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The Princess and the Pauper (Arabella)

Chapter 395
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Chapter 395 Many people stuck in traffic suddenly heard the roaring of a sports car, then saw a white speedster zoom past them, charging down the road.

Loads of cars were stuck on the bridge, but this white speedster maneuvered through the narrow gaps with ease, hurtling forward at breakneck speed. Unbelievable! “How did she manage to get through such a tight space?” “Is she a professional race driver?” “Where on earth is she rushing to?” Finally, in the last five minutes, Arabella parked her car haphazardly by the side of the road and sprinted into the airport at top speed.

The place was packed to the rafters Many people were holding up glowing signs, each bearing the n“David“! Others were holding up photos and banners, clogging up the whole airport! Arabella found it hard to move. How popular could this star be? She did not usually keep up with the entertainment scene, so she did not know much about this top-tier star.

Suddenly, her phone rang and it was an unknown number.

“Ms. Bella, I've just landed, can you...” Before the sentence was finished, the entire airport went berserk.

“Ahhh! David! David! David!” Aflood of fans rushed towards Gate A. Arabella was jostled by the crowd, her slender figure swaying.

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She could not hear what the other person was saying, the noise was deafening, almost bursting her eardrums! “Hello? Can you hear me? Hello?” Arabella could hear the person on the other end of the phone shouting, but it was too noisy on her end to hear anything. “Oh my god, there he is! Let's go!” He's so handsome!” “I love you!” “I want to marry you!” The handsome, sunny star had just stepped out of Gate A, and a horde of fans rushed up crazily.

All the airport security personnel were dispatched, trying their best to maintain order, but this star was so popular that they could not hold back the crazy fans.

“Wow, David!! David!! | love you, David!” “He's so handsome!” } “Another day of swooning over his good looks!” “His body is perfect!” “Even a photo can't hide his handsomeness!” Arabella was at a loss for words, thinking, These people are nuts.

She hung up the phone decisively, texting the person, “Which gate are you waiting at?” “I'm at Gate A, behind that star!” Arabella’s gaze bypassed the star, and from a distance, she finally saw the person waving his hands behind the star.

The star was too tall, so the person had to keep jumping and waving his hands, trying to get Arabella’s attention.

Even though Arabella noticed, with the crowd surging and the deafening noise, she could not get to him.

The big star donned sunglasses and a baseball cap, his features were all covered up. He waved and nodded at his enthusiastic fans, looking very friendly.

Arabella wanted to squeeze through to get the pill, but the situation did not allow it. Twas ticking away.

The assistant was also anxiously trying to maneuver, jostling in the crowd, trying to get closer to Arabella.

Finally, they were less than two meters apart. The assistant took out a small bottle, stretching his arm to pass it to Arabella.

Just then, the star was about to leave, the fans went crazy chasing after his figure, and the crowd surged.

Arabella’s fingertips just touched the bottle, but before the assistant could let go, the crowd pushed in. Somehow, the assistant found the bottle cap in his hand, while the bottle was already in Arabella’s hand.

When Arabella finally got the bottle, she should have been delighted, but instead, her face grew pale as she realized it was empty.

The pill had somehow rolled out and fallen to the ground.

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Arabella’s eyes sharpened, and the assistant was scared. If they could not find that expensive medicine, Kelly would make her pay! Arabella saw the pill fall near a fan's foot. She bent down to pick it up, but saw the fan suddenly take a step forward; kicking the pill forward.

Arabella watched as the pill rolled under the star’s foot. and the next second, the star took a step forward.

The pill was crushed! The assistant’s face grew even paler as realization crept in that they were done for! That male star crushed that expensive pill! Worse still, the pill stuck to that male star’s shoe sole, and just like that, the pill left with the star.

Arabella was fuming. Those crazy fans were too much! Now, even if she wanted to chase after it, she could not catch up! That tranquilizer—made pill slipped away from her.

What a crappy day! When half of the fans had left, the assistant finally squeezed Arabella, full of guilt, and said, “I'm sorry, Ms. Bella, | don’t know what happened. The pill just fell out.” “Forget it.” Arabella knew there was no point chasing it now, even if they got it back, the medicine was dirty and couldn't be consumed. “Did you miss your connecting flight?” “I messed up both tasks Kelly gave me.” The burly assistant was nearly in tears, like a child who made a mistake.

Kelly wanted him to deliver the medicine and catch a connecting flight to do something else, now both tasks were delayed, and Kelly also lost money on the pill.

He could already imagine how horrible his fate would be.

Arabella looked at him sympathetically and said, “It's not your fault. I'll tell Kelly you have nothing to do with this.” “Thank you, Ms. Bella!” The assistant was moved so much. “If there’s anything you need in the future, just letknow.” “You can go.” As Arabella was leaving the airport, she called Kelly, who couldn't stop laughing on the other end, “Is this star really that popular? If the fans hadn’t been in the way, | bet you would've made your move.” Arabella was about to tell her the nof the star when she noticed that her car, which was parked by the side of the road, had been severely scratched, likely by the fans who were pursuing the star and making it look awful What a disaster! While it was still light out, Arabella drove the family car to a nearby garage. After all, it would not be right to just drive it has it was.

The garage owner said the car would not be ready until the next day. Arabella paid up, left her contact info, then hailed a cab back home.