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The Million-Dollar Heart by Rebecca Ryan

Chapter 156
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Chapter 156

Arabella’s face fell.

Was she being dismissed as a dog?

With a cold gaze, she looked at Thomas. “And who are you to stop me?”

She tried to open the car door on Percival’s side and reach for his hand.

In the past, she would never dare act this way towards Percival, but now, as a member of the Brooks

family, she had the confidence to do so, believing that Percival would respect the Brooks family’s


Her courage had grown considerably.

However, as soon as her hand touched the car door, it swung open from inside, and she was kicked

away by Percival.

Arabella fell to the ground, feeling as if every bone in her body had been broken. With tears in her

eyes, she looked at Percival.

“Arabella!” Tristan, furious, rushed over to attack Percival. “You dare hurt her?! I’ll kill you!”

But before he could even touch Percival’s suit, the men who had beaten Paul earlier stepped in his

way, pinning him down.

“Percival! Fight me one-on-one if you dare!’ Tristan’s face was distorted with anger as he was pinned to

the ground, still yelling.

Percival didn’t so much as give him a glance. He casually adjusted the cuffs of his suit, speaking to

Thomas in a detached tone. “The car’s dirty. Get me a new one.”

Thomas nodded. “Yes.” He then took out his phone and called for another car.

Soon, a new car arrived.

Percival, holding Vivienne’s hand, got into the car. He glanced at Thomas. “If you can’t handle this, go

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to Fariana Isle!”

Thomas shuddered. “Yes.”

He immediately called for a tow truck to take away Arabella’s sports car, with Paul still in it.

“What are you doing?” Arabella, shocked, tried to stand up despite the pain. “This is my car!”

“There’s still someone in the car!” Paul also cried out in fear, struggling to jump out.

The tow truck driver paid them no mind and drove towards the scrapyard.

“Percival!” Arabella realized Percival’s intentions and immediately put on her usual pitiful act “You’ve

gone too far!”

Vivienne hadn’t seen Arabella’s victim act in a while and found it somewhat . She



Chapter 156

watched her for a while longer

Percival didn’t even bother to look at her

Thomas drove the car into the school, leaving Tristan, who was still yelling on the ground in a cloud of

exhaust fumes

In the school’s parking lot, Thomas reported the information re rad gathered to Percival.

“A month ago, Beatrice suddenly approached the Brooks family saying the Arcele is the daughter of the

Brooks family’s head, Scott Brooks. The Brooks family upon receiving the news, immediately sent

people to bring Arabella to Ruenwood

“Scott? I thought he never married. Where does this daugher come from? Percial frowned. “Scott had a

girlfriend whom he loved very much over a decade ago Tromes answered. “They were about to get

mamed when she suddenly left mm. Scott has been looking for her ever since, but to no avail. Later, he

found Arabella, who turned out to be mis daughter with

that woman.”

“Are we sure she’s his biological daugher? Percival leaned back in the leather seat, his fingers

drumming on the window.

“They did a paternity test Thomas said, “With Arabela’s abilites it’s unlikely that she could have

tampered with the results under the watchful eyes of the Brocks family in Riverwood.

Vivienne sat quietly on the side.

The Brooks family?


No wonder Arabella was so confident today. She had become the heiress to one of the Four Prominent

Families of Rivenwood, the Brooks family.

“Spread the word about all the things Arabella did in Ravenwood to the Brocks fami Percival ordered.

“Every noble familly there needs to know. We dont need to save dignity for the Brooks family.”

Thomas immediately carried out the order.

They had thought that after being humiliated by Percival at the school gate, Arabella would be too

ashamed to return to school.

Surprisingly, she was unbowed, bypassing the hospital and going straight to school after Tristan was

released by Percival’s men

By the time Vivienne and Percivall entered the faculty office, word of Arabella’s return bad spread

throughout the school

And Arabella had made a grand entrance, parading around as the heiress of the Brooks family, with

Tristan acting as her bodyguard

Vivienne had heard a bit about Tristan from Thomas. Supposedly, he was once a street kid, saved by

Scott’s missing gififfiend, and later adopted by the Brooks family.

Therefore, Tristan felt indebted to Arabella’s mother and pledged to protect Arabella forever when she

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was found. He followed Arabella like a guardian angel.

No matter what outrageous act Arabella committed, he not only turned a blind eye but even helped her


Vivienne initially didn’t care. As long as Arabella and Tristan didn’t mess with her, she couldn’t be

bothered to give them the time of day

But come afternoon break, Vivienne and Percival happened to pass by Arabella’s classroom, finding a

crowd gathered around, Corall was in the center, her eyes red and a handprint visible on her left cheek

Arabella was nestled in Tristan’s arms, crying as if her heart would break, weakly accusing Coral amid

her sobs. “Corall, I’ve let bygones be bygones; why are you still against me now that I’m back

And she seemingly appeared more pitiful than Coral, who’d been slapped.

Without thinking, Vivienne knew this was Arabella retaliating for Coral previously helping her.

She walked up to Coral and asked, “Who did this?”

Coral remained silent, her furious yet somewhat fearful gaze fixed on Tristan.

Vivienne looked up at Tristan.

The sight of Percival behind Vivienne reminded Tristan of the humiliation he’d just suffered and the

resentment he harbored for being held down.

He guessed that Percival’s pals must be lurking nearby, so he held back his anger, simply stating to

Vivienne with a frosty face, “She just knocked Arabella down. I was merely disciplining her

He didn’t believe he’d done anything wrong. “If you teachers can’t keep your students in line, then it’s

up to us relatives to protect our own.”

1 didn’t! Coral clutched her swollen cheek as tears welled in her eyes. “Arabella fell on her own and

blamed it on me!”

“You liar!” Tristan said coldly, “Arabella’s arm is injured! Besides, why would she frame you?”

Are you saying Arabella hasn’t framed people before?” Vivienne shot a meaningful look at Arabella,

who was nestled in Tristaris arms.