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The Million-Dollar Heart by Rebecca Ryan

Chatper 342
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Chapter 342

The Brooks family was left utterly speechless

They thought Vivienne was just rambling nonsensically

But now the paternity test confirmed it.

How could this be?

Everyone’s gaze was drawn to Scott

Scott’s face darkened like a stormy sky. He stepped forward to pick up the paternity test results, but

Mila beat him to it, ready to rip it to shreds

But suddenly, she was immobilized

As she was wondering why Vivienne spoke “You can easily forge a paternity test, but it costs money to

do a real one I spent money on this one, so if you want to rip it, you better pay me back”

Mila was about to retort, but Scott swiftly stepped in and snatched the test from her hands

The moment he confirmed that Calista was indeed his child his demeanor changed drastically He threw

the paper at Mila, furious “What the hell is going on?

He knew perfectly well that he had never been involved with Mila

Not had he been manipulated into a relationship with her without his knowledge

Yet Calista was his child?

It was incredibly shocking

He didn’t doubt the authenticity of the paternity test because it bore the official seal of the state

And the results were just a week old

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Judith couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She went over and took a look at the paternity test,

almost losing her balance in the process

Carl steadied her

Once Judith had regained her composure, she turned to Mila “Aren’t you going to tell the truth? Speak!

Why is Calista Scott’s daughter? What have you been hiding Mila knew she could no longer hide the

truth and let out a loud scream “Ahhh!!!”

After venting her frustration, Mila lifted her head and gave Scott a sinister smile “Yes! Calista is your

daughter! Surprised? Wondering how we have a child when

never involved?

Scot just stared at her coldly waiting for her to continue

William felt a heavy weight on his chest. He was finding it difficult to stand

Seeing this Kala quickly brought a chair for him to sit on

“Scoff! I loved you so much! I put my pride aside and did everything to please you. But all you saw was

Karen! You never even smiled at me because wanted her dead! But I found something even more

painful than death for her Carrying your child!”

Mila suddenly found herself able to move She walked towards Scott as her eyes filled with deep

emotion. “I tried many ways, but you were so infatuated couldn’t get close to you I wanted to drug you,

but your dear sister stopped me

Scott frowned “Paula?”

“Correct! Mila smirked proudly Paula told me that the Brooks men, to ensure the lineage of the family

save their prime sperm at a young age. She stole gave it to me for artificial insemination

“Luckily succeeded on the first try” Mila said “Initially, I wanted to use the child to force you to marry

me, but then I saw you with Karen) hatest vinu both suffer! So, took the child and quickly married

William I thought you would marry Karen soon, and I had planned to kill Karen at your wedding But t

three years to get married

Mila sneered at Vivienne

warted so long for an opportunity to kill her with a paternity test, but she fled before the wedding

The more Judith heard the angrier she became She pointed at Mila as her voice shook with rage “You

You wanted to manpulate Scott

“Its his own fau am excellent in every aspect How am I inferior to Karen? Why would he choose Karen

over me? Why is Karen abil in t cant accept it if i cant have him no one else can!”

Scott stared coldly at Mila Suddenly, he felt a cold gaze on hum He turned and met Vivienne’s icy eyes.

His heart skipped a bal Ve

He wanted to explain, but he lacked the courage

Although it wasnt his fault, he had been careless and allowed Paula to steal his sperm

Vivienne gave him a darterested glance and ignored tim

William clutched his chest as he struggled to breathe If you wanted to marry Scott so badly, why i

then, when Calista was only three you could have easily married him instead furiously

Despite his lack of affection for Mila, te doted Calista and taught her everything he knew

The Pendleton family may not has been the most prestigious of i

Calista, with her masters in medical research and the prestige

But the child he devoted all his efforts to was someone else

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How could he not be angry?

“That’s because i was too late. if 1 ha confessed everything, then tured, and my daughter would have

been branded as an degtimala

Mile cast a inving dance at Calista “1 might haste meaned up my f

dbeurt love me Even if I forced him into marrying me, he wouldn’t treat my girl right.

But you William, you’re different. You’ll pass on your medical expertise to Calista. She’s the jewel of the

Pendleton family. She’ll get the kind of affection in the Pendleton family that the Brooks can’t offer”

Mila had always understood that Scott’s heart belonged exclusively to Karen.

Other than Karen’s children, he didn’t acknowledge anyone else

Scott was a man who, when in love, was deeply passionate but could also be heartless. But his

heartlessness was only towards women who were not Karen.

Even after all these years, she had never managed to win a place in Scott’s heart

William let out a self–deprecating laugh Tve been a fool for all these years‘

He rose wearily to his feet and bowed slightly to Vivienne. I’m tired. I think I’ll head home and rest. I’ll

visit you another day”

Vivienne gave him a glance. “Hmm”

After a pause, she added, “It wasn’t your fault Your first love has been waiting for you all these years.

She bore you a son”

William was taken aback. “What? She didn’t get married?”

“Yes She discovered she was pregnant after leaving you. She braved all odds to have the child and

raised him. Vivienne stated slowly

“Where is she? Where is my son? William exclaimed as his voice filled with excitement

In that moment, the pain of the past twenty years faded it was replaced by the joy of learning that his

first love had been waiting for him and had bore him a child

“She’s Mr. James adopted daughter Your son’s name is Atticus, Mr. James grandson