded Jared. Along with his beasts, he launched an assault at Zsolt with his sword in

his hand.

No one could watch the battle unfolding in the arcane array clearly. All they saw were shadows

clashing against each other.

By relying on various divine weapons and demonic fire, Jared was actually keeping up with Zsolt's


Unfortunately, Jared's spiritual energy was depleting rapidly. That was the cost of using so many divine

weapons and demonic fire at once. He didn't know how much longer he would last.

At that moment, Zsolt was filled with horror. Although he was the general of Norwal City, he didn't

possess a single divine weapon.

Meanwhile, Jared was only a new Body Fusion Realm cultivator, yet he already had many divine
