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The Prince’s Unwilling mate by Mutya

Chatper 116
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116 Griffin

But before I could even reach the guard’s station I fell to the ground. I felt the pain. I never

expected to feel before. The pain I thought l would never feel. The pain of my mating

having sex with another wolf, The worst thing of it all was that I could feel it was forced.

Not just because I knew Ayla would never betray me like that. I felt it, apart from the pain

of her being with another wolf. I felt her fear, I felt being repulsed. Most of all I felt the

crippling guilt she must be feeling.

I want to reach out to her and comfort her. Hold her and tell her everything would be okay.

Tell her that I would never blame her for this and that we would deal with whatever the

consequences would be. At the same time, I wanted to kill David even more than I had

before. I wanted to go over to him and rip his throat out with my bare hands,

And to do all of that I need to know where they were. I needed to find her, he was getting

increasingly more annoyed and violent with her. For three weeks he had not hurt her

much, or not enough for it to come through via de matebond. Now in one day he had

choked and raped her. And I still wasn’t doing anything for her.

I changed my mind about how to handle the situation now though. So instead of going to

the guard’s station, I went to Dad’s office. Maybe if he knew what was happening to Ayla

he would change his mind on how to go about this. He was way too gentle and patient. I

needed him to be the King. He needed to control the entire county. He needs to rage war

on David and make him an enemy of the country. So we can be sure no wolf can help him

anymore. Isolating him from the majority of his pack didn’t seem to be enough. Meaning

the only thing we could do was isolate him more.

Dad had to have noticed something happening to me because before I

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116 Griffin

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could reach his office he was already walking up to me. Lips a thin tight line, eyes creased

with concern.

“Griff what happened, I saw you fall to the floor. Is it Ayla?” He asked me still walking

towards me.

It caused some of the other wolves walking around the hallways to look at us. I trust every

single one of them but some things you still should keep private. Ayla would have had

enough to deal with when she came back. If she came back because with every passing

day, I was more and more scared that she would never. We were closer to my office than

we were to my father’s office.

“Let’s talk inside,” I told him pointing towards the door.

He nodded as his face showed more worry. He knew me enough to know that if I wanted to

talk about this inside. That if I wanted to keep this private from the rest of the pack

members it was something serious. He must have understood it was most likely

something to do with Ayla too.

“He raped her dad, and I could feel it all” I didn’t wait for Dad or me to sit down. I needed

to get this burden off my chest and make him feel the urgency.

Make him feel we needed to act now, that what we had been doing so far was not enough.

“Griffin, I am so sorry are you okay? I’m sorry of course you are not but I don’t know what

else to say” He told me.

As much as I wanted to be mad at him, as much as I wanted to blame him for not doing

enough I knew that wouldn’t be fair. Seeing the genuine hurt and empathy in his eyes

comforted me. Another gentle reminder that I was not alone in this. On the worst days, I

felt like I was. Like I was all alone with no one who got me. But in moments like





116 Griffin

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this, I was reminded of the fact of how loved she was. How many of us wanted her back

home? And like always it would give me a little bit of hope.

“Don’t you see it Dad, we cannot stop this from being a war. We need to act now, make

David the country’s number one enemy” I shouted, I noticed my voice getting louder but

there was nothing I could do to stop it with how terrible I felt about it all.

“I get you want to son, but think about it for a moment” Dad warned me I wanted to

scream at him.

Tell him that had done nothing else but think about it ever since Ayla went missing. He

shot me I look and I know what he was thinking. And he was right about it I panicked

about it. I stressed about it and I thought about how much I missed Ayla. How badly I

wanted her back in my arms. Not about the consequences of my actions. I had almost

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done something rash and impulsive.

“But nothing we have done so far is working either, I don’t know what to do anymore” I

complain as I start pacing the room.

I realized Dad was right, raging an all-out war and declaring David the country’s enemy

would not only isolate him. It will make him desperate, and desperate people do crazy

things. He could just as well lash out and kill Ayla and himself.

“I am not going to tell you I have all the answers” Dad started and I appreciated his

honesty but I needed someone with all the answers


“Maybe we can come up with some halfway solution, I still think declaring a war is the

wrong thing to do. Not because I want to spare David but, because I hate him for what he

is doing to Ayla. I just fear we need to give him some hope so he has a reason to keep her

safe. You can however contact Alpha Jay, and ask him if we are allowed to

set up camp on his pack ground. You can bring the entire army, even though I would

suggest you leave enough behind to keep our pack safe. Then you can scout the

environment until you find her.” He goes on to explain.

I get his idea if I find him and I have most of the royal army to back me up, and the

BloodOak army he will stand no chance. Not even with the small pack he managed to still

keep. It feels like I am finally doing something that is enough and for a split second I am

excited to call Jay. Because I am sure he will be more than happy to let us set camp on his

pack ground. Hell, the pack had so many empty abandoned houses.

And knowing him he is going to offer us to sleep in the homes. One more week of waiting.

But a week where I can get the pack ready, train the army tell them all I know about

David. Until I realize it also means I have to tell Jay I think his oldest baby just got raped,

close to him without him being able to help her. And suddenly I fear the conversation.

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!